EL-Cheapo speakers for terrace


Sep 9, 2007
I am looking for a cheap pair of speakers to put up in my terrace.
The will be driven by CA640A v2 in the as secondary speakers (B mode).
The terrace is generally quite windy, so I assume sound will anyway be distorted. So something not really audiophile quality should be suffice.

Any suggestions?

You can try boston Voyger series they are mainly ment for these kind of applications (whether proof) they sound very decent.the construction is also impressive with proper croeeover and stuff.best part is it really cheap for that quality of speaker.

Next is Pro-Fx PRO211/212 both are good have clean sound,212 is bigger one with 5" driver so should fit the bill,but if you decide for that just make sure that you get normal 212 as there is a version with LMT for pro installation purpose which will not suite your 640.

there are other solutions aswell but I guess one of these two should do for you,in case you are from bangalore and need help just PM me.

Look at the Polk Audio Atrium series - very rugged speakers meant for outdoors and all weather conditions. Also they can be painted to blend in with the wall, etc.
Hi Particaleman,

The polkaudio Atrium what you have quoted is not excatly a EL-Cheapo (cost effective) speakers that dichkaun is looking as far as I can say becuase the Atrium45 costs 7k and 65sdi costs 12k.

Thx guys.
yes am looking for something less than 5K.
soundsgreat, any ideas on the price of boston Voyger 4 and Pro-Fx PRO211/212.
I searched the net for Pro-Fx PRO211/212, but couldn't find any information. Are they known by another name?

For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!