HE-500, HE-400, Fidelio X1, AKG701: a comparison


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
I have been looking to get a pair of headphones with a different sound palate compared to the warm HD650s and LCD2s that I own, so I've spent most of today listening to headphones at Munkong Gadget in Bangkok (great guys - excellent collection of gear and they let you listen to your heart's content).

The LCD2s, to my mind, remain the best of the lot (not surprisingly - that's what I felt earlier and which is why I had bought them over the HEs in the first place!) - the music simply has a level of fullness/richness that the other headphones dont.

The harder comparison was the 500s vs the 400s. There is a very clear and obvious sound difference between the two. However, it was actually surprisingly hard to tell which one I preferred. Often, I'd find myself liking the sound of the 400 a little more at first blush, but every time i listened to a song in entirety, I found the overall musical presentation of the 500 to be better. I felt that the 400s created an artificial forwardness to the music, which initially seemed to be impressive if evaluating sound, but not so good when evaluating the impact of the music. Not sure if that makes sense?

The Fidelio X1, of which I had high hopes, was quite disappointing, actually. Ok sound, a little boomy bass, not very refined. I listened to it for a bit and the sound didnt really grab my attention the way it would coming from a pair of high-end headphones. So i didnt really spend a lot of time with them.

The AKG701s were actually surprisingly nice. I now know why they are called "analytical": the music that comes from them is very clear across the entire frequency spectrum, with really good transient response and separation. Good if you like to listen to music with your head (ie analytically). I prefer a more visceral/musical sound and so I wasnt sure if i was going to like these headphones - but they were surprisingly enjoyable, despite the "analytical" tag.

In the end, I bought the HE-500s to complete my headphone trifecta.
I have been looking to get a pair of headphones with a different sound palate compared to the warm HD650s and LCD2s that I own, so I've spent most of today listening to headphones at Munkong Gadget in Bangkok (great guys - excellent collection of gear and they let you listen to your heart's content).

The LCD2s, to my mind, remain the best of the lot (not surprisingly - that's what I felt earlier and which is why I had bought them over the HEs in the first place!) - the music simply has a level of fullness/richness that the other headphones dont.

The harder comparison was the 500s vs the 400s. There is a very clear and obvious sound difference between the two. However, it was actually surprisingly hard to tell which one I preferred. Often, I'd find myself liking the sound of the 400 a little more at first blush, but every time i listened to a song in entirety, I found the overall musical presentation of the 500 to be better. I felt that the 400s created an artificial forwardness to the music, which initially seemed to be impressive if evaluating sound, but not so good when evaluating the impact of the music. Not sure if that makes sense?

The Fidelio X1, of which I had high hopes, was quite disappointing, actually. Ok sound, a little boomy bass, not very refined. I listened to it for a bit and the sound didnt really grab my attention the way it would coming from a pair of high-end headphones. So i didnt really spend a lot of time with them.

The AKG701s were actually surprisingly nice. I now know why they are called "analytical": the music that comes from them is very clear across the entire frequency spectrum, with really good transient response and separation. Good if you like to listen to music with your head (ie analytically). I prefer a more visceral/musical sound and so I wasnt sure if i was going to like these headphones - but they were surprisingly enjoyable, despite the "analytical" tag.

In the end, I bought the HE-500s to complete my headphone trifecta.
Very nice!! May I ask why you needed a trifecta in the first place? What were you looking for that you couldn't get in the HD650s or LCD2s - just curious to understand. Also, if you dont mind, what are the prices like in Bangkok for this gear? Though I'm close to biting the bullet on a HD650, it rankles that I cant even audition before purchasing anything here. If the price premium is not too high, a cheap flight to Bangkok for some quality audition and purchase makes sense (for my next set of upgrades that is!)
Very nice!! May I ask why you needed a trifecta in the first place? What were you looking for that you couldn't get in the HD650s or LCD2s - just curious to understand.

Well, I like the HD650s - they are good, no-nonsense musical cans. The LCD2s take that musical sound and add a lot of dynamic/visceral impact which is missing a little on the 650s, IMO. However, both these headphones are on the warm side - while i prefer that for the most part, i did want a pair of headphones which had more of a treble presence and a more balanced/neutral sound, for times when i want something different. While i preferred the LCD2s to them overall, i could definitely see the appeal of the HE-500 sound at times.

