Beware of Keith Correa

Now the forum should start seriously singing
Keith Don't Go :p

Great work mate. Good to hear genuine heartfelt appreciation from folks who have benefited from your effort.


I would suggest you go commercial and provide the optimizer as a exe file at a good price just like I had got the Audiophiler software :)
I know you had contacted me sometime back, but now I am completely into the Raspberry Pi and out of the laptops and desktops. There is demand as you can see with PMs that you would have received because of this thread.

Good luck.

I would suggest you go commercial and provide the optimizer as a exe file at a good price just like I had got the Audiophiler software :)
I know you had contacted me sometime back, but now I am completely into the Raspberry Pi and out of the laptops and desktops. There is demand as you can see with PMs that you would have received because of this thread.

Good luck.
Many people have been telling me that but it's nothing that people can't do themselves with freeware (that wasn't created with audio in mind) out there - only thing it will take numerous pieces of freeware to achieve what my software does thru one interface.

Then, charging for software comes with it's own set of responsibilities/headaches. You then owe it to people to make it bulletproof, provide updates, add features, fix bugs, test it to make it operable across multiple versions of Windows, provide support, etc
I'm just not prepared for that effort; I like it this way - I choose who to give it to and to ignore who I choose and I don't owe anybody anything this way. Besides, I developed this for myself but one thing led to another and then shit happened...
Many people have been telling me that but it's nothing that people can't do themselves with freeware (that wasn't created with audio in mind) out there - only thing it will take numerous pieces of freeware to achieve what my software does thru one interface.

Then, charging for software comes with it's own set of responsibilities/headaches. You then owe it to people to make it bulletproof, provide updates, add features, fix bugs, test it to make it operable across multiple versions of Windows, provide support, etc
I'm just not prepared for that effort; I like it this way - I choose who to give it to and to ignore who I choose and I don't owe anybody anything this way. Besides, I developed this for myself but one thing led to another and then shit happened...

Yes Keith I understand the repercussions of going this way with ever changing OS in the current market. Usually people will expect more as they pay for the software. Whenever I go the Windows way again will bug you for sure ;)

As usual keep up the good work and just like your witty comments :p
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Many people have been telling me that but it's nothing that people can't do themselves with freeware (that wasn't created with audio in mind) out there - only thing it will take numerous pieces of freeware to achieve what my software does thru one interface.

Then, charging for software comes with it's own set of responsibilities/headaches. You then owe it to people to make it bulletproof, provide updates, add features, fix bugs, test it to make it operable across multiple versions of Windows, provide support, etc
I'm just not prepared for that effort; I like it this way - I choose who to give it to and to ignore who I choose and I don't owe anybody anything this way. Besides, I developed this for myself but one thing led to another and then shit happened...
Perhaps, there’s another option: hand over an exe file and FAQs doc to a HFV moderator. They can post a sticky thread that allows FMs to pay a donation fee to HFV and download the files. I’m sure the other computer geeks on our forum will add their own expertise, once you point them in the right direction and get the ball rolling. That way, the community benefits without impinging on your time.
Of course, there’s the question of compensating you for your time and effort. Again, perhaps a %age of the money collected by HFV?

Note: I’m a complete Luddite in all matters computer audio. So, pardon me if I’m talking out of my rear port :)
Perhaps, there’s another option: hand over an exe file and FAQs doc to a HFV moderator. They can post a sticky thread that allows FMs to pay a donation fee to HFV and download the files. I’m sure the other computer geeks on our forum will add their own expertise, once you point them in the right direction and get the ball rolling. That way, the community benefits without impinging on your time.
Of course, there’s the question of compensating you for your time and effort. Again, perhaps a %age of the money collected by HFV?

Note: I’m a complete Luddite in all matters computer audio. So, pardon me if I’m talking out of my rear port :)
Same circus, different clowns! Or vice versa depending upon whose rear port one is peering into. :)
If you do not intend to commercialise it, open source and publish it on Github!

If you indeed do the same, definitely add some instructions in about local dev setup + build steps and share the repository link with us (and other audio forums if you want to :)). Interested people can then view, suggest improvements, report bugs or send merge requests for changes to the code-base which benefits everyone.
I started to post but then deleted it. It'll only get me more involved which I don't want to do - would rather spend my time coding. :)

I've got tons of messages because of this thread and I'm not going to respond to any - for that I apologize in advance. There's just too much to code wrt improving Windows audio. Let me leave it at that.

Great job Keith ! not just the technicalities but the time spent with FMs in optimising and making it better. Sadly for me an thankfully for you I do not use a computer for audio :D

the What/How of what you want to to with this is of course your own choice..and as you rightly mentioned, a product comes in with its own set of headaches including different versions and customisation for individuals due their own situations and moment you price for all of that , the product simply becomes too expensive
Just saw the thread title and thought: Oh no, this can't happen.

Thankfully, the title has a different connotation to the content of the post. Heard about it but I'm old school and don't use PC/ Laptop for audio. That is till now. This thread has truly piqued my interest in computer audio.

Wish I can sample his magic.
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