Speaker Bowl Anyone ???


New Member
Sep 23, 2007

I came across this unique and very very creative idea for a DIY speaker Build and thought to share it all the fellow DIYers !!

The Moment I looked at it I remembered Suri :ohyeah:,coz the man is known for unusual designs and such !!

Anyways this is made of a rice bowl,Yes you heard it right :lol: !! its made of a wooden rice bowl and looks stunning :cool: !!

Checkout the link for all the details in the link below !

All I can think of is,when in the god's name India ever will come remotely close in DIY !! Also its very important to see and appreciate the unique and out of the box idea's they have !!

Sample pictures,a teaser if must call it one..........:licklips:



Nice looking, again a good find
Can be used in a small office or bedroom where space is very limited

Thanks for liking it Rikhav :)!! You too Rahul for liking it ;) !!

Rikhav its not find, DIYA is my second home :lol: !! I hangout all the time so this thread was new there and I thought bout posting it here but didn't yesterday thinking will anyone like it ? then today I thought what the heck I will and see what happens :p !!

Anyways as I said its the creativity and workman ship that we need to learn,so this serves as a very very good example of that !

Btw you not logged in Yahoo Rikhav ?

Hai SG,

Reminds me of my School days , when earthen pots were used to improve bass response.

hi soundsgreat,

looks very attractive - any idea which driver that is - i cannot recognise it.

regds, suri

btw - if i manage to get the goldline for the mentioned price - you can definitely borrow it for your testing.

First of all Am sorry all you guys,I thought I had put the link of the whole thread,where the entire process is well documented but somehow I've missed it !!

Anyways here's the link Ikea-Spherical-Speakers

Reminds me of my School days , when earthen pots were used to improve bass response.

Yes Murali we all have been through that in our audio journey ;)!! I've experimented with various types mud/clay pots myself !! it sure reminds too me of that ;) !!

looks very attractive - any idea which driver that is - i cannot recognise it

Suri the drivers are Peerless M16GH (he has used a tweeter too) you can read the whole thing in that thread !!

He's has plans to use Champagne flutes and modify them to make a tweeter like B&W Nautilus :cool: !!

Still in the process of that,so watch out for that too guys ;)!!!

btw - if i manage to get the goldline for the mentioned price - you can definitely borrow it for your testing.

OMG you are impossible :yahoo:, Sure will do !! once you are done with the testing of yours let me know how it works,next time you are here I can collect it ;)!!

Eyeball model!

It will be popular among desktop users ...
if we use 2 micky mouse legs and yellow outer paint,
females will prefer these.
Dunno 'bout the acoustic impact, but was thinking a black colored Tennikoit ring would probably be a nice mounting option:

A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.