Any Windows 10 tweaks for Streaming Music through Spotify etc


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2010
My configuration:

AMD Ryzen 5 2600
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

Headphone out from GTX to Pre Amp.

I was initially listening with the following connections:

HDMI from GTX to Sony TV, Headphone out from Sony to Pre-amp.

Then I thought, why not take audio out directly from the PC. I like it better directly from the GTX.

Browsing through the threads, there is quite a lot of information with regard to setting up a media player for playing files from the hard disk but very little information with regards to tweaking the PC for streaming music.

So, are there any tweaks that will improve music quality when streaming from PC ?
Using an output from an graphics card is not the best solution for audio. Here are a few steps you can take.

1.0 Sound card and ASIO
1.1. Try to get a sound card that can use ASIO.
1.2. Install ASIO.
1.3. Use output from the sound card.

2.0 Use USB
1.1. Take sound out in digital form through the USB.
1.2. Connect an external DAC and use the output that comes from the DAC.

3.0 Use Raspberry Pi.
For about 8k, you can get a Rpi and a DAC, and play music from that. Transfer your files to a HDD, and use this combination. Use Volumio or Moode to play the music. With proper files, you will get near audiophile grade music from this simple system.

Any of these methods will give you vastly better sound. I am listing a few of the simpler methods. There are, of course, complicated ways of tweaking the Windows OS. In my opinion, Windows is not meant to play music, and fooling around with the OS to 'reduce' noise is silly. A good sound card removes more than half the hassle that Windows is supposed to give for playing music.
Adding , tweaking windows will make a big difference in sound.

Personally experienced that.

Till how much depth one wants to tweak is upon one's ability and prioritiy.

Absolutely nothing "silly" about it.

Yes, you can get much better sound with hardware like allo which uses Linux but that also comes with its own set of issues and that does not mean windows can't be used or tweaked for music playback.

Infact for me standalone raspberry pi was much worst in music playback then any windows laptop without any tweaks
Using an output from an graphics card is not the best solution for audio. Here are a few steps you can take.

1.0 Sound card and ASIO
1.1. Try to get a sound card that can use ASIO.
1.2. Install ASIO.
1.3. Use output from the sound card.
I have now connected to the Realtek Audio Card instead of to the Graphics Card. Downloaded ASIO. It is not getting activated. I think my sound card is not compatible.

Yes, this is the free version.

I was searching for the tweaks you had suggested sometime back in the forum. Could not find it. I think I had tried those tweaks on my laptop. Installed the Fidelizer. Thanks once again.
was searching for the tweaks you had suggested sometime back in the forum. Could not find it. I think I had tried those tweaks on my laptop.
I think you meant this Thread here ;
Thread 'Interest check | optimizing Win-10 for audio'

Or this?
Thread 'Laptop tweaks'

Both of them are quite informative on PC tweaks for audio. Thanks @keith_correa.
Yes, you can get much better sound with hardware like allo which uses Linux but that also comes with its own set of issues and that does not mean windows can't be used or tweaked for music playback.

Infact for me standalone raspberry pi was much worst in music playback then any windows laptop without any tweaks
That is strange. I have really faced no serious issues with RPi+Allo combination. It plays everything I throw at it, and it plays it beautifully. I start it and shut it down with no worries. I have been using 3 RPis for music (6 months) and movies (over 2 years) and I have not faced any issue. Undoubtedly there is a small learning curve between the user friendly Windows and Linux. But then I never went into the nuances of the OS. I stuck to simple software such as Libreelec and Moode and they have been performing flawlessly. Libreelec + Kodi on an RPi4 also handles 4K and H.265 with ease. Yes, it does not understand HDR10, but I am ready to wait for a version that does.

ASR has placed the Allo Boss 1.2 within the top ten of best performing DACs. My RPi + Allo Boss + Isolator with inexpensive power supplies, delivers sound like I have never heard before.

In the recent past I have been listening to Rasa Audio's streamer using the same combination but with specialized software and a LPS. Believe me, this can give a system costing 10 times it's cost a run for its money. When I played my favourite track - A Faint Flutter - from Raga Symphony, it created a sound stage with my modest amp and speakers set that was unbelievable.

You should take a serious re-look at your RPi system's configuration, etc.

All the best.
I was referring to raspberry pi as a stand alone streamer, without any HAT card
Don't know about OS tweaks (Windows or Linux), but Allo has provided options in their products to tweak the sound to one's liking.
I use Digione (non signature version). Have experienced Boss/Player bundle too and played around with PEQ options.
For their respective price points, they are "fairly" robust products and quite enjoyable music wise too.
Very soon will be checking out and posting my experience with another bundle; USBridge + Revolution DAC + Shanti LPS.

I think @keith_correa and maybe other folks have successfully got many Windows enhancements to work

I was referring to raspberry pi as a stand alone streamer, without any HAT card
I agree. By itself, RPi is useless for playing music. But people like Moode, Volumio, Libreelec and others have stripped Linux to the bare minimum and optimized it with or without hardware to pay music and movies well.
All hardware/software players, whether Windows based or Linux based are very robust and play well enough. They have been around for long to get things right. Now, what is "well enough" is upto the listener to determine. I know people who have been very happy with the sound OOTB but when that sound is elevated via tweaks, without exception, they have all been amazed at the level of change. All OS's can be taken up to multiple levels for reproducing audio. Some, more than others. Me, I can never leave well enough alone. There is always scope for another tweak and as I keep tinkering and implementing stuff with additional knowledge I gain, I personally shrug off my jaded persona and get amazed once again. The journey for me is more interesting than the destination. :)
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