An Introduction to Ambiophonics

Audio Samples

This is very curious.

It seems to aim to make speakers sound like headphones --- whilst the headphone community sometimes try to make headphones sound more like speakers, admitting that they give an artificially extreme left-right in-the-head soundstage.

I don't want to forget that stereo is not the only method or recording and playing music, but it is a miraculous creator of the illusion that a soundstage is presented before us, and the timing changes, masking of the sound by the head, etc, are all part of this. If one tries to eliminate them, are we not eliminating the building blocks of stereo itself?

Anyway, a big yes to experimentation!

No Sir. We are actually retrieving all the building blocks of stereo. Since 1930s, since Blumlein, they are aware with crosstalk problem. Headphones are great but as you mentioned, they create the sound inside your head. Ambiophonics is something like a big headphone but the sound is in front of you and immerses you. I would suggest use the demo audio tracks. They are already preprocessed with RACE. All you have to do is to move the speakers closer to each one another and listen to them without the need to do anything else. A good example would be the DPA microphones SACD sampler where there are about 9 tracks of same piano recording using different mics and placements. In stereo setup I could confidently distinguish maybe 3 but the subtle differences are very obvious in Ambiophonics. The SACD is no longer available but they have different mp3 files that you can experiment Ambiophonics with. DPA Microphones :: Sound examples from DPA Microphones


Normal tracks to play in your current setup.

RACE processed tracks. Play them after moving the speakers closer. You need not do anything else as they are already processed. Some make the mistake running these files again using the RACE program.

More tracks here.

If your setup is correct you should able to locate the source of sound as shown in the this video. Ambio gives your depth, width and height. Prof.Choueiri is one of the early convert of Ambiophonics. The principle of Choueiri 3D sound is the same or improvised version of Ambiophonics. They are the same but execution is different with slight weaknesses. You can read here.

Ambiophonics blooming..

Hi to all,

Kal Rubinson brought to my attention of Choueiri's version of Ambiophonics in the form of High End product. Choueiri was one the Ambiophonics contributors.

First timer's experience

Two days ago a member from another forum decided to take the plunge into the deep sea of Ambiophonics.

Here is the Whatsapp conversation unedited except for some parts censored due to matters not related to the topic. Even though I have about 13000 (more than 1000 over CDs) songs (mostly western) ripped to my hard drive, I prefer to listen to Indian/Tamil songs and classical music. You do not really know how much beauty of the singers voice lost in stereo. Ambiophonics rips apart every singer's voice and give them their unique identity.

Hope to see more joining...


7/24/14, 9:14:48 PM: Anthony: Hi st

7/24/14, 9:15:09 PM: ST: How is it?

7/24/14, 9:15:17 PM: Anthony: Trying to use d calculator now

7/24/14, 9:15:54 PM: Anthony: Measuremt in ft, cm, mm?

7/24/14, 9:16:12 PM: ST: Anything but be consistent

7/24/14, 9:16:22 PM: Anthony: Ok

[Conversation went on how to setup the speakers and RACE. Removed for brevity ]

7/24/14, 10:01:49 PM: Anthony: So i can pwr up everthing?

7/24/14, 10:01:55 PM: Anthony: Now

7/24/14, 10:02:00 PM: ST: Yes

7/24/14, 10:02:15 PM: Anthony: So tis is it?

7/24/14, 10:02:21 PM: ST: Yes

7/24/14, 10:02:34 PM: ST: Easy right

7/24/14, 10:02:54 PM: Anthony: D setting is making me pening (head spinning)

7/24/14, 10:03:23 PM: ST: Tell me about it. I was all alone doing it.

7/24/14, 10:03:42 PM: ST: Even the jumper setting I got the figure out where it was.

