The Endless River


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
'The Endless River' album of Pink Floyd released. Pretty drab when you listen first up, but slowly and surely grows on you with multiple listens.
It is a step away from the traditional thematic floyadian album where each number serves as an intro to the next.
It is more based on the post Waters style taken by Gilmour and the rest. Only the last number has vocals in it, rest are all spacious encores with lots of influence from the late Richard Wright's keyboards.
No wonder the band members have hinted this album is more a tribute to Richard Wright.
So most of these numbers, some of which are very short in duration have been compiled from jam sessions predominantly from the 'Division Bell' days.
Since this was more or less the last album to be released as a band, influences have also been drawn with subtle touches from the history of Pink Floyd starting from the last album with Syd Barrett (Pipers at the gate of dawn); the birth of the new and the most creative period of floyd with the albums like Saucerful of Secrets, Atom Heart Mother, Meddle, Animals, Wish you were here; the peak and more commercial period with 'Dark Side of the Moon' and The Wall, and ofcourse majorly from the the post Waters era.

This album will most likely be a super-hit or a super-miss for hard rock floyidian fans and mostly a miss for casual listeners.
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Heard it's mostly outtakes from The Division no high hopes there...but its Floyd so religion demands the listening ritual...
pass.... last roll of the dice will no doubt sell & be huge hit in sales.

Bye bye PF. Thanks for the years of entertainment


There are those who will take offense with the association of 'entertainment' with Pink Floyd! ;)
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