Can you suggest a speakers for a dedicated 13*28 room


New Member
Jun 21, 2008

I??m duplicating my posts from another forum since there seems to be more traffic here and also all the members in that forum seems to be here. Are these two forums linked?
Can you suggest a speakers for a dedicated 13*28 room

I??m in the process of selecting a HT system for my dedicated 13*28 feet HT. I??ve engaged an acoustic consultant and making the room ??acoustically perfect? and sound proof by laying 100% wall/flooring/ceiling panels.

On receiver I??ve decided on Onkyo 875. I love the feedback ??trust me or any other AV forums ! Onkyo 805 or above is in different league? I got from a member of this forum who also motivated me to join this.

Now I??m looking for such a decider on speakers. I did a lot of browsing and the universal recommendation for speaker selection is ??Go, listen to all choices, get the one you like most, try at home, return & change if not ok!? This is not OK in India where you can??t just try & return. Also for us it??s a family interest and there is not much unanimous choice emerging on the brands. We tried Focal, Klipsh, Polk Audio, Bose & Sun Fire and over all our choices were in the same order but we can??t give much value to this since the rooms & ranges were different.

I??m not much an audiophile. I prefer Klipsch because at least two independent dealers in Chennai (Audio people & Onkyo Dealer) are pushing for this and so I think this won??t be very bad. I??m not able to see any other speaker brands with two different vendors!!

Option 1 Klipsch: RF83*2, RC64, RS62*2, RS52*2, RT12 (5L)
Option 2 Klipsch: RF82*2, RC62, RS52*2, RS42*2, RW12D (3L)
Option 3 Focal: 816*2, CC800, SR800*4, SW800 (2.5L)
Option 4 Polk Audio: RTiA7*2, CSiA6, FXiA6*4, DSW Pro600 (1.6L)

Since this is a long term investments I don??t mind spending the higher amount if it is a value for money. For the room (13*28 feet with 10*8 screen) which speaker is good? Our usage will be 50% for 5.1/7.1/Stereo movies with 20% each for old stereo country music and religious songs with 10% for TV & others.

I heard (from internet) that Klipsch has a great WOW factor but is not good for relaxing. Polk Audio scores in that. Also I heard Focal is better for voice (movies). Speaker selection is totally confusing. Hope it is as simple as just comparing two specifications.

I wish some one from the forum can just say for this room size and your listening habit and easy serviceability in India (Chennai) better go with xxxxxxx. The home theater consultant and also the shop keepers are quick to give the recommendations but I don??t trust them.

Thanks for the quick replies (in the other forum).

Sunill, thanks for pointing me to this great forum. I also joined hifivision. I??ll be having both the LCD and Projector screen in the same manner as in your home theater.

Sridhar, Is there any place in Chennai I can audition/buy Usher? After some browsing, I??m impressed by the reviews.

Jason, I could not find B&W in Chennai. Do you know who sells it here?

Sounds Great, My budget for Amp + Speakers is 3-5Lakhs. I don??t mind going a bit higher as long as there is a value for money for this size of room. Also I??ll be glad is optimum result can be achieved at a lower (Say 2L) price.

My room is 13*23/30 as below. I??m getting proper acoustics & sound proofing done with 100% paneling and double door/windows etc., The screen will be in the flat side and seating near the rounded side. From the feedback from all three of you, Klispch is good for movies but bad for music. Mine will be 50% 5.1/7.1 movies. Rest 50% will be Stereo/Mono consisting of TV, country music & devotional songs. For this I need a speaker which is good in details. I definitely don??t want any ??party type? loud/bold speakers.

Can you please suggest the ideal package for this requirement?