7/24/14, 10:04:00 PM: Anthony: U r great...I'm as good as blind

7/24/14, 10:04:11 PM: ST: We share share

7/24/14, 10:04:22 PM: ST: Which cd are you going to play first

7/24/14, 10:04:32 PM: Anthony: D linn

7/24/14, 10:04:40 PM: ST: Yessss

7/24/14, 10:05:00 PM: ST: One linn cd was too much panned. Can't remember which

7/24/14, 10:04:59 PM: Anthony: To double confirm

7/24/14, 10:05:14 PM: Anthony: Miniambio will need power

7/24/14, 10:05:22 PM: ST: Yes sure

7/24/14, 10:05:55 PM: ST: Plug it in to the power supply. Mine is 24/6 on all the time

7/24/14, 10:05:57 PM: Anthony: So i use d usb cable n link it to d handphone plug

7/24/14, 10:06:04 PM: ST: Yes

7/24/14, 10:06:47 PM: Anthony: I'm going to fire it up now

7/24/14, 10:07:08 PM: ST: Fingers crossed

7/24/14, 10:08:27 PM: Anthony: Abit going thru my wedding!!!

7/24/14, 10:09:07 PM: ST: I wouldn't recommend the surround cd

7/24/14, 10:09:33 PM: ST: They have phase manipulated for surround effect

7/24/14, 10:09:35 PM: Anthony: Ooh sacd in fact

7/24/14, 10:09:54 PM: ST: Try other linn

7/24/14, 10:10:17 PM: ST: The surround cd was tuned for stereo.

7/24/14, 10:10:38 PM: Anthony: Sorry. Only one.

7/24/14, 10:11:08 PM: ST: Any other classical you like even Chinese will do

7/24/14, 10:11:50 PM: ST: You can try with linn. I will look for my cd

7/24/14, 10:12:17 PM: Anthony: 29a331730502760a3ecaf179b0b2be1f.jpg <attached>

7/24/14, 10:12:40 PM: Anthony: Will try these two

7/24/14, 10:13:38 PM: ST: What are you waiting for.

7/24/14, 10:17:24 PM: Anthony: c6ba0ae1720e451ded1e9e7df6ead04a.jpg <attached>

7/24/14, 10:17:45 PM: Anthony: Tonite...I'm going to loose sleep

7/24/14, 10:18:02 PM: ST: Why? No good?

7/24/14, 10:18:43 PM: Anthony: No..I'm an ambiophile...just converted

7/24/14, 10:19:40 PM: ST: Thanks. The trick is getting the setting right in the first place. Wait till you add the second rear speakers.

7/24/14, 10:20:33 PM: Anthony: I only play stereo. U can add from stereo?

7/24/14, 10:20:51 PM: Anthony: D sound is great

7/24/14, 10:21:05 PM: ST: Yes. You can add as many speakers as you want

7/24/14, 10:21:07 PM: Anthony: Much larger than b4

7/24/14, 10:21:46 PM: Anthony: Nvr enjoyed clasical...but tis is...classic


7/24/14, 10:24:08 PM: Anthony: Tis is already better than stereo

7/24/14, 10:24:52 PM: Anthony: Wonder if i push d spk back, nearer to wall to reinforce bass, will it work?

7/24/14, 10:28:31 PM: Anthony: St..i owe u one

7/24/14, 10:28:43 PM: Anthony: For introducing ambio

7/24/14, 10:29:04 PM: Anthony: Yr patience to help me set up

7/24/14, 10:29:36 PM: ST: The pleasure is mine. Glad I got another friend. More will join if they take the trouble to experiment.

7/24/14, 10:30:34 PM: Anthony: I told some of my friends n going to invite them for audition. Just had one two days ago on stereo

7/24/14, 10:30:37 PM: ST: Soon you will chuck you expensive cables and comes (cones) and all the rubbish

7/24/14, 10:30:42 PM: Anthony: Thks so much

7/24/14, 10:31:04 PM: ST: Ok. Enjoy good nite.

7/24/14, 10:31:20 PM: Anthony: Good nite my friend

7/25/14, 11:53:50 AM: Anthony: Hi bro, posted a short review in h4s. Maybe u can advise.

7/25/14, 11:55:55 AM: ST: Just read them. I think I know your bass problem. When you move your speakers away from the side wall the bass reinforcement disappears.

7/25/14, 11:56:28 AM: ST: I place my sub on a table 6 inch behind my head.

7/25/14, 11:56:49 AM: ST: Will add to the post

7/25/14, 11:58:31 AM: Anthony: ??

7/25/14, 12:06:12 PM: ST: What do you mean you are feeling lack of oomph. Which recording are you referring to pls?

