The Magnificient Girl : have u seen her ???

In followup to the thread, do ladies like hi-fi; I am on lookout for a girl who says the following things :-

1) Ooo.. your speakers are so small floor-standers; cant we buy bigger ones..

2) That amplifier of yours lacks the watts.. i wish it had much much higher RMS.

3) That tv of ours should have bigger screen... 46"inch is too small.

4) Shouldnt we increase our expenditure on the system and upgrade it.. we are spending too little on it.:thumbsup:

5) Can you pls play at higher volumes.. that sound is too low.:eek:

6) Instead of going out tonight, lets just sit inside and listen to our system

7) That CD and DVD collection is so incomplete... lets buy some DVDs for christmas.

8) When are we going to buy a blu ray player ... and that turntable which we always wanted. Lets start a vinyl collection.:rolleyes:

9) In our new flat, I want a dedicated HT room with a 1080p projector.

10) Why dont we go and shop for a second hi-fi for our house?

I want to know how many of you had girlfriend or wife , who has said any of the above ..
Happy listiening.

Is this afeem? Ganja? CocxxXne??Certainly a scotch does not give such high!So much hallucination?:ohyeah::ohyeah:
My wife's response would be an emphatic NO to all of the above points. However, that has never stopped me from "wasting money".
The good thing is that my 11 yr old son, having been exposed to my corrupting influence on a consistent basis, has become a hardcore Knopfler/Floyd/Purple/S&G/Tull etc fan. He swears by the guitar riffs in Private Investigations, Wasted Sunsets, Parisienne Walkways and the like and needs his daily dose, just like me. This means that my wife is always outvoted 2 to 1 in matters that matter !!!!:yahoo:

Praise the Lord. Amen.

like your son my son 8 yrs old loves bass , most of the time hes my partner when i watch movies on weekends , he loves to put his head close to the sub , if he doesnt get shaken up by the bass he says the movies is not good, he loves it when the sub really hits out
wonder what kind of set up they will be on when they grow up:p
My wife exclamed on seeing Lyrita SEt 2A3

"Did you get this from a tent house"

Kindest regards
In followup to the thread, do ladies like hi-fi; I am on lookout for a girl who says the following things :-

1) Ooo.. your speakers are so small floor-standers; cant we buy bigger ones..

2) That amplifier of yours lacks the watts.. i wish it had much much higher RMS.

3) That tv of ours should have bigger screen... 46"inch is too small.

4) Shouldnt we increase our expenditure on the system and upgrade it.. we are spending too little on it.:thumbsup:

5) Can you pls play at higher volumes.. that sound is too low.:eek:

6) Instead of going out tonight, lets just sit inside and listen to our system

7) That CD and DVD collection is so incomplete... lets buy some DVDs for christmas.

8) When are we going to buy a blu ray player ... and that turntable which we always wanted. Lets start a vinyl collection.:rolleyes:

9) In our new flat, I want a dedicated HT room with a 1080p projector.

10) Why dont we go and shop for a second hi-fi for our house?

I want to know how many of you had girlfriend or wife , who has said any of the above ..
Happy listiening.

Dayam boy! I want some of whatever it is you're smoking!!! :lol:
You can't be allowed to have such a high by yourself damn it! Not Fair! :annoyed: :clapping:

Hey, you all want to get remarried, huh! If I had your numbers, I would call and ask your wives to look into this discussion!:yahoo::licklips:

Hey Guys ... Watch Out ... We have a black sheep in our community!!!

SuperMod please ban him for a while & Chennai pals please take care of him specially :lol: :ohyeah:
Well, I believe I have a very accommodating wife! Just not so accommodating that she would voluntarily want for me to upgrade components. She might look upon it favourably if I suggest upgrades and explain to her the whys and the wherefores:). But thats a maybe. It is still better than a strong 'No' though.

My latest acquisition, the tube amplifier from Viren, is actually a marriage anniversary gift from her! So, life is not too bad, I guess.
Super Mod
For all unmarried folks( and who are considering second marriage etc)
why not start HiFi matrimony ?????

Well, I believe I have a very accommodating wife! Just not so accommodating that she would voluntarily want for me to upgrade components. She might look upon it favourably if I suggest upgrades and explain to her the whys and the wherefores:). But thats a maybe. It is still better than a strong 'No' though.

My latest acquisition, the tube amplifier from Viren, is actually a marriage anniversary gift from her! So, life is not too bad, I guess.

you are really lucky:clapping:
Super Mod
For all unmarried folks( and who are considering second marriage etc)
why not start HiFi matrimony ?????


Here are some audiophile qualities that would make a would be bride a hit on the HiFiMatrimonial site: :licklips:

*Does not sound shrill in the high frequencies
*Laidback sound signature
*Silent in the background and very transparent (like shes not there or does not exist when hubby dont need her)
*Well rounded definition with good body and tone and very revealing
*Should not have an extended break-in period

Here are some audiophile qualities that would make a would be bride a hit on the HiFiMatrimonial site: :licklips:

*Does not sound shrill in the high frequencies
*Laidback sound signature
*Silent in the background and very transparent (like shes not there or does not exist when hubby dont need her)
*Well rounded definition with good body and tone and very revealing
*Should not have an extended break-in period


:ohyeah: LOL amazing relativity
Guys.. judging from your responses...
i think gals should read these posts..

Consider a girl saying; lets start a SACD collection or asking for more RMSes or a valve amp; i think guys would think it is a turn on.:thumbsup:

So gals the way to hifi enthusiasts heart is thru his ears( music); maybe their are other ways too .. to enter err, his heart i mean ..but that is the shortcut.
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