Well-Known Member
I am planning to get HDMI, Component, Subwoofer, Coaxial cables from BELKIN (Blue series - PureAV). How good are they in SQ?
I am planning to get HDMI, Component, Subwoofer, Coaxial cables from BELKIN (Blue series - PureAV). How good are they in SQ?
sajith bhai i use draka cables you can check them too they are expensive though
I am very angry with you. If you are using Draka cables and you seem to know what you are talking about, why were you asking for cable recommendation in another thread for your multi channel amp?
i hope you understand and i really really don't know beofre you reply me in my thread that what kind of cables i need for amp use between normal speaker cables or some special kind of cables, if you still think i'm lieing then i'm sorry and i will never ever ask you any question again :sad:
Manu, Manu, Manu. I was just pulling your leg. You can ask any question you want and we are here to help you. Smile please.
Following are the cable list:
Belkin Component 12ft : PureAV Blue Series Component Video Cable 12 ft. | Belkin component video cables component video cables hdtv video cables hdtv cables rgb cables component cables video cables hd cables hd video cables npaBelkin10904 BELKIN012
Belkin Coaxial 6ft : Digital Coaxial Cable 6 ft. | Belkin digital audio coaxial cable digital coax cable digital audio cable coaxial cable digital cable digital audio digital spdif cable spdif dolby digital cable BELKIN012909 BELKINVC BelkinOut0
Dayton HDMI 12ft : Parts-Express.comayton HR13C23 High-Speed HDMI Cable V1.3 C2 CL3 3m (10 ft.) | Dayton audio hdmi cable high speed hdmi cable cl3 hdmi cable category 2 hdmi cable hdmi cable clHDMI050109 HDTV Weekly Special HDTV ACC HDMICables063009