7/25/14, 12:09:38 PM: Anthony: Omph means sound level between soft n loud passages.....attack

7/25/14, 12:11:24 PM: ST: Dynamics level? Ambio should give you the widest dynamic range unless you are mixing up with loudness compression which gives false sense of loudness and dynamics.

7/25/14, 12:12:45 PM: Anthony: Maybe I'm used to reverb n heighten bass which r just artificial additives.

7/25/14, 12:13:24 PM: Anthony: Hmmm..need more listening session

7/25/14, 12:13:40 PM: Anthony: N a sub too which i don't have

7/25/14, 12:13:50 PM: Anthony: Using toten arro spks

7/25/14, 12:14:05 PM: ST: Yes. The correct balance of sound is usually distorted with room coloration.

7/25/14, 12:14:54 PM: ST: Your reference to loss of reverberation related to all the CDs or just the pop ones?

7/25/14, 12:15:14 PM: Anthony: All in fact

7/25/14, 4:52:18 PM: ST: Hi. Pls take note that the reverberation issue is Ali could be that you are playing at your normal volume level. As ambio spread the depth and width the sound may appear to be soft due to larger area and distance of the instruments. Crank up the volume to bring out the oomph.

7/25/14, 7:57:53 PM: ST: Hi, is your mini 0.9V?

7/25/14, 9:57:43 PM: Anthony: Sorry late reply. Reorganised room so i can place spks close to wall to get more bass. Will adhere to d usual position. Miniambio is a 2v. Managed to ask them to change. Will place it after cdp.

7/25/14, 9:59:37 PM: ST: If 2.0 v must be after CDP. 0.9v after preamp. Otherwise you will have loudness compression.

7/25/14, 10:00:10 PM: Anthony: ??

7/25/14, 10:01:17 PM: ST: I only got one eagle album. And no Alison Moyet. Let me know other cd u play. I can test here.

7/25/14, 10:02:06 PM: ST: When soundstage is bigger the sound may appear thin. You have to increase the volume.

7/25/14, 10:02:32 PM: ST: Like when you press mom (mono) and stereo in your radio.

7/25/14, 10:05:15 PM: Anthony: I tried a hugo chinese instrumental sampling

7/25/14, 10:05:22 PM: Anthony: If was great (it was great

7/25/14, 10:07:40 PM: ST: It won't matter. Once you hear the texture. You get used to the pseudo stereo. I think you spend more than a decade perfecting stereo. Maybe you should give a couple of months with ambio. Even kal Rubinson is not getting it right.

7/25/14, 10:08:03 PM: ST: Well he didn't try setting up.

7/25/14, 10:09:09 PM: Anthony: Started in 1992. Now d stereo thing is in my blood. I'm doing ambio transfusion now.

7/25/14, 10:10:03 PM: ST: If you get it right then you will move on to Panambio

7/25/14, 10:10:43 PM: ST: That will be another day and nite difference with resolution.

7/25/14, 10:13:14 PM: ST: bc75aa6cb7b1f20c193f151650054f96.jpg <attached>

7/25/14, 10:13:13 PM: Anthony: Wow..another level..happy tat i can experience tis in my life time. Am 50. Need to speed up tis new found experience ??

7/25/14, 10:14:21 PM: Anthony: Yr little paradise!

7/25/14, 10:14:36 PM: ST: The endless room treatment. You can slam the subwoofwr as loud as possible with no boom. So loud that my son chairs bounce upstairs

7/25/14, 10:15:28 PM: Anthony:'s a head banger!

7/25/14, 10:16:21 PM: ST: No just for demos. I only listen about 85db

7/25/14, 10:17:04 PM: Anthony: D itd calculator...r v suppose to match all measurement so as to achieve spk angle of 20?

7/25/14, 10:17:18 PM: ST: Panambio is great because it also act as mid band room treatment. So you flat freq response.

7/25/14, 10:17:38 PM: Anthony: I listen d most 80db. May not b d same now

7/25/14, 10:17:47 PM: ST: I would stick to 16 to 18

7/25/14, 10:19:17 PM: ST: It is the same. But since the soundstage bigger you will softer. Push up the volume.