One ??creative idea? I??m thinking of now is to go for Klispch for R, L, C & SW. For the Rear and Middle surround speakers go for say Polk which are good for music. For Movies (5.1/7.1) & high blast music use all the seven speakers. For stereo (low volume relaxing music), just use one pair of the Polk rear speakers and SW leaving the Klispch R & L unused. I think this may be ok since the Middle surround speakers which when used as stereo speakers for low volume background music, will be close to the sitting area. Is this workable? The idea is to have the best of both worlds!
Hi Glad
Unfortunately, there isnt any other place apart from Bangalore where you can audition the Ushers for the moment. Given the number of possible combinations/packages, my request is that you take the time (and some pain) to audition all/most of the narrowed down choices in your list even if you have to go to a little ways off. If your budget was 50K, I wouldnt have said this, but its high enough that you will have a lot of choices and you should spend it wisely. There arent any specs to go by to just make a decision on paper :D

For your kind of music preference you dont necessarily need a floorstander and a good monitor can also work for you. Can you wall mount your speakers or are you going to use stands? If you can only wall mount a few, which ones are these? front, middle, surround, etc?

[email protected]
Since you have already been to audiopeople, I suggest you try listening to the Thiel CS2.4. Excellent speakers. For HT, I'd prefer monitor audio over klipsch anyday. Plus if you do travel to bangalore, I'd suggest you give a listen to the ushers. The other good option is the Dynaudio Focus series. Way better than anything you've heard so far.

Don't be in a hurry to commit. Listen atleast to a dozen brands before committing.
I heard (from internet) that Klipsch has a great WOW factor but is not good for relaxing. Polk Audio scores in that. Also I heard Focal is better for voice (movies). Speaker selection is totally confusing. Hope it is as simple as just comparing two specifications.

If you don't like WOW factor for your home theatre but you are looking for a most natural sound reproduction :) you please look also at Spendor's S-Series: SPENDOR AUDIO SYSTEMS
For further details please contact me.

Jochen / The Listening Room / Bangalore

for that budget and that kind of movie/music distribution, Dali IKON & Focal are very suitable setups...

Try Dali - Mentor Series if you exceed a bit of your budget...

Anywayz what is your other setup other than speakers, that is for video, cables and acoustic treatments...

would be glad if you could post some pics of your HT under construction, and the process there on, so that we can learn & understand more...

For a very decent budget like yours i would definately look at the 700 series B&W speaker package. great with both movies and music IMO. Plus there is some discount being offered if purchased in the month of June which makes it attractive and softens the overpricing blow to an extent.
I wont tell u the regular go listen/let ur ears decide but will tell u that i would look at this option it I was buying an HT set up. I know there are many many options now but i am an extremely happy B&W user for many years.
The Mumbai distributor is AVI and am sure they will have a chennai dealer. The No. is 022-22004040. Speak to either Munir or Burge.
Projector Lift

I thank you for your writing in my blogs, at the home page.
Reply to entry 'The Movie Watching Room, No fear of a bomb blast like in multiplexes.' at blog: vinay

Quote :Great work. Can you please add some info on the projector lift? I'm building a home theater in a similar size room Quote :

I have a accoustic false ceiling, with the help of a universal remote control, if I click a command on the remote, the projector lift's ceiling area opens, the projector lift comes down, once the movie is over, I click a command, ant the projector lift, takes the projector into the false ceiling, so at the end of the day, projector is not visible.

I have more than 25 pictures at this hifi site, the pictures are of how the theatre was being made, the making of acoustic treatment via glass wool, etc, and than there are pictures of how my mini theatre looks.

I have several posts, about the tips of making a home theatre etc, and most importantly there are major tips by some leading members too.

If I can be of any assistance than please do let me know.

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Thank you for the private message, i hope you would have written those details in the thread, however thank you, and make a great trip.

Thank you for the private message, i hope you would have written those details in the thread, however thank you, and make a great trip.



As you all can see, I??m a verbose poster but since I was quite tied up with other important work (the one that pays for these HT stuff) to draft satisfactory posts, I sent the PM.

Can you suggest me a source for remote controlled motorized screen (10*7.5) and projector lift. I??ll be back in India for four days on July 4th and need to get all these purchased in time for our planned house (including HT) completion on 08-08-08.

I??ve been on road and hence had to be away from the forums. Sorry for raising so many questions and disappearing for 2 days. I??ll later (2-3 weeks) post photos & details on the acoustics works.

I??m surprised by the plethora of great brands with no clear winner. I entered the forum to suggest me the best out of four options and these forums have left me with forty options.