That, and truth be told, it was a little of Gear Lust as well. :)

Also, if you dont mind, what are the prices like in Bangkok for this gear? Though I'm close to biting the bullet on a HD650, it rankles that I cant even audition before purchasing anything here. If the price premium is not too high, a cheap flight to Bangkok for some quality audition and purchase makes sense (for my next set of upgrades that is!)

I paid around $685 for the HE-500s (Rs 42,800), which is cheaper than what it would cost to buy them from the US and have them shipped over. I didnt check the prices on the 650s or the LCD2s, though.

Munkong Gadget also carries Schiit (but quite expensive), Burson, Woo Audio (also at prices comparable to the US), as well as a bunch of other brands. There are a couple of others shops carrying a whole lot of high-end gear as well, so it might be worth popping over on an Air Asia flight, picking up the goodies and bringing them back.

Nothing like being able to sit for hours, A/Bing your choices to your heart's content, before deciding - it gets rid of the whole woulda-coulda-shoulda doubts.
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That, and truth be told, it was a little of Gear Lust as well. :)

I think this would be more than a "little" thingy :) There is no end to this exercise of reading reviews, auditioning, buying and then upgrading ... hifi equipment ... it can consume us and our wallets. I think I'd be content with HD650.
I like the HD650s with the Little Dot, but to be honest, it doesnt send shivers down my spine like the LCD2 did when i auditioned it.

I still need to figure out a good amping solution for the LCD2, though - the amp i had tried it out with was one of the revered high-end brands (forget which one now) with too many zeros at the end. The Little Dot isnt really as good with the lower-impedance amps.
I like the HD650s with the Little Dot, but to be honest, it doesnt send shivers down my spine like the LCD2 did when i auditioned it.
Noooo!! Dont tell me that now, I just paid for a HD650. I wanted to live with it for atleast 1-2 years before looking to move upwards :D
Noooo!! Dont tell me that now, I just paid for a HD650. I wanted to live with it for atleast 1-2 years before looking to move upwards :D

Chill out, he is referring to the Little Dot amp (and it's pairing with HD650). Your decision isn't bad at all. It is one of the best headphones in that budget. So, wait for it to arrive and pair with a great amp. You will love it.

Besides an expensive headphone will most probably sound better ... the question is ... do you have the budget for it?


Yes, LCD2 would be better than HD650. And I guess there's something better than LCD-2, ... a LCD-3 or a Stax may be? .... well, it's an uphill path which won't be ending soon :)

For the past couple of days, I've been listening to my beloved ambient electronic collection during late night listening sessions; and I'm absolutely being transported to nether world. HD650 is the best experience so far. I wouldn't let it go for a lifetime. And, I would try to stop the itch to upgrade and focus on speaker setup.

I guess you've received your Little Dot Amp ... once you finish a couple of weeks of listening or at least 100hrs of burning. I'd like to know your reactions to the Little Dot Mk IV amp (with HD650). I figured out that my previous owner didn't use it that much; and I'm burning it for sometime. I'm also looking forward to changing the tubes.
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Noooo!! Dont tell me that now, I just paid for a HD650. I wanted to live with it for atleast 1-2 years before looking to move upwards :D

No, dont get me wrong - I really like the 650/Little Dot combo so far.

However, for some works - eg, Dvorak's 9th by Solti, Ozawa's Rite of Spring or anything by Reiner - the 650s lack that bit of extra, hair-raising visceral impact that the LCD2s possess. This is obvious primarily on symphonic works, with their extremely high crescendos and complex tonalities - not so much on regular rock, etc..

Kratu - I was toying between the LCD3 and the 2s. In the end, I found that the additional improvement of the LCD3s wasnt really worth it for me, esp given that a lot of my favorite music is not on state-of-the-art recordings (recordings from the 50s and 60s, often in mono). And AFAIK, electrostats dont really do so well with orchestral works. This is pretty much my end-game headphone, once i get the proper amp for it. Gonna try one of Viren's SET designs, but with a headphone jack to it.

Kratu - yes, i will post a more detailed review of the IVSE/650 combo after i've spent some time with it. Although for the record, i should state that i dont believe in "burn in" (although i do believe in tube warmup :)).
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WOW ..... this is surprising good to see Indian headphone enthusiasts

My rig includes the 650s , he300s , ultrasones HFI-450s and zx700s ...... Recently sold the ma900s also didn't mention but I owned the ESP-950s once :D

Check it for yourself (cannot upload pics unfortunately) I will link my Head-Fi page you guys can see it for yourself - MrTechAgent's profile

BTW - I am 16 from Mumbai :D
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