7/25/14, 10:20:04 PM: ST: You can download sound measurement and see how loud you listen. Free apps

7/25/14, 10:20:19 PM: Anthony: It was soft i realised yesterday

7/25/14, 10:20:40 PM: Anthony: Yup. Got tat apps in my phone

7/25/14, 10:23:15 PM: ST: Take a vocal test cd and see if it is 80db. Remember Due to crosstalk cancellation you lose 3db. So you have to increase vol by 3 db. Furthermore since soundstage is bigger. You naturally want it to be louder.

7/25/14, 10:24:31 PM: Anthony: Yup. Hoping to hear those sound at d far end.

7/25/14, 10:25:11 PM: Anthony: I closed my eyes n i could pin point tos instruments

7/25/14, 10:25:21 PM: Anthony: Not confused

7/25/14, 10:25:28 PM: ST: Try. You still crawling. Long time to walk and run.

7/25/14, 10:25:49 PM: ST: Can you do that with stereo. ?

7/25/14, 10:26:40 PM: ST: In fact ambio is capable of recreating the actual venue. But you need about 30 speakers for that.

7/25/14, 10:27:23 PM: Anthony: Yes...simple arrangemt....try clasical/ a lump of shit...tats why never like clasical

7/25/14, 10:27:47 PM: ST: You will soon realize many songs that you thought single voice could be more than two.

7/25/14, 10:28:27 PM: ST: I am not much of classical lover.

7/25/14, 10:28:53 PM: Anthony: I'm picking up more sound from clasical...even one track brought emotion..tats realy something

7/25/14, 10:29:14 PM: Anthony: D violins were realy sweet

7/25/14, 10:29:41 PM: Anthony: ...d

7/25/14, 10:30:25 PM: ST: Please right (write) down your experience. So that you can slowly evolve the setup. Be consistent with you evaluation. Same CDs etc etc.


7/25/14, 10:32:02 PM: Anthony: Now is about getting d right measurement n placement. Room acoustic n listening more cds.

7/25/14, 10:33:01 PM: ST: Ideally. The room should be well damped. So that you don't get stray wave affecting the cancellation

7/25/14, 10:33:17 PM: Anthony: True

7/25/14, 10:33:56 PM: Anthony: Tonite another long nite haha

7/25/14, 10:34:38 PM: ST: Good luck. Me going to bed early. Bad headache.

7/25/14, 10:34:39 PM: Anthony: Does upgrading equipmts matter anymore?

7/25/14, 10:35:54 PM: ST: Ok good question. Do you know what cables used to connect the multi million US dlar system?

7/25/14, 10:36:14 PM: ST: Cables from radio shack.

7/25/14, 10:36:35 PM: Anthony: heart sank

7/25/14, 10:36:45 PM: ST: The most important component is speakers.

7/25/14, 10:37:51 PM: ST: Ok good nite.

7/25/14, 10:37:55 PM: Anthony: Have a good rest

7/25/14, 10:38:05 PM: ST: Thanks.

7/25/14, 10:38:18 PM: ST: Enjoy you(r) new toy.
I like ambiophonic as well as the standard stereophonic type of listening. Each has its plus and minuses.
I have personally found that as long as you connect to the music, rest of it is just placebo effect. I have equally enjoyed music pumped from a 50 rupee radio in a tea shop as from my home stereo.
I like ambiophonic as well as the standard stereophonic type of listening. Each has its plus and minuses.
I have personally found that as long as you connect to the music, rest of it is just placebo effect. I have equally enjoyed music pumped from a 50 rupee radio in a tea shop as from my home stereo.

May I know your exact implementation, please? About three days ago, I was on Whasapp helping a new user to setup his Miniambio. He was so excited but the next day he was complaining about the lack of reverberation.

Then the following day, he informed me that he forgot to press the sync button and now after syncing all the Cd sounded good. What I am saying here - you have to make sure your attenuation and delay parameters set correctly. Would be helpful if you share the screenshot of your Nutron or Ipad players' setting.
Hi Ambio

I tried the samples ( train ) from the ambiophonics site , it could see the 3d depth with the RACE cancelled sample in the Macbook Laptop when compared to the stereo sample .

