Best 2.0 Active Speakers for Computer.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2009
Dear All,

Kindly let me know the best 2.0 (without subwoofer) Speaker System with built in Amplifier for Computer available in India.

Some are available from Altec / Bose / Creative etc... but which one gives best sound with adequate amount of balanced bass reproduction.

Kindly suggest some 2.0 models for computer.

BOSE 2.1 Desktop.... :yahoo:

No, just kidding...saw your AM5 thread before and couldn't resist :licklips: :lol:

I second the AE, both 2 and 5. If budget permits, look at the Quad 11L Active, which is around 30-40K. There is also another company whose review had come a year back in AVMag...can't remember name...Tri-something...they sell for 18K I think...similar in size to AEs and good performance, according to review.
where did you get quote of 30-40k for Quad 11L active. I thought it was above 50k. The normal bookshelves 11L2 are for 30k

BOSE 2.1 Desktop.... :yahoo:

No, just kidding...saw your AM5 thread before and couldn't resist :licklips: :lol:

I second the AE, both 2 and 5. If budget permits, look at the Quad 11L Active, which is around 30-40K. There is also another company whose review had come a year back in AVMag...can't remember name...Tri-something...they sell for 18K I think...similar in size to AEs and good performance, according to review.
This was from memory, from about 2 years ago. It may be the prices have gone up considerably now and your figure could be accurate.
Also looking for good 2.0 PC speakers

Does anybody know how the M-Audio speakers compare with the AudioEngine?

AV-40, or possibly even BX5a Deluxe... The latter is a lot of money (well, so is the AE5!), and I wonder if it might not be a little bit hard, in sound quality, being a studio monitor.
I need to read your post again in the morning, lots there to digest.

In non-technical terms, when you speak of "diffuse field", can I understand that as filling a room with music, rather than aiming at a single point?

These speakers are going to be for sitting in front of. They will be about a metre in front of me, on the desk. There is a wall about 18 inches behind me. Yes, it is a cramped corner, but it is "home" to me for most of the day! At the other, unconstricted, end of the room is the hifi, and any time I want to fill the room with music, my corner included, that will do the job. This is just for listening in front of the PC, and pretty much all at lower volumes.

I do need speakers that give me detail without turning the knob up too far. Clear highs and no booming base help me to pretend I don't have a high-frequency hearing problem (at least until someone speaks to me ;))

I really like what most people say about the AEs, but what you say suggests that the M-Audio would suit me and my usage better.
The AE 5 sounds really good even when not turned up. If your a bass junky or listen to electronic music you will need a sub otherwise.

But the sound of these speakers is as good as the reviews state over the long run im really glad i picked these speakers over other studio monitors in the range.The neutral sound signature and detail is awesome.

Highs are clear with no over powering.
Mid range is bliss.
Low end is good for normal people but bass heads would want a subwoofer to complete the equation.
audiodelic, many thanks for that AE5 input.

Cranky, I never knew that there was a technical definition and reasoning for 'nearfield', rather than just something you sit close to :o --- now I do.

You are contributing much to my understand --- I'm grateful :)
Former owner of AE2 here. It's a lovely pair of powered speakers for the money. The sound is detailed and yes there is a mid-bass bump, but in that small enclosure it somehow works in such a way that the overall sound you get is pretty balanced. Yes they don't go very loud, even in my 10' by 10' room on occasion i would run into a situation where the protection circuitry kicks in before it gets loud enough to be really 'room filling'....but those were pretty ambitious levels considering the size of the speakers. The imaging was precise, and they managed a decent soundstage as well.

But anyway you slice is it's an excellent value, and I am sure that is the case with the AE5 as well.
It was Psychotropic's AE2s that brought me to this forum :) --- but unfortunately he had sold them already.

I'm currently tempted by the AE5s, but here's another "problem" --- I want the wood finish, and it is a lot more expensive :o !
hey Thad, actually that 'wood finish' one is made out of actual treated's not just a finish....and that's why the cost is higher. No idea of the sound is any different though.

It was Psychotropic's AE2s that brought me to this forum :) --- but unfortunately he had sold them already.

I'm currently tempted by the AE5s, but here's another "problem" --- I want the wood finish, and it is a lot more expensive :o !
hey Thad, actually that 'wood finish' one is made out of actual treated's not just a finish....and that's why the cost is higher. No idea of the sound is any different though.

I had the bamboo version A5N.Sound is a little different i think it sounds a little more natural less boxed in. Favoring Rock, acoustic and classical music. But the Bamboo version i got continuously had overheating problems so had to return it and stick with the black version.
If you've heard Wharfdale 9.1 and 9.2 -
AE5 sound pretty much in their league.
With slightly different and more "open" voicing.

Wharfs sound a tad more refined though.
It also depends on your budget there are better monitors available at a higher budget.
Around the likes of Dynaudio Bm5, Bm6a
Adam Audio A5, A7 higher end P series also
Mackie HR series
Mmmmmm... Too expensive for me :sad:

One more question for the experts.

If balanced output is available from the soundcard or mixer, is there any advantage, apart from the noise exclusion? Are the signal levels the same as unbalanced?

Even though my brain goes into a seizure at the sight of an equation :o, there is useful stiff for the relatively unmathematical there, such as the explanation of the very wide range of human hearing being so large that a logarithmic scale is uses to express it.

I know, in practical terms, that balanced cables/connection are used to minimise signal loss and interference over the long cable runs used in pro and PA work. Of course, the distance from PC to speakers is pretty small, albeit an electrically noisy environment.

... And I'm still dithering between A5 and M-audio AX40 or even BX-5a. The even-more-pro stuff audiodelic mentioned looks amazing, (I looked at the Adam site and reviews a few days ago; took a look at Mackie yesterday) but is way beyond budget.

I wonder what deba, who started this thread, decided on?
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