Budget stereo Hi-Fi (end to end)


New Member
Dec 11, 2009
Hello all,

I'm sorry to start off yet another budget hi-fi setup thread. I'm starting this after going through several similar threads, most of which have answered things, but still have a few more questions over all.. So, I'll try to be as descriptive as possible.

I'm based in Pune. My budget is between 20-30K, but I want to keep it bare minimal since I have other non-hi-fi items planned as well.

What I'm looking for is a stereo listening setup. Room size is about 10x12 ft.. may move the setup to the hall which will be x16.

Listening taste = Blues, Jazz, Prog Rock (Floyd, Rush, Dream Theater, Larry Carlton, ... etc)

2 things I'm looking for:
-- Amp + Speakers
-- Source

I don't listen to music at very loud volumes. The max I'll ever go to will be something where I can barely hear what a person next to me is saying (very very rarely). But, my listening volume will be 30%-50% of that.

I've not auditioned any yet, but willing to do so over the coming week.

Options I've thought off (low to high):
-- 1. AudioEngine A5
-- 2. Norge 2060 + Norge Milleniums
-- 3. Norge 2060 + Wharfdale D9.2
-- 4. Norge 1000 + Wharfdale D9.2

1. I've given AE5 a 2nd pref. after reading about its heating issues on the forum and the fact that it's an integrated unit that can't be played around with much in the future.

2. Extremely tempted with this config. Not auditioned it but want to badly. Didn't read much about this combination / feedback as compared to Wharfdale 9.2 so, confused.

3. Heard several threads mention this. I'm guessing will be a few K more than (2). Want to know how good this is compared to (2).

4. Again, few people have this combo. N1000 being a few K more than 2060. But this is perhaps beyond my needs now.

-- Source
I have a mix of content currently. Audio CDs, FLAC and 320kbps MP3s.
With the above setup I'll keep MP3s away. I'd rather want to have all my music in FLAC (converted from Audio CDs) and manage them on some hardware rather than playing Audio CDs off a CDP.

1. Xtreamer
2. Laptop (which I already have) + External Sound Card (not too keen)

What might be the best combination to try out end-to-end.

I'm pretty keen on Xtreamer + N2060 + Wharfdale 9.2.

Can you please let me know if this might be good for listening? Can you please mention if I might have overlooked a few options or something that I should also keep in mind? .. Does any body here use Xtreamer + FLAC for hi-fi audio? any feedback on this?

Hello all,

I'm sorry to start off yet another budget hi-fi setup thread. I'm starting this after going through several similar threads, most of which have answered things, but still have a few more questions over all.. So, I'll try to be as descriptive as possible.

I'm based in Pune. My budget is between 20-30K, but I want to keep it bare minimal since I have other non-hi-fi items planned as well.

What I'm looking for is a stereo listening setup. Room size is about 10x12 ft.. may move the setup to the hall which will be x16.

Listening taste = Blues, Jazz, Prog Rock (Floyd, Rush, Dream Theater, Larry Carlton, ... etc)

2 things I'm looking for:
-- Amp + Speakers
-- Source

I don't listen to music at very loud volumes. The max I'll ever go to will be something where I can barely hear what a person next to me is saying (very very rarely). But, my listening volume will be 30%-50% of that.

I've not auditioned any yet, but willing to do so over the coming week.

Options I've thought off (low to high):
-- 1. AudioEngine A5
-- 2. Norge 2060 + Norge Milleniums
-- 3. Norge 2060 + Wharfdale D9.2
-- 4. Norge 1000 + Wharfdale D9.2

1. I've given AE5 a 2nd pref. after reading about its heating issues on the forum and the fact that it's an integrated unit that can't be played around with much in the future.

2. Extremely tempted with this config. Not auditioned it but want to badly. Didn't read much about this combination / feedback as compared to Wharfdale 9.2 so, confused.

3. Heard several threads mention this. I'm guessing will be a few K more than (2). Want to know how good this is compared to (2).

4. Again, few people have this combo. N1000 being a few K more than 2060. But this is perhaps beyond my needs now.

-- Source
I have a mix of content currently. Audio CDs, FLAC and 320kbps MP3s.
With the above setup I'll keep MP3s away. I'd rather want to have all my music in FLAC (converted from Audio CDs) and manage them on some hardware rather than playing Audio CDs off a CDP.

1. Xtreamer
2. Laptop (which I already have) + External Sound Card (not too keen)

What might be the best combination to try out end-to-end.

I'm pretty keen on Xtreamer + N2060 + Wharfdale 9.2.

Can you please let me know if this might be good for listening? Can you please mention if I might have overlooked a few options or something that I should also keep in mind? .. Does any body here use Xtreamer + FLAC for hi-fi audio? any feedback on this?


I know that doesnt help your query.

Praveen, I dont know you if remember, I am Titus. bikerx on xbhp.com. :p Not so active these days there though. Ride a Pulsar 180, done by the engine hacker.
Sorry for all the OT

As for your stereo set up, my doubt is with regards to the analogue out of the xtreamer. I think it would be better if you could use its digital out with an external DAC.
As for the speakers the Norge 2060 and Wharf 9.2 combo sounds fine. You could even check out the used market for speakers and stereo amps( if you like something with a different sound signature than the Norge.) Anyway good luck with auditioning the combo.
Try this combo: CA Azur 340A SE amplifier + CA S30 bookshelf speaker. Should cost you ~ Rs.17500 + Rs.9000.
Try this combo: CA Azur 340A SE amplifier + CA S30 bookshelf speaker. Should cost you ~ Rs.17500 + Rs.9000.

My budget is for source + amp + speakers. This however, doesn't leave me with much for a source..

If my source content will be in FLAC.. what should I go for to go along with this?
My budget is for source + amp + speakers. This however, doesn't leave me with much for a source..

If my source content will be in FLAC.. what should I go for to go along with this?

If you want to include source, then 30k is definitely needed.
If you are looking to playback flac files, a DAC is the way to go. I assume you already have a PC or Laptop from which you can take digital out or usb out.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.