However, when i played it in the stereo gear It was not so 3D , infact i liked the stereo sample . I placed the speakers close enough and listening distance it 2-3 times more than the distance between the speakers . The room is small and i don't have much space
around the speaker ( side and back walls ) , Would that be a problem ?
Hi Ambio

I tried the samples ( train ) from the ambiophonics site , it could see the 3d depth with the RACE cancelled sample in the Macbook Laptop when compared to the stereo sample .

However, when i played it in the stereo gear It was not so 3D , infact i liked the stereo sample . I placed the speakers close enough and listening distance it 2-3 times more than the distance between the speakers . The room is small and i don't have much space
around the speaker ( side and back walls ) , Would that be a problem ?


Thank you for your effort. Please make sure no soundcard internal DSP is enabled and try again. It is good to double check the speakers phase too. Windows PC allow us to disable any kind of internal sound enhancement. No sure whether MacBook allows that.

p.s. Looks like Mac sound is via a DSP in the motherboard. Can someone confirm this, please? Never used a MAC.
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May I know your exact implementation, please? About three days ago, I was on Whasapp helping a new user to setup his Miniambio. He was so excited but the next day he was complaining about the lack of reverberation.

Then the following day, he informed me that he forgot to press the sync button and now after syncing all the Cd sounded good. What I am saying here - you have to make sure your attenuation and delay parameters set correctly. Would be helpful if you share the screenshot of your Nutron or Ipad players' setting.

By placebo effect I did not mean that it does not make a difference, just that as long as you connect to the music, everything played decently is enjoyable.

The major difference that I find is that imaging in standard stereo is converging in nature whereas in ambiophonic it is more divergent. The vocals are tight and cleaner in stereo imaging unlike in ambiophonic setup, especially in melodious tracks. However staging, separation and boundary that an ambiophonic DSP produces is unmatchable with any home stereo set up. But then you do need to like the tonality of ambiophonics, which I do.
By placebo effect I did not mean that it does not make a difference, just that as long as you connect to the music, everything played decently is enjoyable.

The major difference that I find is that imaging in standard stereo is converging in nature whereas in ambiophonic it is more divergent. The vocals are tight and cleaner in stereo imaging unlike in ambiophonic setup, especially in melodious tracks. However staging, separation and boundary that an ambiophonic DSP produces is unmatchable with any home stereo set up. But then you do need to like the tonality of ambiophonics, which I do.

Ok, I understand what you are trying to tell. I was bit confused when you said "placebo effect" because the difference is real and not born out of your expectation.

Ideally, Ambiophonics should be judged with well recorded recordings. I emphasis the world orchestral music. If you are going to try Tracy Chapman then you are going to be unhappy because of the limitations in the recordings itself. There are setting that you can adjust to make them to sound good but best avoided for now until you are familiar with ambio.

I see you are from Chennai and if you listen to Tamil songs - Thenalli is a good CD to try Ambiophonics with.

When you speak of tonality, you have to make sure it not the room colouring, crosstalk and comb filtering effect that you are hearing. Please use a headphone when you compare tonality/timbre with your main system. You can read hear all about the colouration you hear in the stereo setup. Understanding Ambiophonics

Make sure the speakers are about 20 degrees. You have to do the math by doing the actual measurements. No guesswork please.

If you could see the sound waves this is what happens with and without crosstalk cancellation. Courtesy of Univ of Southampton.

Real sound as we hear in the nature. It can be in the centre or side.

Now the same sound played back in stereo. You can see how the characteristic of the sound changed from the original.

With Ambiophonics, the sounds waves are preserved as close as possible look like the original sound.
You can read hear all about the colouration you hear in the stereo setup. Understanding Ambiophonics

Might be able to take in the theory during the quiet hours of the night :eek: but will definitely look for a Linux way to see how this sounds.

Thank you for your effort. Please make sure no soundcard internal DSP is enabled and try again. It is good to double check the speakers phase too. Windows PC allow us to disable any kind of internal sound enhancement. No sure whether MacBook allows that.

p.s. Looks like Mac sound is via a DSP in the motherboard. Can someone confirm this, please? Never used a MAC.

I am using Windows 7 PC for the Main Stereo and there is no DSP enabled in the foobar . It is WASAPI Event direct to the DAC .

