Aiwa CD changer- servicing

Hi. Through it man its junk.:mad: what u pay for repairing u get a dvd player for 1499/- in Big bazar go and pick itup.:cool:

To Ravi -Arrogance diminishes wisdom

Back to orig q'n - try local repair shop ,many time culprits are lens assembly -Do not spend more as many replacement assemblies are chinese make

Still you can use ur system,you can attach your PC ,DVD player or TV to it ( Most of this sysyems have 1 or 2 Aux INs and you can have a OK amp and speakers with Remote and Tuner!

To Ravi - Your greatness is measured by your kindness; your education and intellect by your modesty; your ignorance is betrayed by your suspicions and prejudices, and your real caliber is measured by the consideration and tolerance you have for others.
Hemant, there's a malayalam saying that it is futile to recite the vedas to an ox (or some other bovine species)....this guy is a troll and your wise advice is going to be wasted on him.

To Ravi -Arrogance diminishes wisdom

To Ravi - Your greatness is measured by your kindness; your education and intellect by your modesty; your ignorance is betrayed by your suspicions and prejudices, and your real caliber is measured by the consideration and tolerance you have for others.
Hemant, there's a malayalam saying that it is futile to recite the vedas to an ox (or some other bovine species)....this guy is a troll and your wise advice is going to be wasted on him.

Similar saying in marathi where another four legged species ( starting with D and ending with y ,featured in famous game D****y kong ) is mentioned.

I always amused at wisdom follows no laungaue boundries,hats off to national integrity!!!:yahoo::yahoo::clapping::ohyeah:
Try to contact Sony service for repair, they use to repair Aiwa long time back as their subsidiary.......
i had lens problem with my Sony 3 cd changer. The quote given to me as Rs.4K for Sony lens and 2K for chinese lens. A new Sony combo unit is available for 11K :D

I used the unit as a amp connected to my DVD player for sometime then got rid of it and got a Norge Amplifier.
I think there was a post on the forum earlier about how to fix CDP lens. It may be cheaper to buy a lens online and DIY?

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