Ascend Sierra -1 with emotiva upa-2 mini review


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2008
Finally my speakers arrived. I set it up using laptop usb to beresford caiman as pre amp with emotiva upa-2 power amplifier driving the ascend sierra-1 speakers. When i tested this emotiva amplifier at lakozy delhi with psb speakers it was sounding rough and harsh, i found the solution was the gain knob calibration to be set in the middle rather than maximum like it wa set before, after which i got clean and balanced sound.

Now to the sound .... its 3 dimensional, its high resolution, its all things the reviews stated, lets me forget about the speakers and lets me lose myself to the music. Lot of details masked by my previous speakers are shining through in full glory. Complex parts are sounding much cleaner and clearer now. Neutral sound is a revelation and took time for me to adjust but after some sessions its sounding realistic and true, fatigue in these speakers is not even a concern, ive been listening to music for 10 hours non stop. Cohesive sound is the name of the game with these speakers many tower speakers did not satisfy me in this regard.

Genres like rock,hindi classics, reggae, hip hop are shining through in terms of realistic vocals + guitar plucks and strings sounding very realistic and almost live, not like speakers at all.

The bass is very good for speakers this size but for electronic music sub woofer gives it that extra punch required in the low end. Presently i have plugged the ports of the speakers giving it a -3db@60hz vs -3db@40hz originally and the subwoofer crossed over around 60hz.With the ports plugged in speakers have become even more cleaner sounding in the mid range.

Further plan is to get hold of the Emotiva USP-1 for the double cross over. Set the sub to handle below 60hz and speakers to handle above 60hz. Also the 9v pre-out voltage should make the dynamic swings only better. Planning to add one or two svs sb12 nsd woofers down the line. First and foremost need to do some acoustic treatment in my room too.

Overall im extremely happy in comparison to my auditions its as detailed as the PSB synchrony one towers, cohesive as the focal chorus, musical but not analytical, tweeter is smooth and fatigue free. There is clear cut sound difference compared to wharfedale, dali and focal where the mid range is emphasized in a way.

I paid total of 73,000 = 53000 for speakers,cables, shielding + 10,000 shipping + 10,000 customs as ascend under invoiced the package for customs. :yahoo::eek:hyeah::D
That's one very nice set of speakers! Enjoy!!

ya after listening to many cheaper speakers ..... this neutral sound is a whole new experience ... lets the actual music do the talking rather than the speaker's emphasized treble or mids.
@audiodelic: How do you rate Sierra's dynamics?

For a bookshelf its a very good balance between refined and dynamic at the same time, does have that muscular american sound to it but with out losing out on balance/cohesiveness/refinement which for me are qualities that a high end speaker must have.

The garbage in garbage out has come more into play, bad recording sounds decent, good recordings sound out of this world. I can suddenly hear clear cut difference between lower bit rate mp3's, high bit rate mp3's, wav files and flac files.
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