Otherwise Foobar2000 is a good alternative and you can play with tweaking it just as you like. With Foobar2000 get the SRC Resampler, it works best or the default PPHS is good too.
If you are using WINAMP<3 try "ENAHANCER DSP THIS is a free softwear in winamp.com / dsp this is the best BUT the only problem i think is, it doesnt work in newer winamp3 etc versions
If you are using WINAMP<3 try "ENAHANCER DSP THIS is a free softwear in winamp.com / dsp this is the best BUT the only problem i think is, it doesnt work in newer winamp3 etc versions
The enhancer DSP is a good plugin to have if you have a low resolution system or even using PC speakers without a sound card. If you do have a sound card, then it would be better to concentrate on getting a solid player working at its best rather than rely on DSP plugins.
Similarly not using an equalizer is the best way to go if you wish to listen to what the recording artist intended for you to listen. Of course this is only possible with a well configured system in a proper environment. Ideals....