Suggestions for Audio

How much will the above mentioned amp cost?
And any idea where those can be found in Delhi?

I am not sure wether norge got a showroom in Delhi. U can check at their website norge audio. And they are very prompt in sending the amp through courier> I am in Bangalore and I got it through courier from Bombay. I made Rs 600/- more pay ment And belive me I just called Mr Bajaj and I got a check within 4 days. Very prompt service.

Still I advice you to listen to the system before you buy it. Show room Salesman will give full vol and try to seduce you :licklips:hold on no body listens in that vol in homes at the max you hit 9 O clock pos, so listen in very mild vol for some time if u r satisfied then u can increase the vol and see how it sounds in higher vol. Keep the vol knob in 12 o clock pos ask the sales man to switch off the source cd player go near the speaker and see that there should be dead silence only a live signal noice which is very little. If there is a humming never buy it. check both channels. Any audio cable worth Rs 200 to 300 or worth it. 0 oxygen rs 10000/- cables are only show offs. As I said earlier The difference will be very minute u can check on the web u know whats the truth. A good amplifier and a good set of speakers will only give you the original reproduction of sound. The sorce is most important I mean the cd player/dvd player and the CD OR DVD.If the cd/dvd is well recorded u will get the best sound. if the source is bad u connect any 1 lakh above system it will sound same.:indifferent14:

Also Never ever buy a used system every electronic item got a life and this aging will take its toll. Only technicians who know how to repair the components only will be able to maitain it.

Thanks for all the tips changappa. Shall surely do it.

I understand that given my budget, I shall have to follow a staged upgradation. Secondly given the contents that I am going to be watching, should I be more inclined towards 5.1 setup?

What I want to know is (and what will be difficult for anyone of you to answer) is what should I buy first? Amp or speakers? Seems to be a good idea to take my speakers to the showroom and try there and see if they work well.
What I want to know is (and what will be difficult for anyone of you to answer) is what should I buy first? Amp or speakers? Seems to be a good idea to take my speakers to the showroom and try there and see if they work well.

Hi, Its important to decide how you would like to build your setup. If you watch more movies, you need an AVR (that processes both audio and video signals), and if its only for music and audio (Just like your current setup - mine is similar), a decent stereo amp should just do.

I think it would work well for you if you buy a demo/used stereo amp and use your current speakers. You may upgrade your speakers later, when you want to spend more on them.
I hardly have what people would call a setup. I am posting a pic of my "setup" for better understanding.
As can be seen, I have a AC ryan that I have connected through HDMI to my plasma. Big TV DTH is connected using composite cable to TV to one of the AV inputs. DVD player is connected to another AV input to TV.
From TV out, I have connected red and white cables to my music system and I get the output from all the sources to these speakers.

This exactly how my existing "setup"is ;) ...

Basically, in my quest for better audio quality - from DTH, CD player and DVD player - I decided to buy a Stereo Amp. But then, along the way I disovered that with a decent AVR, I can enjoy the benefits of audio as well as video processing (features like upsclaing, upconversion, HD audio, Audio and Video decoding) combined with better cabling. Therefore, thought an AVR makes better sense.

As expected I have not done much since I posted last here.
What really surprises me is why are the rates of AVRs/ Amps and speakers so high?
I mean they are electronic equipment after all. What are the components in an amp that would make it cost over 10k? Same for the speakers. What would it be that would differentiate a wonderful set of speakers from an ordinary one?
Is it so only for the brands that we discuss here? Are there some brands which are considered too sub standard to be discussed here?
I am thinking of getting myself a HTIB and considering that I am new to all this I am inclined to try Onkyo 3100/ 3300 or logitech. Inputs please.
As expected I have not done much since I posted last here.
What really surprises me is why are the rates of AVRs/ Amps and speakers so high?
I mean they are electronic equipment after all. What are the components in an amp that would make it cost over 10k? Same for the speakers. What would it be that would differentiate a wonderful set of speakers from an ordinary one?
Is it so only for the brands that we discuss here? Are there some brands which are considered too sub standard to be discussed here?

maybe you will understand with an analogy... a maruti 800 is a car and so is a ferrari. what rights does a ferrari has to charge a 1000 times:lol:. similarly, why did you go for a big lcd/plasma tv, a 21" crt is not good enough, afterall a tv is a tv.

