Denon PMA 1500ae

Since I have owned 1500R and 1500AE, they are really good amplifiers. These are special because it’s a MOSFET amplifier, these amps have certain characteristics. Lots of drive, neutral maybe a little warm. You will not miss anything in the frequency spectrum - drum kit, cymbals, guitars and voices all sound excellent. Grain free and refined presentation in my book. Yet it feels strong and authoritative in its presentation. I have heard them with B&W 603 S2 and Spendor classic 3/5. The latter is an excellent pairing, it can do subtle and refinement with bookshelf speakers. It’s not as organic sounding as the NaD 325bee but engaging nevertheless. Excellent imaging. Phono stage is excellent. It’s very easy to find a synergistic source and speakers, vastly underrated integrated amplifier.

There are reports that these UHC MOS amps take a while to break in before sounding their best.
For a lot less, I wouldn't look past the NAD 316BEE. Less power and less authoritative with less features but sound quality should be very good if it's anything like the 325BEE. The NAD is no less entertaining when paired with decent speakers. I have written about NAD experience on other threads.
Am exc
Hi Members,

Can you please provide reviews on Denon PMA 1500ae.

A very good amplifier for the money when paired with speakers like a Dali Zensor 7 or the ilk or a Tannoy DC6TSE. You'll love the sound when paired properly. Reliable and a robust amplifier built like a tank with twin transformers, hicurrent MOSFETs and quality components. Made in Japan too!
Am exc

A very good amplifier for the money when paired with speakers like a Dali Zensor 7 or the ilk or a Tannoy DC6TSE. You'll love the sound when paired properly. Reliable and a robust amplifier built like a tank with twin transformers, hicurrent MOSFETs and quality components. Made in Japan too!
R&D designers have shared their design views here - use google transalate
Am exc

robust amplifier built like a tank with twin transformers
Denon's twin transformer is not meant for independent power supply for L & R channels. The DC 3 rail (+ 0 -) power supply is common for both channels. It is just a X-0-X connection with two transformers.
Denon's twin transformer is not meant for independent power supply for L & R channels. The DC 3 rail (+ 0 -) power supply is common for both channels. It is just a X-0-X connection with two transformers.
Similar to the NAD 3150 which is usually badged as having a mono-block design by sellers. The truth is, again its a simple x-0-x PSU with 2 single secondary winding transformers with secondary wired in series to form the x-0-x config, instead of just using just one conventional transformer with x-0-x secondary winding.
Thank you all for response.

Now whats approx price i should pay for used piece, its 10yrs old.

Similar to the NAD 3150 which is usually badged as having a mono-block design by sellers. The truth is, again its a simple x-0-x PSU with 2 single secondary winding transformers with secondary wired in series to form the x-0-x config, instead of just using just one conventional transformer with x-0-x secondary winding.
Visually it looks good so i guess it makes a good marketing story. Maybe its lighter having two trafos instead of one massive trafo ?
Its also possible with noise of components and active devices coming down in the last 15yrs dual transformer and DC PS is not required any more .
Any other amps that are truly monoblocks ie individual trafo + DC PS ?
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Thank you all for response.

Now whats approx price i should pay for used piece, its 10yrs old.

Not more than Rs 30k provided it has box, remote, manuals ,power cord and the Interconnects....if not then between Rs 20/25k max. Look under the Amp and along the power switch for heat marks to know if there was abuse.
Denon's twin transformer is not meant for independent power supply for L & R channels. The DC 3 rail (+ 0 -) power supply is common for both channels. It is just a X-0-X connection with two transformers.
I never said it was a dual mono design with separate power supplies for each channel :)
Denon's twin transformer is not meant for independent power supply for L & R channels. The DC 3 rail (+ 0 -) power supply is common for both channels. It is just a X-0-X connection with two transformers.
Thanks for sharing this. I had assumed that this was a dual mono design
Bought one home. It made big difference. I remembered my krell sound(which is under repair).
Cool. What is it about the Krell sound that you hear in this amplifier? Which Krell is it? The Denon doesn’t sound like the Krell KAV300i based on my memory, the Denon has stronger drive in the bass which is why I call the Denon’s presentation authoritative.
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