Suggestions needed on (adding a) volume pot

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Deleted member 15865

Hi guys,

I want to connect my CD Player (Yamaha CDP-630e) directly to the power amp section of my Audiolab 8200A integrated amp. That is, I want to bypass the pre of the amplifier. Because when I did this same with my CXN streamer’a output (the CXN has a volume control that can be activated through settings), the sound’s refinement/clarity went up significantly. And I want the same improvement with my CD player’s output. I don’t want to route the digital out from the CDP through the streamer’s DAC and volume control. I tried that, but then I lose the musicality (tonality & microtones) of the TD 1541A DAC which was the very reason I bought the vintage Yamaha CDP.

So, can you suggest some kind of a volume pot, not too costly, that I can take the analogies signal from the CD player through into the power amp? Something that doesn’t affect the signal/sound adversely and just acts as a volume control.

A consideration would be the input impedance of your amp. If that is too low, using a passive volume pot may not work.

On the solution itself, emotiva makes something called a monitor controller. Nothing but a volume pot with RCA wires at both ends. They have both XLR and RCA versions. If you are comfortable with basic soldering, you can make the same thing with a good volume pot. Can recommend the Allo volume control.
A consideration would be the input impedance of your amp. If that is too low, using a passive volume pot may not work.

On the solution itself, emotiva makes something called a monitor controller. Nothing but a volume pot with RCA wires at both ends. They have both XLR and RCA versions. If you are comfortable with basic soldering, you can make the same thing with a good volume pot. Can recommend the Allo volume control.

Thanks Jai (@jai1611). I am not sure about the input impedance of the power amp. But I am attaching the specs sheet. It might be 47 kOhm as shown in the fifth line? Kindly confirm. Will it work with a volume pot?


Also, can you give any links to where one could source the Emotiva monitor controller and Allo volume control? Or the model names? Thanks.

Prem (@prem), thanks. Is it a generic? Any specific affordable implementations (DIY/brands) of autoformer volume control you could suggest?

By the way, this read I found to be well written to understand why autoformers are better for volume control.

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I would suggest the Dave Slagle one. If possible just get the volume pot and have it put in a box and soldered here. He also has a finished one. But that is a bit expensive. Look up intactaudio

And you may also get shock of your life :) realizing how much of delicacy and details you have been missing. has something based on Dave Slagle's transformer.

This too is based on Dave SLagle's transformer.

To get a feel of passives, you may look at this if you do not want to spend in higher range.
I have used SYS, and I still have it. It is not neutral (warmer side of neutral) and not quiet at >75% volumes. I'd suggest to buy the tube preamp Saga + or Tubeless Saga instead of SYS. You'd get the advantages of remote control too.

@SachinChavan you're looking for simple attenuator or volume pot, trying something cheaper like the one suggested by @bornfi , before buying is a better option. Invest in a proper preamp if the price is higher.
I have used SYS, and I still have it. It is not neutral (warmer side of neutral) and not quiet at >75% volumes. I'd suggest to buy the tube preamp Saga + or Tubeless Saga instead of SYS. You'd get the advantages of remote control too.

@SachinChavan you're looking for simple attenuator or volume pot, trying something cheaper like the one suggested by @bornfi , before buying is a better option. Invest in a proper preamp if the price is higher.

Thanks all. I have another proper preamp, but it colors too (as well as impacts clarity). But I am quite liking the sound from my streamer directly through the power amp over any kind of (SS or tube) preamp. Let me study the various options suggested by all of you and select one to try out.
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