Why does my stereo audio set up sound fantastic some days and boring on other days?


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2017
I have noticed that this happens at irregular intervals.
There are some days when I am preoccupied or anxious about something and listening to music on my system is not very pleasurable. Such situations are obvious and I am not referring to these.
I am trying to figure out on some “normal days” why the same system and music which I enjoy so much sounds uninspired, and even boring?
Has anyone else experienced this? Any theories or insights on this phenomenon?
It could be due to the noise around the house, noise in the chain due to system load or excessive electrical loads in the neighborhood (?) or maybe the noise in our head. Or it could be the fear of parents who are irritated with us listening to music all day calling out to lower the volume or even worse stop the music as we've been listening the whole day. On more severe cases, it could even be the fear of wife who thinks we do nothing else but listen to music, buy music gear and not pay enough attention to her.
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Some of common reasons -

1) Voltage and power - I have found that when AC voltage is near perfect (around 230v), I get good sound.Whenever its 240v+ , I get dull sound. Also Saturday/ Sunday, when commercial offices or small industries are not working, I get much better power and the sound.

2) As said earlier, noise entering room say outside traffic ,Ac, Fridge will affect it. In winter l feel l can hear fuller sound than summer in non A.C. room.

3) Room acoustics plays very important role when one doesn't have dedicated room. Even if you change position of anything in room(say pillow, chair ,bag itc), system sound may react to it.
It could be due to the noise around the house, noise in the chain due to system load or excessive electrical loads in the neighborhood (?) or maybe the noise in our head. Or it could be the fear of parents who are irritated with us listening to music all day calling out to lower the volume or even worse stop the music as we've been listening the whole day. On more severe cases, it could even be the fear of wife who thinks we do nothing else but listen to music, buy music gear and not pay enough attention to her.
:p So, it’s about noise and fear? I agree this is part of it, but maybe not the whole story?
....and yes, we ignore feelings of the wife/spouse who feels neglected at our peril.
(BTW: does this forum have no female members ?)
I have noticed that this happens at irregular intervals.
There are some days when I am preoccupied or anxious about something and listening to music on my system is not very pleasurable. Such situations are obvious and I am not referring to these.
I am trying to figure out on some “normal days” why the same system and music which I enjoy so much sounds uninspired, and even boring?
Has anyone else experienced this? Any theories or insights on this phenomenon?
With all the factors being same as before when you enjoyed it, it's got to do with your state of mind or mood while listening to music that you find the difference.
@Goldenears My revealing setup doesn't give a rat's arse for mood swings / time of day / weather. However, imo having a generally pleasant disposition always embellishes any critical listening session. Afaic it's all about the quality of source material. Acronymizing my experience... gido giwo - either I'm rewarded with gold in diamonds out or punished with garbage in sewage out. The chain hates when it's compelled to compete with movie studio generator vans, set construction, rowdy superbikes and unhinged neighbours 24/7/365. Those rare peaceful listening sessions are etched as priceless indelible moments in the tapestry of my life!
With all the factors being same as before when you enjoyed it, it's got to do with your state of mind or mood while listening to music that you find the difference.
I would agree to it. The crucial factor to enjoy the music is happy state of mind, peace of mind rest everything else is secondary. If you are ina good mood to listen, you can enjoy even on a phone. Just my opinion and it's the case with me. If I am not ina very good mood, I don't go near my system at all.
@Goldenears My revealing setup doesn't give a rat's arse for mood swings / time of day / weather. However, imo having a generally pleasant disposition always embellishes any critical listening session. Afaic it's all about the quality of source material. Acronymizing my experience... gido giwo - either I'm rewarded with gold in diamonds out or punished with garbage in sewage out. The chain hates when it's compelled to compete with movie studio generator vans, set construction, rowdy superbikes and unhinged neighbours 24/7/365. Those rare peaceful listening sessions are etched as priceless indelible moments in the tapestry of my life!
+1 for time of the day. Generally early mornings are the time we are at peace. I am a early to bed person so can't say how it is at late nights :)
:p So, it’s about noise and fear? I agree this is part of it, but maybe not the whole story?
....and yes, we ignore feelings of the wife/spouse who feels neglected at our peril.
(BTW: does this forum have no female members ?)
+1 from me too. From the time, I joined HFV, this has been always been on my mind. Do we have female members in the forum or is it just men who are too much into amps & speakers. :rolleyes:
I have not faced this problem. It always sounds the same except when I have had a drink or three. Then it sounds that much better. I have heard Atmos effects in songs and was amazed by it only to realize that the Receiver was on pure direct.
I used to write off this phenomenon as mostly due to the vagaries of electricity delivery (voltage), and variation in mood. But now I do suppose ambient sound and maybe even temperature could have something to do with it.

Listening to music in the evening is usually good, but some days, things just feel off. I typically listen to music between 7PM and 9PM (rarely beyond 9.30PM) these days.

I've started listening to music at 4AM over the last 2 weeks. I wake up pretty early nowadays, and thanks to living alone, and having a house that's fairly insulated from other houses due to distance (not much, but enough), I can listen to music at my normal listening volume (about 70db with 80db-ish peaks at my listening chair) if I want to. At 4AM, music sounds consistently good. I spend about 1 hour of listening sitting down, and another hour while going about my morning chores. At this time, everything is dead quiet outside, the electricity/power is consistent, it is generally cool outside, and I am always in a very upbeat mood.
I get the same feeling every 3-4 days the sound quality drops all of a sudden. Voltage with active power conditioning and mood swings being constant. Music being played around 6.00 pm every day. It gets reset after switching gear( Eg: Tubeamp to SS, Tower speakers to OB) or giving a break to music listening for 2 days. I think it could be related to an inner ear problem or vertigo related.
Among other factors, try correlating it with the amount and quality of sleep you’ve had the previous night. You might find a connection. Acuity of senses is higher when we are well-rested.
Acuity of senses is higher when we are well-rested.
it sounds paradoxical because once a person is well rested - there might not be need for music to relax the senses further...by extension a well rested person wont be in the mood for music. But would rather be up and about and outdoors..
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