Sure, I enjoy it when somebody thanks me.
But curiously, I perhaps enjoy more when I thank others. Thanking others gives me a satisfaction. Usually one thanks when somebody comes up with a serious response to one's question, and that to me is a recognition of the question itself, and that's why I enjoy it that others paid attention to my questions and are taking some time to write answers to my queries.
In my first full-fledged thread in this forum, I asked for an upgrade of my CDP. I still feel bad about not thanking people there. Actually at that time, I did not really know such a thing existed, but I agree it was a mistake on my part to overlook (because I must have seen some thanked posts, but did not investigate how to thank others). Later I have thought many times to go to that thread and thank many of those posts now, but was afraid of the reaction how people would take that. Probably people would think something strange about getting thanks after months or years after their posts.
Very honestly, I have learnt tremendously from this forum, much more than I have given back to this forum. I do not know very much, but whatever little I know from experience with equipments and also about music, being involved with these things for a few decades, I perhaps can offer a bit more help especially to the newcomers than I normally do. These days I have very serious time constarints limiting my participation at times very substantially.