Best Hi-fi Audio (Home)


New Member
Oct 21, 2007
hi all,

I have a query regarding hi-fi audio setup for a room size of 14' x 14'. My target is to buy the setup within 50k INR.

1. Should i buy an amp or a receiver ?? Which ones do you recommend ??
2. What speakers go best with the specified amp ??
3. I have an option to buy it from B'lore or mumbai .... so any contacts available ??

Thanks in advance ... :D :cool:
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First off, if your main interest is music, you should definitely go for an integrated amp, not a receiver. Also, with that size of room, better go for floorstanders. What kind of music do you listen to? Also, what about the source - do you already have the CDP?

You should check out Cambridge Audio 540A & Marantz PM4001 for budget amps, and probably Mordaunt Short 904i, Wharfedale 8.3 or Mission m33i for the floorstanders.

Best of luck.


First off, if your main interest is music, you should definitely go for an integrated amp, not a receiver. Also, with that size of room, better go for floorstanders. What kind of music do you listen to? Also, what about the source - do you already have the CDP?

You should check out Cambridge Audio 540A & Marantz PM4001 for budget amps, and probably Mordaunt Short 904i, Wharfedale 8.3 or Mission m33i for the floorstanders.

Best of luck.


thanks viki...

My main interest is music.. and i listen mostly to rock, heavy metal etc. I wouldn't mind connecting them while i watch movies in my pc (or is that a bad idea?? :( )
Regarding the source i have an iRiver IMP700T cd/mp3 player & i-Pod 80Gb. Might also look at connecting it to my pc !!!

Thanks for the info on amps.... a few ppl had suggested the same ... BTW what real advantage are them integrated one's over a receiver ?? assume i am a n00biee.. :o

Secondly , my current room is 10feet x 12 feet .... but i will be changing my location soon (15X15 maybe) ... so i had thought not to go for floorstanders since they will be difficult to shift (isn't it ???). But if they are really worth that extra bit of pain ... plz gimme some feedback based on the above facts.....

oh btw I listen to some really heavy stuff (like death metal & black metal)... so u can imagine the dynamics in such an audio... :D

cheers !!!
hi topaz,

your requirements in audio system are exactly the same as mine... even budget.

with music listening as your priority, i would strongly recommend you integrated amp + speakers. i am also a newbie and whatever understanding that i have been able to gather, av receivers of today cannot give as good sound as an amp. Cos in av receivers the audio signal coming in from the dvd/cd player is digitally divided into 5 channels or 7 channels. the music signal is not recorded in 5.1 and hence when decoded by av receiver in 5.1, there is loss of signal and fidelity. even if av receiver is put on stereo mode, the signal still has to pass the digital circuitry and some loss wil be there.

as far as which amp+speakers to buy, you can go thru my threads here... i have asked qstns here and my doubts were cleared. you too can be benefitted from them.

i also listen to similar kind of music as yours and hence what i feel good hard rock / heavy metal sound should be as follows:

- clear and tight bass to hear the double base and feel its punch.
- neutral reproduction of mid-range (distortion guitars) and high frequencies (cymbal crashes, screeching vocals)... not too bright otherwise it may lead to listening fatigue... the key is to be able to hear each instrument seperately

all said and done, each one likes to hear their music differently... coloured / non-coloured.... with extra bass or not.... so hear for yourself and choose what you like.

as far as which amps to go for, i recommend cambridge audio 540a v2 (am myself very seriously considering that) cos its the best possible in our total budget of 30k. this amp costs 18 k so that we have 12 k for speakers and may need to put in addnl 1 k in wires/interconnects. i am assuming that you either already have a cd/dvd player or ipod to listen to music.

since the amp reviewd in many forums as a little laid back with warm tone, we need bright speakers. recommended ones in this forum are mordaunt-short 902i (12k) or wharfedale diamond 9.1 (12k). i personally also want to try with c.a. polk audio monitor 40 (14k) or rti4 (15k). these are bookshelf speakers - dont get floor standing speakers in that budget. but these bookshelfs are powerful enuf to fill the room with sound at 10 or 11 o'clock volume nob position.

if u r in mumbai, currently times av expo is going on in bombay exhibition centre, goregaon on western exp highway. tomo is last day and u can check out all brands

happy headbanging
thanks vilfy for that elaborate and precise answer ... u have described my requirements completely ..

btw I am not from mumbai .... so u need to give me feedback on that expo .... and how are the polk options ... have you listened to all the models mentioned ....

i am pretty much sure of the cambridge audio 540a v2 option ... but NAD is the one recommended amp for metal music...
If bookshelves are bought ... what about the stands .. how much do i need to spare for that ... !!?? Tell me when you have decided ....

So isn't it right to go for the right floorstanders rather than bookshelves ???

[email protected]
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Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.