Buying a home theatre bangalore


New Member
Dec 6, 2006
hi guys
I am interested in purchasing a home theatre from bangalore. i have checked the prices over many site. i need a home theatre with 8000 watts. and the prices tht suited me was 2500 to 3500. i got price range of 1800 also from various websites. the problem was tht i never knw the product tht i saw will be same as displayed over the net. and the gurantee is not tht as of going to a shop and buying. i would be thankfull if sumone from this forum let me knw the details frm where to purchase in bangalore and also if the prices will be same as already mentioned. if more how much wud it cost and the company of the product. i am not looking for branded ones but surely for a quality.
u can send me detalis to ma email tht is [email protected]

Note: in urgent need. hope this month itself

thank you in advance........................
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