Why don't we have Top 5 for different categories listed in hifi for 2011?


Active Member
Jun 8, 2010

Can we have this, maybe some people may get help from this info. I for sure will certainly benefit from this. :) In the long range companies may even start posting hifi certified for their products we feature in top5.

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This is a good idea. The issue is to evoke the interest of the manufacturers to give us a demo piece. They will not do that unless they see intrinsic value. Buying the equipment and doing a review of a listing does not make sense. Once person cannot buy 10 TVs can he?

but this at certain extent can help our forum members. Again another difficulty would be the impressions of different members about different product and we might not emerge as a clear winner but we can still have somewhat more favourable products and that will certainly help our new members and other folks. Once it start to grow the dealers might show interest in the same. We are growing.. aren't we ?? what say ?

This is a very useful idea! Putting Venkatcr's quote in context, we can take this forward by chipping in with av info that we came across this year. Currently, this is info is available in the forum but across many posts which are searchable but time consuming. For example, I spent a lot of time y'day looking up Polk & Paradigm audio here. It took me a while to go through all the posts. Maybe, that's why we see a lot of posts like "Suggest amp for XYZ speakers"! What if we organise this info that makes it easy for all to look up and then go audition them?

Say, Marantz Pm6004 Or a NAD 325BEE goes well with the following speakers:

1. Speaker 1
2. Speaker 2
3. Speaker 3 etc.

What do you think? Cheers for the new season.

P.S: I am new here, so please excuse my naivet!
There is a difference between suggesting a product or a combination, and boldly listing a few products according to their quality and features. This can only be done if one or more people sit for a few days and compare products from different manufactures in a controlled environment. You cannot take the feedback of different members who have auditioned different products in different places and make a list. There is too much subjectivity in that.

The question is who and how will we select? Since it is the best 5, all the equipment have to be reviewed. Blind polling / review will not help. If the finding is wrong (not the review impressions), it can lead to issues with the manufacturer.
Sajith and others, don't waste time and energy worrying about this. This is not going to happen this year. The SuperMod has started interacting with distributors and manufacturers. We have had only a few official reviews such as the Wireless Speakers. Auditing a number of products is very faaaar away.

One way, of course, if any member has good connections with manufacturers and distributors and get them to give their new release products for review. We can offer them some carrots such as extended writeup, details of all the products, they sell, contact details, etc. We have, for example, a manufacturer of the month where we talk about one manufacturer and all his products.

how do u say which speaker is better, usually speakers will be similar in a given price range, with different strengths and weaknesses. some will prefer spkr a while some will prefer spkr b. how do u judge a winner. some shine in a small room, some in a large room. same case with electronic gear.
Hello Venkat and others.

I suppose my post was a tangent to the original issue! Is it possible to suggest combinations of gear, atleast? It needn't be specific to 1 amp - 1 speaker combination, but more generic? This would greatly help newbies make a much more informed decision, amidst a bewildering array of budget gear! In short, I am just suggesting collation of info in one place.

Thanks. Raghuram
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