Has anyone tried using a good component video cable instead of the standard OEM AV cable that comes with TataSky? Is there any perceptible difference?
I mean a component cable used with the standard AV sockets (Red/White/Yellow).
I have a BigTV DTH service and a Sony Bravia 37" LCD.
Firstly, the picture quality is really good, far better than anything else I have seen. The software is slow, but never encountered a serious problem with that. The only real complaint so far is that the picture has standard aspect ratio and NOT 16:9, so everything is a bit stretched out in the horizontal direction if we use the 'full' picture mode. But then, as far as I know no service provider is offering a 16:9 aspect ratio. Is anybody giving 16:9 pictures? Cannot comment on the customer service, because so far I did not need it.
Secondly, I have tried all connections possible between the BigTV STB and the TV. First, I tried the usual yellow video cable, then a low-priced (Rs 700-800) Bandridge component cable. Finally I am using a more expensive (Rs 2300) component cable from Profigold. The picture is the best, among the three connections, with the Profigold cable and generally always significantly better with a component cable than a video cable. There is less visible noise and the color depth increases noticeably.
Thirdly, with respect to the problem of frnd08:
1) which cable are you using? Can you somehow test the cable in another TV etc?
2) Are your picture settings of your LCD TV optimally done? What I noticed with my TV, out of the box everything was way too bright, had to drastically reduce almost everything, backlight, sharpness, color etc.
3) When you compare picture quality between a video cable and a component cable, you are actually using two different connection ports of the TV and each port's picture settings have to be the same for a fair comparison.
4) Is the BigTV dish oriented in the correct direction?