Windows was never designed for playing audio or even video. Just because it is used extensively and is so user friendly, we expect it to do everything perfectly. Whatever magic we do with the OS, a laptop or a PC does not have the hardware to play music of high quality. I do believe Asus has some special circuitry in some of their models, but that is also meant for games.
That said, if you can send an audio file in digital format to an external DAC, why do you need to do anything else? If you are going to listen to music from your laptop, use a set a good speakers, and the audio is of fairly decent quality. I listen to an hour of music every day using a software called Audacious and a set of speakers that costs a ridiculous 10$ (, and I don't find anything greatly amiss in it. I bought these speakers a long time ago is some supermarket in Dubai. I was attracted, as then, these were the only ones with wooden boxes. Now, of course, there are umpteen others available.
You play a Blu-ray disk from an HTPC and a regular player, you can see the difference. There is nothing wrong with the PC. Just that it is not optimized for the task and is dependent on too many hardware and software that are in the path of the media. That is one of the reasons, why after using a HTPC for over 10 years, I am actively looking at moving to a media player.
All that aside, I think Raspberry Pi and associated DACs have made the concept of fooling around with Windows completely redundant. An RPi3 + an Allo DAC comes well under 7K, and that beats the pants off most systems. It is so tiny, you can keep it next to your laptop and hear music in genuine HiFi. You can even stick it with double sided tapes under you table, so it does not take any space. And, you can control it from your Windows system. And the best is that you can misuse the system thoroughly. Switch it off halfway, keep it on the whole day, forget to switch it off before you go to bed.... it seems to take all this with a smile. No licensing and other issues are other great advantages. I never even had to rewrite the OS in nearly 6 moths of abusive usage of the poor system. For safety's sake, I have a duplicate copy of the OS and software on another SD Card.
Why would I even bother fooling around with Windows? No offence to you liverpool. You are more than welcome to use Windows the way you want to.