I was a ??great audiophile? two decades back when I designed and built my own amplifier and stereo speakers but now too lazy and prefer ??plug and play?. For this reason for receiver I??ve decided on integrated receivers Onkyo905 or Denon4308. I??d have preferred Denon4308 due to the better GUI part but I??m leaning towards Onkyo905 because of forum member??s feedback and also since the dealer is nearby which may help in easy service. I trust the forum members and general opinion more than my ears since the system is not just for my ears (lot more ears aged 7 to 70 in my family) and also I hope the systems outlasts my ears/tastes. This will be my first and may be last (better put, hopefully don??t have to upgrade the system for decades) HT receiver and speaker system. Wish buying these speakers are like buying a Rolex which is to be owned and passed to next generation. I??ve upped my receivers by one level from Onkyo875 & Denon3808 based on feedback ??dedicated fully done room requiring powerful system due to absorption loss? from the forums and also since I needed two HDMI outputs to support LCD/projector combination.

On speakers, I see that we need a separate brand & models for different applications. Ideally, we need one for movies (7.1/5.1) another for music (country / devotion songs) and yet another for party/disco. Fortunately for now I still rule the show rather than the kids and so have to worry about only the first two. Therefore instead of compromising I??m thinking of going for separate speakers (again idea from Sunil??s post & SoundsGreat??s clear rejection of my ??creative? idea). I??m thinking of going for the speakers which is ??best? for each.

For movies (100% 5.1 or 7.1) I??m thinking of going for Klipsch RF83*2, RC64, RS62*2, RS52*2, RT12. In addition I??ll be later going for a couple of floor standers for stereo Music which I??ll play with the same SW. I hope this can be managed using zones (or some other) feature of the AV receivers. The HT room will look like a demo room with extra two floor standers but that is ok since it is a dedicated room.

Main reason I??m going for Klipsch is it is available from multiple dealers in Chennai itself in addition to other Indian cities and so I feel that I can get a better price and service. Also this seems to be popular for home theater in India and the US and though it may not be the best, it won??t be very bad either. With the total budget crossing 10L (including acoustics & projector), I don??t think another lakh for a dedicated music floor standers to get best of both worlds is a bad idea.

Now the questions I have are
1) Is this overkill for my fully treated 13*28 room? Should I go with one level down say RF82 based?

2) Sunill mentioned that the SW won??t be enough. I read some where that RF83 is so good in bass that a SW is not really needed! In that case isn??t RT12 which is quite expensive not sufficient? Do you recommend any thing else for SW? This SW should also be good for music.
3) Is there a significantly better choice than Klipsch for this application? Please note that this is for 100% movies.

I??m thinking of buying the speakers & receiver from India. I??m planning to pick the projector and blue ray player from Singapore. If good SW is not available in Chennai, I can buy that also from Singapore.
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Motorized Screen & Projector Lift


As you all can see, I??m a verbose poster but since I was quite tied up with other important work (the one that pays for these HT stuff) to draft satisfactory posts, I sent the PM.

Can you suggest me a source for remote controlled motorized screen (10*7.5) and projector lift. I??ll be back in India for four days on July 4th and need to get all these purchased in time for our planned house (including HT) completion on 08-08-08.


I did not understand the meaning of (10*7.5).

I have a dalite screen in 4 x 3 format, it is 82 inches, wide, and the length is around 5.5 feet, this screen does not require a remote, it works on trigger basis, the trigger slot is in the projector, so what happens is that once the projector light is on, the screen automatically rolls down from the false ceiling, similarly when the projector light closes, the screen automatically goes up into the ceiling.

The projector lift is available in Mumbai.
Sunil, your private box message is flooded, please make some space so that i can send you some message.

Thanks for the information on screen.
Re: Motorized Screen & Projector Lift

I did not understand the meaning of (10*7.5).

I have a dalite screen in 4 x 3 format, it is 82 inches, wide, and the length is around 5.5 feet, this screen does not require a remote, it works on trigger basis, the trigger slot is in the projector, so what happens is that once the projector light is on, the screen automatically rolls down from the false ceiling, similarly when the projector light closes, the screen automatically goes up into the ceiling.

