FLAC Compression - file size difference (specific situation)

before this thread diverts towards psychosocial unstability? among music lover i demand closure of this thread :sos:


EDIT: This post is for the out-takes bin. Take 2 is below.

Closing of threads doesn't get anyone anywhere or further any understanding. All it means is that, for some reason, we are unable to discuss, and to me, that's a fail.

Sure, this is one of "those" subjects, upon which people have very fixed views, and things can heated. Short of downright rudeness or fist fighting, I don't see why a bit of heat should be feared. We're not babies.

Sure, this is one of those "here-we-go-again" subjects. There are other threads, there will be other threads.

I think the OP has an answer to his question. That has been dealt with. Any matters arising may be of interest to him, or not --- but nobody hi-jacked the thread before it was dealt with. But this stuff is a matter for the mods...
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you borned serious or you made yourself like this via practice ?
Cheers up Thad, i just trying to light up the discussion, and this topic is like :

even Einstein would have committed suicide in finding a single solution for this topic which could satisfy all, meeting all mathematical & aural conditions.
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OK, let me try this one again, having failed dismally the first time around

:eek: :eek: :eek: ...


before this thread diverts towards psychosocial unstability? among music lover i demand closure of this thread :sos:

:yahoo: :eek:hyeah: :clapping: :lol:


Did I do better this time? :licklips:

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even Einstein would have committed suicide in finding a single solution for this topic which could satisfy all meeting mathematical conditions.

You can find solution if there is a problem. But if there is a problem only in mind, there is no solution. Well, there is but we better not discuss it here. :lol:
OK, let me try this one again, having failed dismally the first time around

:eek: :eek: :eek: ...


:yahoo: :eek:hyeah: :clapping: :lol:


Did I do better this time? :licklips:


Looks like you are back to doing what you do best - "insulting" people. :cool:
Too much serious music --- must be my problem.

I love this, from a student of a great vidushi I saw this evening: "Maami tells me you are a lover of chaste music."

If I pass away in the night, let it be my epitaph!
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