What Audiophiles Listen For: An Informal Guide


Active Member
Aug 16, 2010
Gurgaon, Delhi-NCR, India
Well, quite a long time back I found these and I follow this terminology to describe an audio system unit. Thought sharing with everyone.

Resolution and Transparency
These closely related qualities serve as the keystone to top-flight sound. On hearing an orchestral recording in this reporters listening room, a newcomer to high-end audio actually declared, I can almost hear them breathing! Were it not for the systems resolution and transparency, hed not have been quite so astonished. Hi-rez components put the listener in touch with the music and its performers. The hardware would seem to have disappeared.

Given a good, well produced recording, the rather uncanny sense of reality a high-end audio system creates is, of course, an illusion. A professional illusionist will never reveal his secrets. To the contrary, the designer-manufacturer of superior audio gear is eager to explain what he does to create great sound. He will tell you, for example, that resolution and transparency are functions of an audio systems low noise floor and low distortion. Indeed, were low noise and low distortion commonplace qualities, high-end audio would have no reason to exist. Even the crudest automotive audio system can produce ear-splitting sounds. Thats what theyre best at. At the other end of the spectrum, high-end audio recreates those subtleties and cues that tell us were there, where the musics taking place.
In random order theyre all important aspects of good sound these are among the qualities the audiophile listens for.

Frequency balance and distribution
The listeners sense of the musical presentations coherence from topmost treble to deepest bass is an aspect of linearity and phase. Ones perception of a soundstages width, depth and height, are, again, aspects of phase at various frequencies. Many tube-amp designs produce a wide soundstage at depths expense. Conversely, many solid-state designs produce a deep soundstage, albeit oddly proportioned. Soundstage irregularities frequently relate to an audio systems non-linear characteristics. An accurate system produces a soundstage peculiar to a given recording, no more, no less.

This term describes the listeners perception of localization within the soundstage. Layering is more readily detected in recordings of musicians performing simultaneously in a common space often referred to as the venue or site as compared, for example, with studio-type recordings in which tracks are laid down, i.e., where performers play or sing in isolation one from the other or, indeed, at different times. When this style of recording is less than well done, a revealing audio system permits you to remark the vocalists occupation of a space seemingly unrelated to where the backup players perform. To be fair, a well produced studio recording is certainly capable of creating an impression of distance and dimension by time-tested, albeit artificial, means.

Does the listener have the sense of the vocalists presence in the room, or is it more a matter of business as usual emitting from your speakers? The perception of texture, like all else we mention here, is a function of resolution and transparency. An audio system in full command of texture conveys every shade and nuance of a vocalists presentation, or that of a piano, or of anything else you enjoy listening to. Note: However good the audio system, it cannot produce silk purses on a diet of sows ears. That old computer refrain, garbage in, garbage out, applies. The audiophile music lover values his or her collection of well engineered recordings, whatever the medium. Often as a pleasant surprise, a good high-end audio system extracts every drop of juice from a recording the listener may have judged merely mediocre when played on lesser gear. In short, for better or worse, a top-quality audio system reveals everything the software has to say for itself.

Color is an aspect of texture (timbre is the musicians term). Color addresses a good audio systems ability to convey sonic complexities as clearly drawn shades of difference. All else being equal, components that provide exceptionally even frequency and power responses will reproduce all the color (texture, timbre) a good recording has to offer.

Confusion and controversy arises when we speak of a sound systems colorations. Designers of audio components with a pronounced sonic signature, i.e., coloration, are at pains to apply a euphonious veneer to whatevers being played. Certain cult amplifiers with high levels of even-order harmonic distortion have been specifically designed to impose their sonic signature. Enthusiasts for this kind of inaccuracy will speak approvingly of exceptional midrange liquidity, etc. Conversely, a good, clean, uncolored audio system conveys an accurate picture of a recordings sonic character. Systems with pronounced colorations will tend to homogenize these otherwise obvious differences.

The term is synonymous with harmonic complexity. With less than excellent playback equipment, the listener finds it difficult to distinguish between a well-recorded Amati, Strad, or pawn-shop fiddle. A great violin produces a harmonically dense, peculiarly complex sound. For the audiophile, the pleasure resides in its palpable presence in the listening room. Components with exceptionally low distortion convey these differences.

The term refers to an audio systems low end. Clean, well defined bass is among high-end audios visceral pleasures. Undistorted weight stands worlds apart from wildly flapping woofer cones and their hugely distorted, ill-defined assaults on the ear.

Dynamics and micro-dynamics
Dynamics is another often misunderstood term. The Listener sometimes applies it to an audio systems ability to rattle the listeners molars. Its true that theres little in music as gratifying as a huge forte in all its glory. We all admire the audio system that coveys tuttis without compressing the sound, i.e., squeezing its dynamic range. However, dynamics more correctly describes a systems ability to reproduce sounds from audibilitys threshold to thunderous roars. Micro dynamics addresses subtle dynamic gradations at any level of volume. Triple fortes are wonderful, but so is an audio systems projection of differences.

Among other qualities, the term addresses accurate transients, i.e., brisk, clearly delineated attacks, as well as long decays. A crisp attack is of course a delight, and decays provide their own satisfactions. A first-rate system permits the listener to enjoy a sound that of a pipe organ, say, recorded in a large cathedral as it fades into its venues deepest recesses. Speed is often used to describe an audio systems superior abilities at conveying attacks. The same systems low distortion and transparency are likewise responsible for the listeners perception of a lengthy decays barely audible tail.

The soundstage is sometimes referred to as the stereo image. Theyre one and the same.

The audiophile will often speak glowingly of a perception of air, which is to say, a sense of the musics occupation of a nicely defined, unfettered space. However, as an aspect of coloration, excessive air often has to do with exaggerated highs and surprisingly distortion. An accurate audio system portrays ambiance as a property of the recording rather than of itself, dealing forthrightly with what the software sends its way.
Also missed the following:

Soundstage is the ability to visualize the placement of musical instruments and vocalists in a music recording. A good soundstage also allows the listener to perceive the size and space of the performance venue in which the recording was made.
Hello Subho !
Where did you get this from ?
Describes an audiophile very very well.

However, is this all very easy to understand ?
How may a budding audiophile 'experience' all this ?
Subodh is describing technical terminology of good audio unit not an audiophile.
Audiophile cant be described in difficult technical jargons and ability of understand complicated hardware. one should be able to feel lost deep in pure sonic bliss. all technical terms and feeling of music hardware should disappear when you truly start enjoying music.
I do agree with everyone. And also with sanjgupt , that the hardware should disappear while listening to music. Because is the aim is the music not the hardware complications. This is just an effort to get the jargons (that we ever find on the hardware reviews) in a simplified manner. So in that ways it might help. But is this the only parameter to judge?? Absolutely NO.

However coming back to SHANTI s question, is this all very easy to understand ? I think do we really need to understand this Simply I can close my eyes and look for the X-factor we are ever searching for. And now if you can find the factors there you are getting more data point to make your judgment. Hope that helps!!

Thanks for coming here. Cheers everyone and happy listening!!
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