epos els sub vs polk dsw pro600


Active Member
May 7, 2008
hi friends i have both the subs in my system onkyo sr 606

following r noted
epos vs polk
price 31000 26000
make british usa
mode closed vented
firing forward downfiring
use music movies
perceived as tight shattering

response 20hz 28hz as heard

woofer 10 inch 12 inch

remote no yes

looks fine fine+

vfm 4/5 4.5/5
dealer decibel chennai profx chennai

valuable comments plz
Well i have heard and read that the dsw600 is a good sub, but personally i have not auditioned the same, i am personally using a polk PSW 125, as it fitted my budget and i am happy with the performance of the same
I tired various diferent subs (Wharfedale SW150, Klipsch Synergy and Phase Tech) before zeroing onto the DSW PRO

At the audition (Pro FX Chennai), I wasn't impressed to start with as the basss sounded muddy and lifeless
It turned out they had hooked the wire of the PSW lying next to the DSW instead :lol:

I ended up picking the PRO 500 and even a year down the line, I still feel i couldnt have made a better choice

Oh, BTW the 600 will be overkill unless you are planning to setup a basement den or similar
For a regular living room setup, the amount of bass (tight and punchy) w/o distortion even the 500 can produce is incredible
Hey! Guys looking for a sub. Pl give details of your spk set up as well. Infact trying them with your set up would give you a better picture.The sub has to foremost integrate well with your spks.
I have the EPOS ELS Sub and can easily say that it is far more musical and tight than the Polk can ever be. I must hasten to add that I listened only to the DSW Pro 500 but not the 600 - although I dont think there would be too much of a difference in the musicality stakes.

I would say that if the sub is primarily only to add heft to movies, then go for the Polk as it is cheaper as well as more intuitive with remote control and easy settings and all. But please note that its settings are only through the remote and the remote locks you into limited modes of settings. No manual fine tuning possible.

For those who want a sub to be precise, tight, musical yet powerful, the EPOS takes the cake. And as far as fine tuning goes, you are in luck. If you are one of those who wants every last thing done exactly right, then the EPOS ELS sub will allow you to do that and more.

Yes, it will not move furniture when functioning in 5.1 mode for movies. But for music it is in a distinctly higher class to the Polk. And it is no pushover when it comes to movies as well. The key is the distinctness it brings to the bass notes - which proves its versatility and the intricacy of engineering.
Oh and I forgot to add that the best part about the EPOS is its ability to integrate with standmount speakers (bookshelf speakers). That is another area where it is absolutely special. That is when you start feeling the sub rather than hearing it.

An example of just hearing the sub without feeling is the PSW series from Polk. The DSW is far far better in that area. :)

You are right, I did not listen to you, tried being smart got this polk.

Honestly it comes in to action only in very rare movie scenes. Not much helpful with music. since wf 9.6 got lot of bass I am saved.
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You are right, I did not listen to you, tried being smart got this polk.

Honestly it comes in to action only in very rare movie scenes. Not at all functioning with music. since wf 9 series do not need these subs I am saved.

Can you tell me how the Denon AVR + Wharfedale 9.6 will sound without a sub (for the time being I am planning to buy only these two, add the sub later).


Denon and wf9.6 are doing well without sub.
Infact sub maynot be needed at all for music. I feel the lows and mids are really very good for music.

wf can go as low as around 30Hz. I took polk as it goes up to 20Hz.

Denon and wf9.6 are doing well without sub.
Infact sub maynot be needed at all for music. I feel the lows and mids are really very good for music.

wf can go as low as around 30Hz. I took polk as it goes up to 20Hz.

Thanks a ton dude! I am planning to get a Denon 1909 with either of these speakers:
1. Wharfedale Diamond 9.6
2. Klipsch Synergy F3 (frequency response 35Hz - 23kHz +/-3dB with Two 8? woofer)
3. Quad 22L
4. Monitor Audio Silver RS6

My room is 13'x11'. Which one do you suggest?

between 1909 and wf 9.6 you should ask kumareshwar. He has this setup. and I think even anooj has. In terms of speaker between klipsch and wf. I prefer wf. Other two I have not seen.