The projector lift is available in Mumbai.

Thanks Vinay for the info.

As Sunil said, I had given the screen dimensions in feet. I'm in the process of building the house (with this home theater) and fully involved in that and so I think only in feet now!

For screen, I think I'll go with the type Sunill has suggested. I like that since based on the movie format (16*9 or 4*3), the screen can be lowered just to the required height. Though it is an extra button to press, it gives some additional control. May be when I find that not ideal, I'll link it to the projector.

Can you please let me know where the projector lift is available in Mumbai? Any phone no? More than the Wow factor, this will keep the projector safe and I'm keen to install the lift.
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As suggested in the thread Can you suggest a speakers for a dedicated 13*28 room - Page 2
I've decided on the following.

Onkyo-NR905, Klipsch RF82*2, RC62, RS52*2, RS42*2. I'll be buying them next weekend in Chennai.

For the SW, I'm looking at some from AVS Forum - View Single Post - Official Craigsub rankings thread. My budget for SW is 100K Rs and want to buy one of the top ones in this list. My preference order for buying location for the SW is

1) In Chennai with local warranty
2) In Singapore with international or local warranty
3) Any other Indian city with local warranty
4) In India or Singapore without warranty

I need this in Chennai before end July. If there is any dealer/supplier in this forum, can you please contact me for the SW. For the rest, I prefer to buy from "authorized" dealer.
Motorized Screen & Projector Lift

Thanks Vinay for the info.

As Sunil said, I had given the screen dimensions in feet. I'm in the process of building the house (with this home theater) and fully involved in that and so I think only in feet now!

For screen, I think I'll go with the type Sunill has suggested. I like that since based on the movie format (16*9 or 4*3), the screen can be lowered just to the required height. Though it is an extra button to press, it gives some additional control. May be when I find that not ideal, I'll link it to the projector.

Can you please let me know where the projector lift is available in Mumbai? Any phone no? More than the Wow factor, this will keep the projector safe and I'm keen to install the lift.


Well when i was making my mini theatre, i also used to think only about my theatre, like i told my friend from where did he buy the shirt material, he asked me why, i told him i am considering to use that material on my theatre walls, and guess what, that is exactly the material which i used on the theatre walls, and later i learnt that even the expensive shoes of niki, adidas and rebook, use the same fabric with some of the expensive shoes, with this fabric what happens is that the glass wool can digest the sound with ease, which allows the glass wool to do it's job, when sound is in action, so you are not alone to think about only feet, for me leg, feet, and all vital organs were mini theatre. One of the member it seems has copied my idea of this fabric, without telling me a word of thanks, and guess what, he got the wrong fabric on 2 major counts, and than someone down the line a dealer maybe, is all set to copy these idea's and is declaring to the outside world that he is a professional in making home theatre's, while to certain set of people he claims that he is only learning how a home theatre is made, so it is like a snake in the grass.

Sunil's idea, to watch both format of movies under one screen, is a mystery to me, the height problem i think cannot be solved completely and what about the breadth problem?

I do not think projector's trigger can understand half or full pull down of the screen, it can accept only one command, and that is probably the full down of the screen, this feature of the projector is like a donkey, only limited act.

Indeed with the lift, the wow factor is major, and you are correct it keeps the projector safe and sound in the nest of false ceiling, it is like a child is safe in the mother's womb during pregnancy.

From the guy from whom i bought the projector lift, i have had some bad experience with them, if you will still want their address and contact number i will give it to you, their lift cost was around 35,000/- bucks, while there is a another company, who supplies these lifts, but their cost is nearly double, this company has branches in major metro's of India, so that way they can come and do the installation for you, while the one eye guy, 35,000/- bucks, he will have breathing problem if he has to travel to interiors of Mumbai, for installation, so if he has to come to Chennai, you know what will happen, by the time he reaches your end, he will have to be hospitalized at India's biggest chain of hospital's, Apollo hospital, by the way i am holding large quantities of these shares, it is worth investing for the long term, it will become bullish if it does a monthly closing of above 510, once it breaches this level, the next targets can be set, on technical charts basis.

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