Defective CA 640C v2


New Member
Jul 7, 2008
Hi All,

I purchased the Cambridge Audio 640C last Saturday and hooked it to my system yesterday (Monday) . . . Sounds beautifully! . . . then, while playing the 3rd CD, it suddenly STOPPED!:mad: . . . I ejected the cd thinking it might have scratches on it, but it kept on displaying "No Play" . . .I tried several CDs, but the results were the same . . .I called the store and told me to send the unit via courier, since the store's location is 500Km from my place . . .:(

Can you suggest any remedy? Paging Venkat and SoundsGreat.


Xela first of congrats on the new purchase ! And sorry for running into trouble so soon :( !!

Anyway what exactly happened ?? have you tried unplugging the unit from the mains outlet ?? if not please try ! also try to use a unscratched the unit powering on properly ?? meaning is there some noise or hum or any such symptoms ??

Please check and make sure that you directly plug it to wall outlet rather use any spike busters or similar (atleast for testing) !

Check the above and let Us know !

Hi SoundsGreat,

I tried all your suggestions, but still the cdp display "no play"!

After setting-up the CA640C to my AVR, I played the 1st CD. It played beautifully! . . .then the 2nd CD.. .still very crisp sounds up to the last track . . . when I inserted the 3rd CD, it only played the 1st track, then in the middle of the 2nd track, it suddenly STOPPED! . . . I ejected it to see if it has scratches, but, I did not find any! . . . I tried other CDs and the same "no play" was being displayed . . .:(
As you could read the 'NOPLAY" message on the diaply means your CDP is getting powered up.

Have you received User Manual along with your CDP? If yes, then open it and some where at the end you will find some sort of fault finding guide. See whether any cause -n-remedy given for this 'NO PLAY' message. Work out remedies one at a time and take notes.

CDP rejecting CDs could be because of several reasons:

1> Dirty lens. Yes this could happen even with brand new transport. Try a fresh CD lens cleaner disc. You can have a Japanese made Lens cleaner disc for Rs 75. Philips also makes such CDs.

2> There could be some microprocessor latch up. Disconnect your CDP from mains , physically remove the power cord from Wall socket. Wait for some good 8-10 hours preferrably overnight. And then try playing CDs.

3> Check mains voltage and grounding. AC mains should be 200 to 240 V and ground should be within 1-2 Volts.

4> Try Punjab Mehod (Sorry this is what we call it , nothing to do with Pujab or people from Punjab) while powered OFF give a gentle bang on the top of the CDP (The area where CD trasnport is located) . Jor Ka Dhakka Dhire se lage. This method had worked serveral times in the past with many Electronic Intsruments.

5> Otherwise it is a clear cut indication of some dry solder especially with respect to Capacitors at the output stage.

6> Send an email explaining the problem tio CA UK , declare that it is almost DOA case, you may get faster response than local dealer hee in India.

7> But in no case try opening the CDP or allow anybody else to play with it.

8> Keep cool. Your problem will get sorted out.

Hope this heps.

The best thing is send them back to the dealer whom you bought the equipment , since its under warranty they will definitely replace a new one for you.


Hi All,

I purchased the Cambridge Audio 640C last Saturday and hooked it to my system yesterday (Monday) . . . Sounds beautifully! . . . then, while playing the 3rd CD, it suddenly STOPPED!:mad: . . . I ejected the cd thinking it might have scratches on it, but it kept on displaying "No Play" . . .I tried several CDs, but the results were the same . . .I called the store and told me to send the unit via courier, since the store's location is 500Km from my place . . .:(

Can you suggest any remedy? Paging Venkat and SoundsGreat.

I would call the store and insist on a replacement cdp and also send a detailed mail to CA in UK. Am sure it will be resolved to your satisfaction. I know its dissapointing but be patient and you will get your new cdp.
These things happen even in new gear esp in shipping sensitive gear and the company should replace the un it. On a ligher note if u are opting for the PUNJABI method please be gentle as the message just may read "WILL NEVER PLAY"

Suhas if you have missed ! Xela is not from India so he cannot understand the stuff :p!!

Xela please try the methods that shuhas has said ! but be very careful with the banging part !! just a small try thats all !

