Cyrus 'se' cd players - a revelation


New Member
Jul 31, 2006
Dear All,

Finally the review of the new Cyrus cd6se is out. Trust me there is nothing, absolutely nothing to outperform this cd player even at double the price.

Some of the excerpts from What hifi-

"The Cyrus CD 6 SE is a revelation"

"Quite simply this player is astonishing. Not astonishing for the price, you understand, but astonishing: full stop."

"This player is comparable with the very best machines around, regardless of price. We should repeat that: regardless of price."

"The CD 6 SE is a landmark product that redefines the performance level at its price point."

"If we could award more than five stars, we would."

Cyrus CD 6 SE

The Cyrus CD 6 SE resets the sonic bar for sub-thousand pound players
Dynamics, timing and punch are as good as they get; slot-loader is far nicer to use than the old drawer; upgradeable
Partner with care if you want the best performance

Rarely has a range had such a rocky start. Last year Cyrus announced replacements for its range of Award-winning CD players. Nothing odd in that, you might think; except the launch was postponed. A month, six months, and then a year went past without any sign of the new players.

Delivery dates for review samples were given and missed repeatedly. Then, finally, out of the blue, the CD 6 SE turns up.

Cyrus's entry-level player now costs £800: more than the last model and significantly more expensive than rivals such as Roksan's Kandy. The main change between this player and the last version is the transport. The DAC, power supply and audio circuits remain much the same as before.

The new transport uses a slot-loading mechanism ?? a more elegant solution than the drawer of before ?? and it is controlled by Cyrus's own software. That software governs everything from the loader to the laser sled and motors, and it's what the SE (Servo Evolution) in the product's name refers to. A bit of software code may not sound like much, but it is a big deal.

Cyrus claims 20 per cent fewer data errors from its new CD engine than from the Philips-based kit it used in its older machines. A vast improvement ?? and a figure we would have taken with a ton of salt had we not heard the CD 6 SE.

The Cyrus CD 6 SE is a revelation
Quite simply this player is astonishing. Not astonishing for the price, you understand, but astonishing: full stop. In its areas of strength ?? timing, dynamics and punch ?? this player is comparable with the very best machines around, regardless of price. We should repeat that: regardless of price.

Our reference Naim CDS3/555PS (circa £10,000) delivers more of the harmonic detail of acoustic instruments and has more authority and scale. The Cyrus counters with better organisation and improved agility, and delivers the leading edge of notes with greater precision.

Which you prefer comes down to taste. Consider the price difference and you'll see just how great Cyrus's achievement is.

If the CD 6 SE compares favourably to one of the best high-end machines around, you can imagine what it does to similarly priced opposition. The likes of Rega's Apollo are flattened ?? and we suspect the same would be true of most players below the £1000 mark.

We played everything from Stravinsky to Grinderman and this fabulous all-rounder never failed to impress. Normally we'd recommend a good sub-£1000 integrated amp with similarly priced speakers for a CD player at this price point. That would work just fine, and we have no doubt the CD 6 SE would deliver a great sound.

It more than justifies pricier partners
However, this player easily justifies more expenditure on the rest of the set-up. We partnered it with £15,000 worth of electronics and speakers and it wasn't the weakest link. Really.

Flaws? Sonically, no. But avoid bright or thin-sounding systems, or the vivid dynamics and energetic delivery could well be too much of a good thing. Choose kit that's refined, but still has transparency, dynamics and timing to burn and you won't go wrong. Also, the new slot-loader isn't the quickest thinker around. Be patient and everything will be fine.

The CD 6 SE is a landmark product that redefines the performance level at its price point. If we could award more than five stars, we would.

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