Trip to bangkok


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Grabbed some tickets to bangkok to n fro .... i am wondering wahtz next .some rough ideas i have along woth Qs..

> First AV market in Bangkok ? where ..may grab CDp on return if all ipod touch

>i need to carry currency in Baht ,travelers cheques,credit cards work there !!

>Visa on arrival is free till april 2011 ,but where to get one
Is it better to get the visa in india
>hotels are cheap in thailand ..any fav places you regular guys know?

Just planning to see 2 -3 places ...not to explore all exotic charms of that country ...5days 4 nights:yahoo:
>Visa on arrival is free till april 2011 ,but where to get one Is it better to get the visa in india

Visa on arrival means that you will get the Visa ONLY when you arrive in Bangkok. You cannot get the Visa in India. When you land at the airport, just go to the immigration counter and they will stamp the Visa on your passport. The length will usually be 15 days.

If you have an International Credit it will work anywhere in the world. Just ensure your card does not say 'For Use in India only'. Some banks also provide International debit card. You can use an ATM there to withdraw local currency. Don't carry too much cash. Also keep your passport safe. You could get robbed, particularly if you visit the 'exotic' places.

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thanks venkatcr ..i know about passport issue, i will carry few decoy passports.
Ne1 on Audio video shopping ? is Bkk good place for that
I actually have no idea. Let us wait for someone with knowledge of Bangkok to make a posting.


Seriously, you are going to Bang-Cock for audio-visual stuff? Trust me, once you get there, your attention will get riveted elsewhere. It is not for nothing that Bang-Cock is the capital of Thigh-Land. The night life is amazing. The food is equally good.
WARNING: When you get any curb-side offers just make sure of the sex of the person (very, very difficult), because some of the transvestites there look better than real women.
Visa on arrival means that you will get the Visa ONLY when you arrive in Bangkok. You cannot get the Visa in India....

Not quite true. You can get a visa here as well and in fact it is advisable to. The queue for visa on arrival there is atrocious and unless you want to waste two to three hours of you vacation, it is best to get the hassle out of way here.
All the 'known' world famous brands have outlets in Bangkok.

Suggest list the ones whose stores / dealers you would like to take a look. Take their addresses from the respective websites and visit them when you land in Bangkok.

You may stay in the numerous hotels in and around Sukumvit or Pat Pong. All available within US $50. Just walk in and make your choice ... both the room as well as ... you know what ... :p :licklips:
All the 'known' world famous brands have outlets in Bangkok.

The big brands I think are expensive there. They also attract hefty duties. You can get locally manufactured/china gear for insanely cheap prices, as long as your not a purist and dont expect a lifetime service its a good solution.

Displays are a lot cheaper there, for audio I think it would be similarly priced with india.

You may stay in the numerous hotels in and around Sukumvit or Pat Pong. All available within US $50. Just walk in and make your choice ... both the room as well as ... you know what ... :p :licklips:

Area's best avoided unless your going as a sex tourist.
Old thread, but may be useful to someone...

Places\Things to visit\experience:
Floating Market
Emerald Buddha Temple
Tiger Temple - You can see domestic tigers being handled by monks. I have not been there, but am told it is amazing by a fellow member and also have seen it on Discovery Channel. Not sure how far it is from Bangkok.
Ride in a tuk-tuk (similar to auto, but a race car not the irritating sound of our indian autos)
Others: please add

Food: Amazing sea food and Fried rice. If you like Lychee fruit, eat as much Lychee as you can (cheaper, fresher and tastier than in India). They pronounce it Lynchee.

Things to be careful about:
1) Don't book a room online by just looking at a website. Don't go by star ratings. What you see(on the website) is not what you get. If you must, book for one day. If you like it continue, if not spend 2 to 3 hours and get a good hotel. Learnt this the hard way.
2) Check for authenticity before buying. Bargain on everything. You can easily be taken on a ride.

Unfortunately, I am not experienced on the bits that shredder and others are talking. I visited Thailand with family while returning from Melbourne. Yes family...with dad, wifey et all ....silly me!!

Also, not sure about the AV market.
BIg C mall...the electronic mkt...opp. Platinum mall and beside Pratunam mall

njoi although very late but for future use :)

may be next time .. this time dint get very good Av options as we were in hurrry ..nice country and islands , people ... audio stuff is scattered i guess .. i will research and go next time
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