Amplifier for Kef Q950 around 80K


Active Member
Feb 7, 2014
Hi all, I have recently bought Kef Q950 Floor Standers .....

Am looking for integrated / power amplifier to run them ..... Budget around 80K .... For 100 % music listening & should be neutral sounding when paired with Kefs & should have strong & clean bass ....

I have shortlisted these ....

Audiolab 6000A

Denon PMA 800NE

Marantz 7000N

Yamaha A S801

Cambridge Audio AXR100

Parasound 275 V2

XTZ EDGE A2 - 300


Schiit vidar

Crown XLS 1502

Room size - 24ft x13 ft

I currently have Marantz SR 5013 AVR and Wharfedale Diamond series for 5.1 listening & Rythmik subwoofer ....

Any suggestions ...... as I can't demo ....
I have heard Denon, Marantz and Parasound with different KEF models. All of them pair well.
Denon is lively, Marantz is warm (great vocal/mid-range), Parasound is neutral.

Local availability wise, Denon/Marantz are a better bet.
Parasound has huge markup if bought locally.
They have increased price even in the US by 10-25% (which is crazy, in my opinion).
Compared to Denon or Marantz, Parasound definitely has better bass performance.
the 275v2 is an out board power amp; I assume you will use the AVR as control unit.

Even though you cannot demo, I would suggest at least hearing out such a pairing at a dealer or an FMs home.

I have heard Denon, Marantz and Parasound with different KEF models. All of them pair well.
Denon is lively, Marantz is warm (great vocal/mid-range), Parasound is neutral.

Local availability wise, Denon/Marantz are a better bet.
Parasound has huge markup if bought locally.
They have increased price even in the US by 10-25% (which is crazy, in my opinion).
Compared to Denon or Marantz, Parasound definitely has better bass performance.
the 275v2 is an out board power amp; I assume you will use the AVR as control unit.

Even though you cannot demo, I would suggest at least hearing out such a pairing at a dealer or an FMs home.

I am using KEF 900, with Yamaha RN803, in my living room.
They gel well, sounds good for me.. its on warm side.

I did try them with Denon AVR 8500H - it slightly beyond warm, but sounded good. but eventually went with Yamaha.
Hi all, I have recently bought Kef Q950 Floor Standers .....

Am looking for integrated / power amplifier to run them ..... Budget around 80K .... For 100 % music listening & should be neutral sounding when paired with Kefs & should have strong & clean bass ....

I have shortlisted these ....

Audiolab 6000A

Denon PMA 800NE

Marantz 7000N

Yamaha A S801

Cambridge Audio AXR100

Parasound 275 V2

XTZ EDGE A2 - 300


Schiit vidar

Crown XLS 1502

Room size - 24ft x13 ft

I currently have Marantz SR 5013 AVR and Wharfedale Diamond series for 5.1 listening & Rythmik subwoofer ....

Any suggestions ...... as I can't demo ....
If you are OK with all analog, audition pm8006. Available at a killer price is Warm to neutral, transparent and resolving. Made in Japan. Awesome tight bass.
If you are OK with all analog, audition pm8006. Available at a killer price is Warm to neutral, transparent and resolving. Made in Japan. Awesome tight bass.
True. Marantz's analog only amps have a unique charm to them.
I used PM7001 to drive KEF R300s for a while.

If you are OK with all analog, audition pm8006. Available at a killer price is Warm to neutral, transparent and resolving. Made in Japan. Awesome tight bass.
Correct me here.. would any 70W or a below 100W amp good enough to drive a towers with 300w output, like KEF 950?
Correct me here.. would any 70W or a below 100W amp good enough to drive a towers with 300w output, like KEF 950?
These towers will probably need 25-30W of cleanly delivered power at even above normal listening levels (85 dB with peaks at +10dB).
Peaks will probably draw another 10-20W transiently, which is well within amp's normal operating range.
I currently drive KEF R300 with a 55W amp; no issues.

They are 91dB sensitivity, nominal 8 ohm (min 3.2) and spec'd down to 44Hz.
The lower in the freq scale the speaker can render, more demanding it gets specially if they are stand mounts.

Correct me here.. would any 70W or a below 100W amp good enough to drive a towers with 300w output, like KEF 950?
Most quoted ratings are utterly useless. However, if you insist, PM8006 is independently tested to be delivering 100 wpc at 8 ohms. Like all Marantz amps, it is rated very conservatively.
It easily drives my much more difficult Dali Rubicons to room shaking levels. And the bass is chest thumping.
Things that matter more are THD at which the wpc is rated and what is the minimum impedance of the speakers.
What is important is to audition the pair together for looking at the kind of synergy, imaging, soundstage it produces. Those are more important than ratings.
I'd go Vidar. I am on the fence between the Vidar and a Emotiva. The latter is better but I don't have the space for it.

With the Vidar, you'll need a pre amplifier so I guess that is out of the equation now as that will end up being 2x your budget.
A point to note, I have not heard the Vidar with any KEF. It was a few other brands of loudspeakers, one English. I assume it will play safe with a KEF as its not a demanding load.

The rest of the amplifiers on your list as just another integrated amplifier. Good gear, no doubt. I don't know if anyone of them can be categorized as truly stand out products. Maybe the Audiolab, Parasound. Have not heard one.
Must be a coincidence but I see lot of complaints with Cambridge audio amps..

Look for high power amps...

At 80k you can also add used Naim in mix... It usually turns up on sale now and then.

Marantz and Denon may have good service in India, hifimart can guide you there... They both are amazing amps..with the former made in Japan.
Hi all, I have recently bought Kef Q950 Floor Standers .....

Am looking for integrated / power amplifier to run them ..... Budget around 80K .... For 100 % music listening & should be neutral sounding when paired with Kefs & should have strong & clean bass ....

I have shortlisted these ....

Audiolab 6000A

Denon PMA 800NE

Marantz 7000N

Yamaha A S801

Cambridge Audio AXR100

Parasound 275 V2

XTZ EDGE A2 - 300


Schiit vidar

Crown XLS 1502

Room size - 24ft x13 ft

I currently have Marantz SR 5013 AVR and Wharfedale Diamond series for 5.1 listening & Rythmik subwoofer ....

Any suggestions ...... as I can't demo ....
NAIM 5SI.. have good drive
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