You can buy speakers for 5 crores (no, I am not kidding) and you will need an amp and other setup that will match the speakers in prices, just to be able to drive these.

first thing you do to get the most out of your existing system is to put those speakers slightly higher up, on some sort of a sturdy platform, and put some gap between them. search on the web for speaker placement.

Secondly, a movie has two parts, audio and video, you have spent close to a lakh on video and want to spend just 10k on audio (not critisizing you, we all have budgets, this seems to be a general tendency in a lot of people). to enjoy a movie nicely, you need to have a balance between both of them.

If you get a system for 10k, its not going to be a hell of a lot better than your current system. it might be a good idea to do this when you have a better budget. If you want to replace your current unit with the exact same one in new, 10k might not be enough for that also.
Thanks for the reply doors666.
And thanks for the analogy that I would give to a toddler. However, I was not comparing two brands which you substituted by alluding to Maruti and Ferrari.
I agree to an extent that everything that comes with a high price tag somehow or the other deserves it. However as I said, they are electronic equipment after all. I am no way related to electronics but it is hard for me to believe that wires cost 400 Rs a meter. So in that sense my comment was in general about hi fi equipment and not necessarily directed at audio only.
I went for a Plasma because at present I live in a relatively biggish living room and they do not make very large CRTs (or I am not aware if they do).
Also for me the TV was a wholesome investment in terms of audio and video. It is only after you come to know more and more about hi fi stuff from places like these and learned people like yourself that you develop a craving for more. Hence my curiosity.
While you chose to answer the part that you wanted to, you missed a chance to educate a novice in hi fi field.
Thanks for the tips on speaker placement. Any suggestions for HTIB?
Another problem for me is that I might not stay at my present location for too long so the dimensions etc may change in future.
Thanks for the reply doors666.
And thanks for the analogy that I would give to a toddler. However, I was not comparing two brands which you substituted by alluding to Maruti and Ferrari.
I agree to an extent that everything that comes with a high price tag somehow or the other deserves it. However as I said, they are electronic equipment after all. I am no way related to electronics but it is hard for me to believe that wires cost 400 Rs a meter. So in that sense my comment was in general about hi fi equipment and not necessarily directed at audio only.
I went for a Plasma because at present I live in a relatively biggish living room and they do not make very large CRTs (or I am not aware if they do).
Also for me the TV was a wholesome investment in terms of audio and video. It is only after you come to know more and more about hi fi stuff from places like these and learned people like yourself that you develop a craving for more. Hence my curiosity.
While you chose to answer the part that you wanted to, you missed a chance to educate a novice in hi fi field.
Thanks for the tips on speaker placement. Any suggestions for HTIB?

wasnt comparing brands, point is both are just cars, one costs 2L, another 2 crore. Its easy for you to comprehend why one costs so much more. same case with audio and video. high end electronics components, chips, speaker drivers etc could get very expensive and they do make a huge difference in sound quality.

My suggestion to you is to first try to get the max out of your current system. If you do manage to get a htib in 10k, it will not be of any decent quality, it might be a better idea to wait a little and buy something better later once you have a better budget. If you want it now, it might be a good idea to look for either demo or used equipment as you might get better value for your money.

You should find out some dealers in your city (search the forums for this) that deal in good audio equipment. Go there and listen to some different systems. Take your own CDs as you know that music better. There is no better way to educate yourself, and enjoy the process and some good music:)
Hi gadgetcrazy,

Did you buy the Philips HTiB? Would like to hear your experience with it.

I am looking for a "music system" to replace my old Philips but this seems to be the age of HT/HTiB. I am extremely confused on what to buy. While my budget is <20K and it can be stretched quite a bit, I wouldn't want to spend unnecessarily on something that I don't really need.

My usage is mainly audio. A little bit of movies too but no gaming. The audio of the Samsung LCD is terrible, so I'd like to connect the audio-out to the new "system" too. Any help would be hugely appreciated.

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