udac vs udac2


Apr 9, 2010
Is it a good decision to purchase the nuforce udac when the udac2 has been released?Are the improvements in the 2nd gen udac of any use to me in my current setup(laptop-A5+AS8)?I'm not a great fan of headphone use at home.
shrjun,firstly this thread does not belong here,it will only create more confusion for people who dont know much about dacs ;).i can literally see a qn on what kind of "amp" this is :p!!!!

as for supposed improvements,support of 24/96 files,better headphone amp,some correction of the "forward" sound signature.that said,the first iteration is in itself a very good,vfm product IMHO.for someone on the lookout for a dac and does not have a need for these "improvements",the outgoing udac at the price being offered by buygamingstuff is a no-brainer :).

i,for one,use only usb for both my KECES and the uDAC,with the laptop.cheers
Why considner ? unless you post a side by side comparision what say :rolleyes:

Well ,
Why Not againt the udac or the udac2 .:) ,BTW We are dealers from nuforce too that vijay imports and he is my dealer for nationite products in mumbai :)

shrjun,firstly this thread does not belong here,it will only create more confusion for people who dont know much about dacs ;).i can literally see a qn on what kind of "amp" this is :p!!!!

as for supposed improvements,support of 24/96 files,better headphone amp,some correction of the "forward" sound signature.that said,the first iteration is in itself a very good,vfm product IMHO.for someone on the lookout for a dac and does not have a need for these "improvements",the outgoing udac at the price being offered by buygamingstuff is a no-brainer :).

i,for one,use only usb for both my KECES and the uDAC,with the laptop.cheers

Well ,
i agree with the confusion part ,Shed Some More Light on this BTW ,My Argument was not due to the fact i sell e7 i am interested to know whats great in these dacs .Specs one side and audio actual listening another side right or wrong .
Well,could someone give me an opinion on what would be the better replacement of my notebook's onboard soundcard for use with powered speakers?Are there other options in this price range?:confused:

Well ,
My initial thing to jump to this thread was this

1 : Why is the nuforce products being given consideration so much when Fiio E7 has excellent review in head-fi ?

2 : I might be missing some vitals so i like to take my word back if i am wrong ,

3 : i had 15 of these dacs at chandigarh that i returned back to vijay ,I was not impressed [ Sound SQ does mean something right ,If they had any i would have sold them period ]
Could you explain how you tested the sound of the uDac before you found them unimpressive?

uDAC is a VFM product. No more no less. At the current price point of Rs. 4,200/-, you are getting a good deal + a special upgrade cost should you choose to upgrade to uDAC2 (will be available with Vijay around December).

There are plenty of DACs worth considering - but not in this price range for your requirement.

HRT Music Streamer II+ is one interesting product. Compact, light weight, supports Async USB, but....at a price well outside your range.

I've not tried FiiO E7, so won't comment on it. It has no RCA outs. That's not really a handicap with A5. But, I've not come across anybody who has used them with speakers, so I don't know how good they will be.
i,for one,use only usb for both my KECES and the uDAC,with the laptop.cheers

Hi Rallynut, how does the udac compare with Keces through USB, is the diff very perceptible considering the cost diff? want to replace my creative xfi with a budget usb dac.
Could you explain how you tested the sound of the uDac before you found them unimpressive?
Amarbir, Even I am interested to know why you found udac to be unimpressive. Which other dacs were you benchmarking it with?
^ I have both uDAC and Maverick. Frankly, I value Maverick as a very good Headphone amp that can drive even the hard to drive headphones well. But, as a DAC, I have my reservations.

It may be better than the onboard audio for sure. It's the opamp rolling and tube rolling that keeps me interested in it.
yes Kittu, as said esanthosh said the maverick d1 is a very good head amp. neutral and powerful. But I couldnt say the same about the DAC part.

At this price bracket, one should look at tda1541 based kit from analog metric. Agreed the sound signature is of a different type, but it is quite good.
TEAC D500 and Marantz seems to be using the TDA1541A .. Will need to see what Arcam and Emotiva DACs are using.... Price of Maverik DAC really looks atractive to me...

is there any Wireless DAC available :rolleyes:
Amarbir, Even I am interested to know why you found udac to be unimpressive. Which other dacs were you benchmarking it with?

Yes a consideration with other dac's would be more better to come to a conclusion.
I have no much information (my question and answer from Amarbir - http://www.hifivision.com/sale-dealer/10889-audio-product-deals-lynx-india-4.html) on the battery life on FiiO products. No much (do i say "any") information on the battery part at other places too!
That makes me to side on Udac or may be Udac2 (. Hence iam putting on hold to buy this FiiO now (My priority is not portability).
Me too not much a fan of headphones, but would like to know how these dacs perform with powered speakers.
Lonnie tech head at Emotica clams the XDA-1 sounds better than the benchmark dac-1, that's quite a claim if you ask me ...... Lets wait n watch or should i say wait n hear.
Could you explain how you tested the sound of the uDac before you found them unimpressive?

Sir ,
for Testing i am Using a Laptop And Connected The fiio To It and Listened To Flac Music On Different Earphones i Have I Have a collection of 25 To 50 Odd And I Was Not Impressed .Honestly i could have kept the same but i returned all 15 of them back to vijay ,Its very simple to say "XYZ" Features but its always better to audition right .
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