Where to get AKG 702/ 701 headphones?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2008
New Delhi, India
On amazon they are listed for $263
What would be the cost and how do they compare with similar priced headphones? Is there a place in Delhi where they can be auditioned?

Not sure how much would HD600 or HD650 would cost, or how would they compare with the AKGs.

Can someone suggest better phones at lesser price - some hidden gems out there?

Hi, I am not sure of the price of this in India, but, i bought them in singapore for SGD 170 - Denon 1001 over the ear headphones - great value, the bass is tight and very detailed and lovely presence. The best part is, they are very comfortable on the ears even after wearing them for long hours, no heating up etc., I like them very much.

FYI, i just modded it a little bit with some blue tak (suggested to place Dynamat for the best effect, but did not try the same) on the inside of the drums and over the driver and could find little of improvement in the bass, even otherwise it was anyway good. Give it an audition if you have some dealer. All the very best.

On amazon they are listed for $263
What would be the cost and how do they compare with similar priced headphones? Is there a place in Delhi where they can be auditioned?

Not sure how much would HD600 or HD650 would cost, or how would they compare with the AKGs.

Can someone suggest better phones at lesser price - some hidden gems out there?


I have the K701.

Bought in Hong Kong.

I got my Headroom Ultra Micro shipped via Fedex to Kolkata. (5 days flat)

The K701 has its strengths and weaknesses.


Bags of resolution... ability to resolve micro detail and low level reverb.

Start and stop of notes spot on, great timing.

Huge soundstage, good separation of instruments.

Very revealing of source... use them with the Line out of a good CD player(I have the Cambridge 640C V2)... Don't feed an iPod signal to your headphone amplifier, it won't sound nice.

Very tight bass, the tightest I have heard, no hint of boominess ever!


A LOT of people say that the discontinued AKG K1000 earspeakers were better... so was the K501..... so this is probably not the best of the best....

I am happy with my pair and it does more things right than wrong.

The K701 has a slight emphasis on the upper midrange/lower treble and fractionally reticent midbass(deep bass is superb, IMHO)... Thus the midrange, although pristine and gleaming, is perhaps a bit inaccurate in terms of tonality. Perhaps... a lot of people feel otherwise too!

I can say that this is not a deal breaker, but it prevents the K701 from being the best of the best.

Piano is heavenly on the K701 I was awestruck at the way it does piano! :eek:

It isn't ideal with violins, though. It tends to recess some of the harmonics of violins, especially in songs where the violin is an accompaniment.

But violins are enjoyable, nonetheless.

I say that you buy the K702 with detachable cable, get the ALO audio K702 upgraded cable.

Amplifier: Go for a musical fidelity XCANV8.(hybrid tube amp) The K701/2 love tube amps. Hybrids are more suited for better power output.

The above combo is said to be jaw dropping good.

Best of luck!

AKG India


Contact: Nirdosh Agarwal

If you can afford one, go for the Sennheiser HD800, the new king of dynamic headphones.

IMO, the K701/2 easily beat the HD600/650.

Neither has absolute tonal accuracy and Senns(600/650) have deficiencies elsewhere. (overly warm, recessed treble)
any idea where to get this mf headphone amp?

By mf I meant Music Fidelity!

I had called up their Bangalore (if I remember right, could be HYD/CHEN) office and they said that they didn't import the XCANV8P in India.

See their international website and get in touch with them directly... Let me know how things go.... ;)

Headroom amps can be bought directly off HeadRoom: Stereo Headphones, Amps & DACs, Wireless, Noise Canceling, Ear Canal, Earbud, Audio Cables & Accessories

The K701/K702 are solid choices for instrumental classical and acoustic stuff.. (They are made in Austria, the home of classical :D )

However, they are not especially suited to hard rock or bass heavy music.

I like the K701 bass a lot, it goes deep and is tonally accurate... but it misses the grunt and slam of a sub-woofer (Senheisser has more oomph in the bass, so do the Denons.... D5000 especially)

The K701 is a bit like a studio monitor, excelling at unflattering rendition of most music in a controlled, plain spoken way.... not deliberately spiced up for head-gasms :p

Here is the linky:

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