[Urgent] Which camera should I buy under $200?


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2012
Hi Folks,
A non HIFI suggestion required this time :) but its an urgent needs and so need to reach out to you guys. My friend will be carrying it for me from US.

I already have a Canon DSLR. I need a second camera that could be easily carried at all time to take family snaps on the run.

Budget: <$200
Features: Good image quality is most imp criteria. No bells and whistles will do. I dont want the difference between the my DSLR to this cam to be from great to crappy. :)

Please suggest.

Open to all brands.

(Would have loved an Canon G12/G15 or the S110 but alas it is out of budget)

Let me know what you think of the Canon 110 HS/ and other lineup in HS series.
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you already have a canon
so it makes sense to get one from that stable itself

otherwise if you can snag a panasonic lumix ZS5 nothing like it
You should be able to get the canon sx260HS around 200$. It is a great camera i have used it and from my personal experience i would always suggest it......

The Panasonic seems to be in $370 range. Actually I need something that I can easily carry and not worry much about. The more budget the better. It would be a "light" buy kind of :)

BTW: How is the ZS20 @ $244

@ Hemchandra

The Canon sx260HS is around $215.
It is also recommended by Cnet

Also there is 520HS @ $135 - how is this?
Also an 300HS is available
If anyone can spot a super deal do let me know as it is spring season :)

Read some good reviews of the canon sx260. Seems fine.

Any other recommendation folks..?
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Thanks Staxxx I am aware of that site.
In fact I am browsing that only right now :D
It is a nice sit but there is problem of plenty :p so just thought to get inputs from you folks directly :)

Just checking their top 5 recommendations page here

The cheapest one on this list is Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS20 / TZ30 - $249
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