diy speakers v/s branded.


Feb 20, 2013
hello all , a newbie here, tried searching for a thread with same heading , but couldn't find so starting one, would like to know whether a diy speaker can be made better than a branded speaker? please do help.
In the DIY category, there are 2 broad classes (1) replicas of branded products and (2) original designs. If you are trying to replicate a branded product with original drivers, cross overs and design specs, you can get very near to the original and if you are an expert DIYer, you can tweek accordingly to make your relica sound even better to your ears. Original designs require indepth knowledge, research and back-breaking experimentation. But if you're game for it, its always the most satisfying. Buying something branded allows you to just plug, play and listen. On another note, the marquee value of a DIY effort will be appreciated by a select few while the marquee value of your big-ticket branded speaker purchase will be far-reaching.
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Original designs require indepth knowledge, research and back-breaking experimentation.

Very aptly said. Ill highlight "back-breaking experimentation" specialy when you have to to n fro the speakers from home to workshop for fine tuning/ final touch/ finishing etc.

other thing is it is difficult to get all components like port of the desired length and radius.
I would rater say completing work from the carpenter is the biggest pain...

Yes, the carpenters do not understand that these have to be perfectly made. These are speaker boxes not furniture. Dont know why but carpenters seem to have some kinda attitude which I dont like.
In the DIY category, there are 2 broad classes (1) replicas of branded products and (2) original designs. If you are trying to replicate a branded product with original drivers, cross overs and design specs, you can get very near to the original and if you are an expert DIYer, you can tweek accordingly to make your relica sound even better to your ears. Original designs require indepth knowledge, research and back-breaking experimentation. But if you're game for it, its always the most satisfying. Buying something branded allows you to just plug, play and listen. On another note, the marquee value of a DIY effort will be appreciated by a select few while the marquee value of your big-ticket branded speaker purchase will be far-reaching.
the drivers used in original branded speakers will be specially ordered by the brand company so they are well matched ones. even the xover components will be matched pairs. when u try to purchase same components and try to replicate its not going to sound similar to the original as you may not have received matched components. moreover there is no guarantee that specs of original components are same as the ones you have!
If you have knowledge, required skillset for carpentry, money, time and patience then go with DIY build, else buy the branded ones.:)
From a carpentry perspective, it pays to find a carpenter who specifically builds speaker enclosures. But these are a semi-extinct species, thanks to the booming construction business.

You also know there are ready made speaker designs that one can build-some designed by the very best names in the business that one can use.Some are free and others are not. I have followed this route with very good results.
hello all,i just got a price quotation of polk audio tsi 500 tower speakers for rs.37000/- which i heard a demo at my friends place and sounded really great. would a diy speaker costing rs.50000/-[which is in trivandrum ,made by someone whose making unbranded speakers, bur assures he uses the best of components] be better than this? i mean in the long run too, will the built quality be as good as the branded make?
the drivers used in original branded speakers will be specially ordered by the brand company

. would a diy speaker costing rs.50000/-[which is in trivandrum ,made by someone whose making unbranded speakers, bur assures he uses the best of components] be better than this?

A DIYer has 3 significant advantages that have nothing to do with economics.

A. The speaker can be designed to suit the sound and even the room the DIYer has.

B. The aesthetics of the speaker can be matched to the room

C. The build quality of most mid-fi speakers ( and I include brands like Monitor Audio, KEF, B&W, Focal etc...) cannot compete with the build quality a DIYer can achieve.

If you considering a speaker in the sub $500 per pair category maybe store bought speakers will compete in value terms. As your budget increases the economics start favouring DIYers except in a few rare cases where there are exotic or proprietary materials ( like carbon fibre or compound stone based materials) being used.

There are many designs available on the net. Tony Gee, John Zaphaudio Krutke, Troels Gravesen, Roman Bednarek, Siegfried Linkwitz, John Eekles, Paul Carmody etc have posted many designs. These are a good place to start. Companies like SEAS also have a few designs on the websites.

Then again here is a local project you can copy

Hope this helps.
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If you have knowledge, required skillset for carpentry, money, time and patience then go with DIY build, else buy the branded ones.:)
DIY at times will turn out to be more expensive than purchasing a branded one if the skill levels are new. Its better to settle down for a good branded product if you are not aware of what you are doing.
DIY at times will turn out to be more expensive than purchasing a branded one if the skill levels are new. Its better to settle down for a good branded product if you are not aware of what you are doing.

my knowledge is very minimal regarding diy speakers, so don't think i will be able to make one, the question is should i buy a branded speaker or a diy speaker?please give your suggestion.
+1 Hari,

DIY can be done on considering two facts 1.Economy 2. Interest

In case you like to move with 1 (Economy) then try to get fix with Branded, though it takes some time else move with a GOOD PRODUCT done by GOOD DIY'er

In case you love to move with option 2(Interest) then start with learning phase+get experience or suggestion form DIY ers in Form and stat Innovating.

I haven't handled with much speaker but in my understanding about branded speakers

1. Can have Warranty and Re-sale of them could be possible than DIY.
2. Branded speakers are done in large scale and they can affort a quality MDF\wood,drivers and cross-overs in pretty cheap compared to what we get it individually.
3.No need of risk ,as it its not working fine within the period then it can be replaced.
4.IMHO, Branded speakers are delivered with high research so we can trust for an extent.
5.In DIY if a small mistake happen in measurement or choosing drivers then whole project would be in rick which cannot be reclaimed

Advantages of DIY
1. Replica of some best speakers can be done with minimal cost and also can address the issue with the branded(Eg: in case there is a branded model with best output and placement of ports have some disadvantage\no appropriate cross-over then it can be fixed and give better performance than original branded)
2.Its should be pleasent to build our own component with our fav design and even color(I could see some people love black finish but the product would be available in other colors)
3.Less expensive and CAN LEARN a lot on the technology "WHAT MAKES the best speakers"etc, which cannot be felt by Branded owners.
4.Can design according to the size require and shape too.
5.Never get panic if something went wrong, can fix it yourself and be happy customer
the marquee value of a DIY effort will be appreciated by a select few

Don't know about marquee value but resale value would be next to nothing.

would a diy speaker costing rs.50000/- [which is in trivandrum ,made by someone whose making unbranded speakers, bur assures he uses the best of components] be better

God forbid if you get hit by the upgrade bug at a later date, be prepared to sell it for a fraction of the price. I'm stating from my experience of owning a boutique Indian brand and later selling it due to upgrade bug.

Our Indian consumer attaches disproportionate value to brand equity.
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