Beating Apple Google tax...


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
If I were Zee5, instead of charging a subscriber Rs60, should i not go to JIO and give it for Rs40 to them, and the transaction price is only known to me, and JIO raises ARPU by Rs40 (plus markup plus licence fee and spectrum fees etc.) and Apple/Google tax cant be paid as subscriber gets it for free? Physically everything remains same. What goes missing is the display retail price.

JIO has offered Netflix on the mobile (and only mobile) free of charge to its postpaid users. In the market it is Rs200/month. Netflix has charged JIO less, but that is a private deal between Netflix and JIO no one else knows the details of. Apple and Google are facing tremendous resistance globally to their 30% App Store / Play store tax. They disallow any app from letting users get directed to the app developer's website for payment. They disallow parallel payments within the app (which EPIC, the developer of Fortnite, tried to do and that is the case in the US courts now). That is why we cant buy books on the Kindle App in ipad and android phones (because Amazon does not want to pay 30% of the value of the purchase to Apple/Google). Now what is JIO/Netflix to pay Apple/Google if a postpaid subscriber takes this up?

Is this the way to bypass Apple Google tax? At least for the right sort of apps?
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