Allo Piano DAC and RPI


Active Member
Mar 15, 2019
Was wondering if anyone has built a streaming dac ( + headphone amp ) with the Allo Piano DAC ( Not the 2.1) and RPI ( 3 or 4 ). Am looking at this DIY project and wanted to ask what I should keep in mind and look out for. One thing i have not seen is a case that can fit the above combo. Any recommendations?

Thank you all,
I was building on that DAC some 1 year ago. Result was not pleasing. Headphone sound is not upto mark for that DAC . But surprisingly audio out is superb. Why not you build external headphone amp , that will be rewarding too.
For better result use RPI 3B with allo boss DAC and any Opamp based headphone build for outstanding performance. Otherside opamp based design can drive upto 32ohm with ease.
BTW My previous headphone amp was chumoy design. Now I am planning to build a clasa A based design for best quality.
Was wondering if anyone has built a streaming dac ( + headphone amp ) with the Allo Piano DAC ( Not the 2.1) and RPI ( 3 or 4 ). Am looking at this DIY project and wanted to ask what I should keep in mind and look out for. One thing i have not seen is a case that can fit the above combo. Any recommendations?

Thank you all,
I don't see Piano dac listed on Allo website. If you are referring to Cheapo dac which has headphone amp, you need to note that both Piano (2.1) and Cheapo are slave dacs. In the sense they work only with Sparky or Kali and not with pi. for pi, you will have to look at their other dac options like boss or katana
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