What Hi-Fi Show report


Great catch on the Triangles and the Focal Sopras No 2. I had no idea they were even there although I spent about 5 minutes listening to a guy audition these speakers. The Focal guys really brought out the works in terms of speakers it looks like - partnering electronics were not in the same league I would think.

Looks like Sarin's good lucks had the ladies smiling for the camera. They were pretty tired and pissed off by the time I got to listen to the big boys. Full marks to DNI for taking the trouble to bring them (and the speakers ;)) to the show.


Great catch on the Triangles and the Focal Sopras No 2. I had no idea they were even there although I spent about 5 minutes listening to a guy audition these speakers. The Focal guys really brought out the works in terms of speakers it looks like - partnering electronics were not in the same league I would think.


From my listening The Sopra's were singularly exceptional despite the modest electronics. I can imagine what this speaker can do with proper partnering and placement. They have already gathered some excellent reviews in the global press, and I am glad the we in India, are getting new products for a change rather than the remnents after they have been introduced all over. Thanks to DNI (perhaps DNI's large HT business is helping subsidize the smaller volume 2 channel market - which is good). I know what my upgrade path is next :lol: Check out these comments:

"Just read the September HiFi News this morning. Andrew Everard does a great review of these brilliant new speakers from Focal.

The verdict: "Big - though not as huge its Utopia stablemates - the Sopra No. 2 is one of Focal's best designs to date. It offers an explicit, involving sound with stereo imaging and soundstaging bordering on the magical when you manage to get the speakers set up and 'dialed in' to suit the room. All that work has paid off and the bonus is a speaker with an arresting visual style - especially in bright red or orange!"

88/100 rating (Note: the highest I've ever seen for ANY speaker, regardless of price, is 90/100). "

Focal Sopra No. 2 Review

Even the triangles were excellent. Music is a whole spectrum art, the upright bass/kick drum are as important as the high notes of a piano or blatt of a trumpet. And these presented the low frequencies superbly, not to mention the speed and dynamics. I am going to investigate these further as well.
Excellent Report.
Thanks for the link;
Sad, you did not get a chance to listen to the KEI Room.
I may have been there & if you sounded me out, I could have tried to get a 30 min 'private' slot for demo & listen with Mr. Chawla's consent.
Never mind - next time around.

Thanks Bhagwan,
I spent 5 min in the KEI room on friday, the Elacs were sounding good. I also spent 5-10 mins with Mr. Chawla.
Saturday by the time I got there it was too crowded.
"Just read the September HiFi News this morning. Andrew Everard does a great review of these brilliant new speakers from Focal. ...

88/100 rating (Note: the highest I've ever seen for ANY speaker, regardless of price, is 90/100). "

Focal Sopra No. 2 Review

That is a seriously good review ...
Now I'm really kicking myself for missing out on the Sopra No 2.
Hi Sid,
Would have liked more narrative from you.
Maybe more to come?

Hi Naturelover, I usually restrain myself when describing the sound quality at hi-fi shows due to the facts that: a) Often times the rooms are hotel rooms converted into temporary listening rooms b) The exhibitor tries his best to make the unfamiliar room sound good (in a very short time), some succeed some do not, does not mean the product being demonstrated is bad c) Listening in these rooms at best gives you a quick general idea of the sound quality, nothing indepth can be perceived d) The shows IMO are just to introduce the products available with dealers - one needs to schedule a demo at the respective dealer to understand more about the capabilities or even better try to get a loan for a home demo (which is wishful thinking in India). e) Lastly it is mostly a fun event to meet delers, distributors, Industry professionals and people with common interests etc., not really a serious listening session option where a buying decision can be made.
Hence I gave a very brief summary of my impressions. Personally I liked 2 speakers at the show, the triangle sig. delta and the Focal sopra. I will investigate them further at their dealers down the road before I make any buying decision. And I hope other potential buyers do the same. My last speakers the Harbeth Shl5, I first heard at the Audio Karma show in Detroit in 2005, and then I heard them 2-3 times at different dealers before finally buying them a few years later.
Completely agree with you on that Sidvee. A hifi show needs to be looked at as a fun event which gives you a touch and feel exposure to whats available. Seldom does one hear what the equipment is fully capable of due to reasons you have outlined in your post.
Thanks for the report. I was stuck up with a family medical emergency over the last month and only returned back from Calcutta on wednesday. Too bad I missed the entire show and also meeting you, Bhagwan and a few others.
Thanks for the report. I was stuck up with a family medical emergency over the last month and only returned back from Calcutta on wednesday. Too bad I missed the entire show and also meeting you, Bhagwan and a few others.

I hope everything is fine RoC. Yes missed you and few others as well at the show. Hopefully there will be more shows in Bangalore and we will catch up then.
Absolutely, Sid and Prem. A bit more description of the equipment is what I meant, not reviews by any means.
Maybe even how some of the rooms had been setup to sound good despite the constraints.

Listening in these rooms at best gives you a quick general idea of the sound quality, nothing indepth can be perceived

Completely agree with you on that Sidvee. A hifi show needs to be looked at as a fun event which gives you a touch and feel exposure to whats available. Seldom does one hear what the equipment is fully capable of due to reasons you have outlined in your post.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.