Cambridge Audio 640A V2

mitul mehta

New Member
Oct 19, 2009
I have Cambridge audio 640A V2 which sounds good with Quad 22L but after at some stage of volume. The cap5 which Cambridge audio has give to that amp is excellent but it is not for quad 22L. I think i have to rework for another amp. I am interested in selling my 640A V2, 540C V2 with Warf 8.2 diamond floor speaker at 55K
which sounds good with Quad 22L but after at some stage of volume. The cap5 which Cambridge audio has give to that amp is excellent but it is not for quad 22L.

I am sorry, but I am not able to understand what you are trying to say here. Can you explain a bit more?

Diamond 8.4 floor speakers are of wharfdale.

With Cambridge audio 640A V2 amp the amp has got facility that it turns off after the volume is extended after half of its capacity. So with speakers which are floor standings the amp is not suggested as they need high RMS outputs. Yes but for book selfs it is best and can never damage the speakers.
Diamond 8.4 floor speakers are of wharfdale.

With Cambridge audio 640A V2 amp the amp has got facility that it turns off after the volume is extended after half of its capacity. So with speakers which are floor standings the amp is not suggested as they need high RMS outputs. Yes but for book selfs it is best and can never damage the speakers.

I could not understand the thesis behind what you say. Any amp is designed to be used to its full volume if paired with good speakers at specified ohms and ratings. Probably the speakers are not meeting the amp requirements and hence clipping may be the sole cause for the amp going into protection mode after setting it above 1/2 to its capacity. Why don"t you try on some other towers that are meeting the ratings of the amp.

I tried the other towers also but generally speaking the amp is built for bookshelf and not for towers. i recently bought class A amp of marantz which matches with my tower quad 22L2
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