Members should adhere to Writing standards

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Sep 2, 2017
I could see some post where members mentioning annoying words like bull shiit etc. I don’t know whether these are accepted
Dont give a shit about these man, we are all grown ups and Indians, who can tolerate hell loads of bullshit. I think if its not on a personally aimed context its something tolerable. You can attack someone without abusive words ;)
I could see some post where members mentioning annoying words like bull shiit etc. I don’t know whether these are accepted

One can always check the forum rules and there is a REPORT button at the bottom of each post......if you find the post really offensive or being personally targeted.

Remember we are all here to help each other and already have our plates full with responsibilities, the current socio, eco and political situation. No one here wants to harm or show himself as BETTER from the rest. Its a knowledge share forum.
There are other forums which literally police the forum and their mods will keep objecting even to excessive use of full stop and comma.

So far I haven't seen any really objectionable content and use of words here so why don't let it be like that.
It's best to refrain from using expletives in a civil forum.
I could see some post where members mentioning annoying words like bull shiit etc. I don’t know whether these are accepted
I don’t like incorrect grammar and your use of punctuation and caps lock needs a little attention. However you don’t see anyone make a thread for that,do you? If it’s “annoying” to you, like every other adult does, let it pass. If it still annoys you,click on the report button.

I agree with what Joshua said. And full marks to the mods for being mature enough to recognise the quality and quantity of moderation that they do. Remember, the mods here are all full time working individuals like all of us. They put in an extra shift so that the rest of us an enjoy a fun, educative and mature forum.
Members should also treat the forum as a base for knowledge and healthy interaction.

It's easy to see, the moment you crossed the minimum 31 posts, there are 3 "for sale threads" by you @[email protected] :rolleyes:

This kind of behavior must be moderated. I hope u see the point in this discussion.
I think most of us are audio freaks looking for best sound. I bought items viewing ads in forum. It’s no wrong in selling right? Reason for selling is to upgrade to new sound.
I think most of us are audio freaks looking for best sound. I bought items viewing ads in forum. It’s no wrong in selling right? Reason for selling is to upgrade to new sound.

A word of caution.
Don't end up like Bono singing U2's hit
"But I still haven't found what I'm looking for" :)
A word of caution.
Don't end up like Bono singing U2's hit
"But I still haven't found what I'm looking for" :)
And keep wandering "where the streets have no name". Oh crap...can I start a sentence with "And" ?.
audio freaks
You have a problem with offensive language and yet you have no problems calling this group a bunch of freaks.

Taking offence has become a national pastime. Getting triggered by a few offensive words helps no one. English is not the mother tongue for most of us, and it's easy to use words without fully realizing the extent of their impact or take someone else's words out of context.

Audiokarma's motto makes a lot of sense here. "All audio, no attitude"
I would accept words like '**it' as long as they express someone's frustration and are not personally targeted. There are rules in this forum for such litany but like someone said if the usage is not offensive, I guess the mods are accepting it though I would personally try to avoid using such words so that such threads are not required.
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