Why I bought Samsung 32A450 ?


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Trust me, it is not easy out there. I just went with Samsung after I felt it was safe to go with it. Here is what swayed my decision. Bought it for Rs38500, got Rs1600 off on it for my old faithful 21" BPL.

1) The decisive one was the CNET review by Katzmaier.
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2) The other model which I was really swayed with was 32" LG60. The specs for this was really very good. I spent lots of time trying to find good reviews of it. Everyone says it is great with colors and not so great with black. PC forum review states it as the best LCD TV now. It is actually good and I liked it but was not sure of LG taking the top slot. Besides I noticed the comparison of LG60 being done with Samsung 5 series and 6 series. That is not correct. Tech2 India reviews are not so precise and seems subjective.

3) Put LG factory video and compare it in Samsung and LG - LG looks better. Put Samsung factory video and compare it, Samsung looks better.

4) Off-air display seems better in Samsung than LG. Although, stores have the setting of the sets doctored sometime. Saw this in the store which was pushing LG over Samsung. Samsung looked too bright and colored and then I checked that the settings were different.

Overall, I felt LG60 is a good set and will give everyone a run for their money. The sales and service of Samsung have been great for my other appliances and hence I went with Samsung. I could not afford the 5-series or 6-series.

Thanks and hope this helps,
Congratulations!! Enjoy your new purchase. Stop reading about new TV models, because the march of technology will ensure that somewhre along the line you'll feel you could have got a better deal, and stop checking the price of your model with other people.

post pictures of the TV, if you can.
Congrats Ashok for the great purchase. LG & Samsung both are very good companies. I always compare both the brands side by side while a new purchase. (Own many appliances from both) I feel LG a bit superior than samsung in terms of innovative features and sturdy quality. (I would say 55:45) but all samsung displays are better. Although marginally!!!
Again this is my personal opinion.;)
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