One more thing, i basically wanted to go for 1909. since my yam 450 with 100w could not drive enough. So I thought even 1909 may be same. So I looked for higher which I could afford was 2309. This is my personal thinking which is limited anyway. I thought 2809 would have been ideal if I could afford.

good luck
sorry anooj,

I remember you saw kumareshwar setup if I am not wrong, and I thought you also went for this setup. Don't worry you can always upgrade slower the better.

between 1909 and wf 9.6 you should ask kumareshwar. He has this setup. and I think even anooj has. In terms of speaker between klipsch and wf. I prefer wf. Other two I have not seen.

One more thing, i basically wanted to go for 1909. since my yam 450 with 100w could not drive enough. So I thought even 1909 may be same. So I looked for higher which I could afford was 2309. This is my personal thinking which is limited anyway. I thought 2809 would have been ideal if I could afford.

good luck

I am attaching a comparison chart for 1909 vs. 2309 (data from denon website comparison tool). Can you point out any practical differences which might result in the 1909's inability to drive the WF6?

Will the 120W vs. 135W make the difference?



Thanks a ton dude! I am planning to get a Denon 1909 with either of these speakers:
1. Wharfedale Diamond 9.6
2. Klipsch Synergy F3 (frequency response 35Hz - 23kHz +/-3dB with Two 8? woofer)
3. Quad 22L
4. Monitor Audio Silver RS6

My room is 13'x11'. Which one do you suggest?


Bhaskie - if I may say so, the room size is rather less to warrant large floorstanding speakers. Especially one as sensitive as the Klipsch or one as powerful as the Quad 22L or the MA RS6.

Also if you see above, you have a budget floorstander in Wharfedale in that list versus the Quad which is more than twice the cost of the former! I think the esteemed members would be able to better suggest choices if you could relate your budget and your listening preferences (kind of music etc. ).

You are right, I did not listen to you, tried being smart got this polk.

Honestly it comes in to action only in very rare movie scenes. Not at all functioning with music. since wf 9 series do not need these subs I am saved.

Pradski - I even liked the Wharfedale 9.5 without a sub. So, I am damn sure that the 9.6's would be absolutely fine without a sub for music. But in movies, the heavy duty work calls for a sub. So, in a way you do seem to have made the right decision.

If I were you I would listen to music in Pure Direct, cutting out the sub and relying on the 9.6 for muscle and tenderness - both:) Good luck and congrats on the purchase.
Bhaskie - if I may say so, the room size is rather less to warrant large floorstanding speakers. Especially one as sensitive as the Klipsch or one as powerful as the Quad 22L or the MA RS6.

Also if you see above, you have a budget floorstander in Wharfedale in that list versus the Quad which is more than twice the cost of the former! I think the esteemed members would be able to better suggest choices if you could relate your budget and your listening preferences (kind of music etc. ).

Thanks for the response. I have already put up a thread on this with all the required information. Just a single response till now :(
Could you please advice on that thread?

Hi Bhaskie,

Sorry for the delay in my response. Of late I have been a lil busy and not spending much time on the forum. Main reason - Of course, I am watching a movie a day on my HT. :)

Yes. I do have the Denon 1909 paired to a Wharfedale 7.1 setup consisting 9.6 Floor standers, a 9 CM Center spkr and 2 pairs of 9 DFS for the surrounds. I have linked these to a Samsung 46A650 Full HD LCD TV and a Philips DVP 5982 DVD Player. I must say I am enjoying myself quite a lot with this setup. My wife is constantly nagging me that I am not doing anything other than watching movies. Isn't that proof enough of the performance of my HT? :)

I am really not technical abt these things but can unhesitatingly recommend the speakers to you. I have auditioned quite a few models but found these best in terms of performance and value for money.

Buy from India's official online dealer!