Bringing in stuff from overseas


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Quick question for those of you who have brought in - or had a friend bring in - stuff from overseas: How painful is the customs process when you land? I assume you show them the bill and pay the customs on the premium over Rs 50k - or does customs do their own valuation?

Also, what are the options for payment? Have our govt departments improved enough to accept credit cards?

Would be interested in hearing about people’s experiences on this.

Quick question for those of you who have brought in - or had a friend bring in - stuff from overseas: How painful is the customs process when you land? I assume you show them the bill and pay the customs on the premium over Rs 50k - or does customs do their own valuation?

Also, what are the options for payment? Have our govt departments improved enough to accept credit cards?

Would be interested in hearing about people’s experiences on this.


Which destination airport? Coming from where? I think this matters. Think gold from Dubai.

I had a ~40k INR audio product brought in at Bombay some weeks ago. Solo male passenger. Customs queried and conducted a further search of all luggage. Found nothing of note several minutes later and said, "Go".

Also had a heavier, bulkier, significantly more expensive item brought in at Bangalore last week. Three passengers (two seniors). Customs enquired and waved through upon being given an honest and accurate response.

Anecdotally, it appears Customs are focusing on high value items - luxury accessories, gems and jewels, bags with LV printed all over, etc. - ostensibly for commercial use, rather than personal, on which duty is being evaded.

Assessment is ultimately at the discretion of the assessing officer....always.

'Painful' is subjective and largely unpredictable. On a recent return, the spouse, baby, and I witnessed a Customs officer ask one question of one passenger in a manner that can be described as nothing but polite. Yet only minutes earlier, we had the most abrasive and ill-mannered immigration officer that I have ever encountered process our passports.

Hope this helps.
Entry would most likely be in Bangalore airport, coming from SE Asia (Singapore/Malaysia).

I dont mind paying customs on the item - it is just that I have heard stories about customs officers applying their own, absurd valuations, hence the question. As you said, “discretion” - that doesn’t always work out well, even when one is trying to do the right thing. Hence the question. :)
Quick question for those of you who have brought in - or had a friend bring in - stuff from overseas: How painful is the customs process when you land? I assume you show them the bill and pay the customs on the premium over Rs 50k - or does customs do their own valuation?

Also, what are the options for payment? Have our govt departments improved enough to accept credit cards?

Would be interested in hearing about people’s experiences on this.

A quick search on HFV will bring up threads on this topic. I remember at least 2. It has been discussed in detail.
Don't mind paying customs duty !!!!

Are you sure
Do you know that if a customs officer ascertains or on a whim thinks that the product you have purchased is for resale

You cab be charged upto 20% as basic customs and 18 % gst calculated on the amount after adding that 20% !!!
In which case
It was foolish to get that item here

However officially that is the law

All this applies on the profesional "carriers "
Though most of them have an " understanding "

In your case
When it is ascertained thats it's for personal use - then they many a time allow even upto a lac in value

So make sure
Whoever is carrying whatever
Knows what it is
Entry would most likely be in Bangalore airport, coming from SE Asia (Singapore/Malaysia).

I dont mind paying customs on the item - it is just that I have heard stories about customs officers applying their own, absurd valuations, hence the question. As you said, “discretion” - that doesn’t always work out well, even when one is trying to do the right thing. Hence the question. :)
One of the methods normally employed it to declare that the product is a USED one . No packaging, no price tags, some scuffs . No custom duty for such items , but again YMMV!
Quick question for those of you who have brought in - or had a friend bring in - stuff from overseas: How painful is the customs process when you land? I assume you show them the bill and pay the customs on the premium over Rs 50k - or does customs do their own valuation?

Also, what are the options for payment? Have our govt departments improved enough to accept credit cards?

Would be interested in hearing about people’s experiences on this.

I, didn't had any issue of customs, but one can never be sure, if customs inspect your luggage, then it depends on what are you carrying with you, they have their detailed reknor, and will calculate the duty on the basis of their reknor listing,
If you are planning to bring stuff from abroad, you should plan well, how the stuff is packed, size, weight, everything matters.
If you are bringing stuff through red channel, then be ready to pay the adjudicated duty, Regarding mode of payment, all digital payments will work.
Hope this helps.
You cab be charged upto 20% as basic customs and 18 % gst calculated on the amount after adding that 20% !!!
In which case
It was foolish to get that item here

The miniDSP dealer in India quoted INR 96,435 for a miniDSP Flex with Dirac, shipping being extra.

