First post

Sunnyboy 1956

New Member
Nov 4, 2009
New Delhi
Hi Folks,
This is my first post here. Many thanks to friend Viren Bakshi for pointing me in the right direction. Live in New Delhi and have been an audio lover for nearly 40 years !! Post occasionally on A'Gon under the same moniker.
Musical preferences extend across the spectrum from jazz, classical, rock/pop to ghazals. Of late, say past 3 years or so almost exclusively into vinyl with a collection thats growing at an alarming rate!
Bye for now
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Hi yourself. Welcome abroad Pradeep!

It's an honor to interact with people with so much experience.

Hi folks,
Many many thanks for your warm welcome. I reckon I am going to enjoy myself on this home grown site. Would be delighted to connect with Delhi based audiophiles/music lovers.Viren and I occasionally get together for a musical evening and would be fun to expand the circle. Send me a PM if interested.
Cheers and Happy listening
Hi folks,
Many many thanks for your warm welcome. I reckon I am going to enjoy myself on this home grown site. Would be delighted to connect with Delhi based audiophiles/music lovers.Viren and I occasionally get together for a musical evening and would be fun to expand the circle. Send me a PM if interested.
Cheers and Happy listening

Hi Pradeep,
I would like to be part of this musical circle.

Kindest regards,
Welcome to Hifivision.
Hope to learn a lot from you. Pl post a brief description of your equipment. If possible post some pics in the showcase your audio/video equipment thread.
Good that you are already taking initiative for a music session.
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