I downloaded the files in the Macbook pro and just played both the samples in the Macbook laptop speakers , it was good with 3d . Then i copied the wav files to the Win7 and played it through the speakers , where i could not find much difference . What ever the difference it was there , i liked the unprocessed wav file . I assume it could be due to placement issues as the RACE cancelled wave filed played really good from those tiny macbook speakers .
I am using Windows 7 PC for the Main Stereo and there is no DSP enabled in the foobar . It is WASAPI Event direct to the DAC .

I downloaded the files in the Macbook pro and just played both the samples in the Macbook laptop speakers , it was good with 3d . Then i copied the wav files to the Win7 and played it through the speakers , where i could not find much difference . What ever the difference it was there , i liked the unprocessed wav file . I assume it could be due to placement issues as the RACE cancelled wave filed played really good from those tiny macbook speakers .

Your speakers placements would give an angle of 28 degrees for twice the distance and 19 degree for thrice that. Use the 3 times the distance as the first one is too wide for the demo files. [edited - I miscalculated the angles in the original posting] . You don't need any physical barrier in between.

Download these files.



In the first track you should feel like you are in the station itself. And in the second track you should able to hear the flow of water towards your left shoulder. The duck/goose (I do not know what it is) fly from left to right floating between you and the speakers. Please take note these audio clips were recorded with no any kind of sound processing and may sound a little bland compared to the usual studio recorded sound that we are accustomed to.

Please don't use these files to listen in your normal setup.

Please pm or email me if you need more info.

Thank you for the patience.
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Might be able to take in the theory during the quiet hours of the night :eek: but will definitely look for a Linux way to see how this sounds.

The best would be to download the demo files and move the speaker to get 1:3 ratio for speakers and sitting distance. Make sure all sound DSP disable when you run the files. It would be easier to make a CD Rom and use your CDP.

Good luck.
Ok, I understand what you are trying to tell. I was bit confused when you said "placebo effect" because the difference is real and not born out of your expectation.

Ideally, Ambiophonics should be judged with well recorded recordings. I emphasis the world orchestral music. If you are going to try Tracy Chapman then you are going to be unhappy because of the limitations in the recordings itself. There are setting that you can adjust to make them to sound good but best avoided for now until you are familiar with ambio.

I see you are from Chennai and if you listen to Tamil songs - Thenalli is a good CD

Make sure the speakers are about 20 degrees. You have to do the math by doing the actual measurements. No guesswork please.

If you could see the sound waves this is what happens with and without crosstalk cancellation. Courtesy of Univ of Southampton.

Real sound as we hear in the nature. It can be in the centre or side.

Now the same sound played back in stereo. You can see how the characteristic of the sound changed from the original.

With Ambiophonics, the sounds waves are preserved as close as possible look like the original sound.

Yes, my speakers are placed for a 20 degree angle and measured accurately. I listen to a lot of floyd and stuff of that sort which have lots of dynamics in them and sounds great with ambiophonic dap.
The best would be to download the demo files and move the speaker to get 1:3 ratio for speakers and sitting distance. Make sure all sound DSP disable when you run the files. It would be easier to make a CD Rom and use your CDP.

Good luck.
I'm am somewhat hifi-challenged these days with no proper place to listen to or adjust speakers. I do most of my listening at the desktop. Somewhere, I think you mentioned headphones, but where I saw about the player, it said no headphones?

Otherwise, I have to postpone the adventure until a day when I can and feel like moving furniture around.
I'm am somewhat hifi-challenged these days with no proper place to listen to or adjust speakers. I do most of my listening at the desktop. Somewhere, I think you mentioned headphones, but where I saw about the player, it said no headphones?

Otherwise, I have to postpone the adventure until a day when I can and feel like moving furniture around.

Desktop speakers will do. Ambiophonics will not work with headphones. I asked to listen to headphones so that you get a chance to hear normal recordings without room influence. You could download the ambiophics player and play your cd collection by making a copy of wav files. water lily acoustics recordings sound great in Ambiophonics.
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I asked to listen to headphones so that you get a chance to hear normal recordings without room influence.
Oh yes, been there, done that. Doing that, quite often. You'd laugh if you saw my listening space: more like a cupboard! The PC is my usual listening source now, so the music is there already.

I'm not sure that my listening space allows me to do this experiment usefully*, but I'll give it a try.

*I mean it would not be a fair test
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