Budget Stereo Setup

2060 had enough power to drive floor standers also! Norge 1000 is used if you have a very large room and you want to play it at very loud volumes continuously . I have never gone past the 20% of volume ever. And it's quite loud at that volume even. once took it to 70% at it was ear shattering loud.
Norge 1000 will be good if you have very inefficient speakers so you might have to go to 50% volume.
I read your review of the Norge 1000 and it was awesome. Much appreciated.

What in your opinion though is the main difference between the 2060 and the 1000 Gold. The price difference is about 20% (10K vs 12K). Unless someone is going for floorstanders and hence needs the extra drive, does it make sense to go for the 1000?

I didnt write any review on Norge. :p

Any way my vote will be for 1000 since i saw it perform.
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