If buying directly from miniDSP, prices in USD:

MiniDSP Flex495
Dirac License199
Sub Total739
Sub Total in INR @ 80/USD59120
20% Duty11824
Sub Total70944
18% GST12770
Indian Dealer96435

Still Foolish?
Which destination airport? Coming from where? I think this matters. Think gold from Dubai.

I had a ~40k INR audio product brought in at Bombay some weeks ago. Solo male passenger. Customs queried and conducted a further search of all luggage. Found nothing of note several minutes later and said, "Go".

Also had a heavier, bulkier, significantly more expensive item brought in at Bangalore last week. Three passengers (two seniors). Customs enquired and waved through upon being given an honest and accurate response.

Anecdotally, it appears Customs are focusing on high value items - luxury accessories, gems and jewels, bags with LV printed all over, etc. - ostensibly for commercial use, rather than personal, on which duty is being evaded.

Assessment is ultimately at the discretion of the assessing officer....always.

'Painful' is subjective and largely unpredictable. On a recent return, the spouse, baby, and I witnessed a Customs officer ask one question of one passenger in a manner that can be described as nothing but polite. Yet only minutes earlier, we had the most abrasive and ill-mannered immigration officer that I have ever encountered process our passports.

Hope this helps.
the customs rules are clear. basically u can bring electronics upto rs 50k and then duty on the amount over and above the 50k. the rate of duty is also specified in the customs tarrif. further the passenger shud state that its for personal use. unless u bring a lot of stuff its not a issue and they let u go. the baggage is prescaned before u get it so they know whic bags to check. i hav never had a problem if yr upfront honest.. helps to keep a print of the web page showing the prices for ssle and the bill. its clear then what is the sale price and u have not doctored the bill. check this link.

for electronic items

hope this helps....
Entry would most likely be in Bangalore airport, coming from SE Asia (Singapore/Malaysia).

I dont mind paying customs on the item - it is just that I have heard stories about customs officers applying their own, absurd valuations, hence the question. As you said, “discretion” - that doesn’t always work out well, even when one is trying to do the right thing. Hence the question. :)
If you can tell the item being brought in, it will help. I have got a projector, bdp, subwoofer in different trips and never been questioned. But all were below 50k. Is your item above 50k and a very obvious one. For example, from SE Asia, TV's get highlighted a lot, AVRs would depend upon your luck.

To avoid false billing, they have their own ready reckoners,so while its good to carry bills, they may choose to ignore it. Its better (if its a large item) to declare it and tell them, hopefully they will ask you to push off as they want the larger bakras.
the baggage is prescaned before u get it so they know whic bags to check.

Not here.

Bags are profiled and chalk-marked prior to collection off the carousel; subsequently scanned in your presence. Only two queues (because two scanners) necessitate profiling to keep things moving - else getting through our airports would likely take longer than most journeys.

@vkalia if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about. Customs almost certainly have bigger fish to fry.
The miniDSP dealer in India quoted INR 96,435 for a miniDSP Flex with Dirac, shipping being extra.

If buying directly from miniDSP, prices in USD:

MiniDSP Flex495
Dirac License199
Sub Total739
Sub Total in INR @ 80/USD59120
20% Duty11824
Sub Total70944
18% GST12770
Indian Dealer96435

Still Foolish?
In that case
I think the dealer is foolish !!!

He's asking for competition !
Thanks for the all the info, guys.

I have read up on the customs rules and guidelines - so that part is clear.

Re whether it is foolish or not to import: I actually dont mind paying a modest premium to buy locally, for the additional service/support - but in some cases, the price gets to be a bit too much. Anyway, that's a separate discussion and everyone has their own preferences. For my own part, I can do the math with the prescribed customs duties and figure out for myself whether it makes sense or not. So this isnt really an issue.

My question was more about whether customs makes life difficult for you when you go straight to the red channel. Eg, by trying to tack on a much higher-than-usual price. Or charging you customs based on some arbitrary list price as opposed to what you actually paid for it (with receipt).

From what i can gather, if you arent trying to do anything dodgy, its a reasonably straightforward process - is that a fair conclusion?
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