But I also would like to suggest you to return the player and get it exchanged with the brand new player !! please don't accept repair offers as this problem may reoccur !! please ask for new one ! and this time make sure you open the seal ! also make sure its not resealed in anyway !! so a fresh piece with the company seal is what Am hinting here !!

Please just do that as you may not the adequate experience in this ! you may damage and render it warranty less !! so please just give it small try once more with the steps mentioned by me and others ! if not hit straight to the dealer !!


I am sorry I was away from the computer the whole of today. In any case, SoundsGreat, SuhasG, SoundOfMusic, and Dinyaar have covered all the possible situations. One thing I can add is something I have personally experienced - something as stupid as a card being loose.

In any case, since this is a brand new unit, I am sure the dealer/CA will happily repair or replace the unit. If you do not get any response form them (I am sure CA will respond), maybe we can re-look at possible issues.

As other have mentioned, please do write to CA and keep them in the loop. I wrote to Onkyo Japan, and they guided me through some techniques to try to solve the issue myself.

Venkat, SoundsGreat, SuhasG, SoundOfMusic, and Dinyaar:

Thank you all guys! . . . I'll give it a try this evening . . . and also for your comforting words . . .:)
Xela, the same thing happened to me when I bought my CA DV89 player. It would not recognise a few discs at all and skip on yet others. I returned it to the store the very next day and got a replacement from a more recent consignment (the previous one had been sitting in a warehouse for a while). The replacement has been working flawlessly without a hiccup for almost a year now. I would therefore suggest that you get a replacement from a recent batch right away without a second thought or consideration of repairing it. It seems to be hit and miss with these players at times but they are certainly value for money.
Hi All,
Xela please try for a replacement only. Do not settle for repair of a brand new component unless u have no option.
It can happen in transit and can happen to any component budget or hi end. If its more than just a stray instance the quality control of CA is poor IMO and it should be brought to their notice.

Particleman WHERE R U? Apart from the reputation and thanks etc the moderators are also implementing a monetary penalty for all those who stay away from the forum for long durations and ur name is on that list!!!HAHA
Hope all is well.
Hi All!

I tried all of the above procedures, unfortunately they did not work. . . So the last option is to send the unit to the store tomorrow . . .:(

Thanks you all guys! .. . I'll keep you posted once the unit returns . . .

Dinyaar, Particleman had a post before you. . . :)
Xela particleman was a very active member till he switched jobs and now rarely has the time to post here. Since i saw him post on ur thread i commented.
Anyway hope your issue is resolved to your satisfaction at the earliest.
Sorry Dinyaar, I didn't know . . . :o I thought you missed the post since it was on the 1st page . . . mea culpa. . .:)

I'll send the unit today and hopefully will be delivered back on Monday. Thanks!

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I'll send the unit today and hopefully will be delivered back on Monday. Thanks!


While returning goods for Return / Warranty service many companies insists on Return Authorization Number w/o that they don't process the compliant. Check the procedure and keep notes of everything.

While sending the unit use original box and all original packing material. Also let them know that you are sending the unit along with all accessories that came with it including remote control, battery cells (for Remote),power cord, Interconnects, User Manual, unfilled Warranty card etc.

Keep photo copies of sales invoice and related documents with you (most companies ask original documents along with returned goods).

Also note down product Sr number and take pictures of the unit (Front, back- showing Sr Number) and one with that 'Error' message.

God forbid but if this turns into a long drawn process and enters into disputes then (and all the supporting original documents are not with you), those photocopies and pictures could be the only rescue.

And last, don't remain under the impression that your complaint will be promptly attended and you will receive a brand new unit, the next day by overnight express shipping.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks a lot for the reminder! . . . Actually, upon reading your post, I sent SMS immediately to the company, informing them the shipment and its contents.

Originally posted by SuhasG:

God forbid but if this turns into a long drawn process and enters into disputes then (and all the supporting original documents are not with you), those photocopies and pictures could be the only rescue.

SuhasG, the company did not require original invoice, so I just sent a photocopy.

God willing, this will be solved ASAP . . .

Thanks again and Regards!

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