Flipkart buys Letsbuy

Only hope that Letsbuy didn't do the price cutting so as to acquire customers,thereby increasing their valuation.still wondering what does flipkart gain by taking over Letsbuy.or is it a twin offering to Amazon
With Junglee.com/Amazon around the corner in Beta, this move was pretty much predictable. Expect more such acquisitions in online retailing scene. Also expect online surveys from Flipkart. Lets see how Flipkart Vs Junglee(Amazon) goes on..Flipkart should assert itself in a pretty big way. Just found this on google.

flipkart has to up the ante on affordable aaadiafeel products too;)

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What if the purchase happened by mistake? Maybe the senior execs of FK were having a conversation in an echoic tunnel. Someone asked the boss which of their competitors he was most worried about. He replied Letsbuy. The echo in the tunnel made it sound like letsbuy letsbuy.

OMG, what a sad attempt at humor.
apart from the founders, the major investors were same in both portals and apparently letsbuy was struggling to stay afloat. Once flipkart had ventured in to electronics and gadgets they had an upper edge. though i would say letsbuy at times had better deals than flipkart, at least on electronics.

flipkart site always looked more re-assuring than letsbuy, may be because of the way it was designed- the aesthetics. for me now, its one site less to open up and compare prices...:eek:hyeah:
What if the purchase happened by mistake? Maybe the senior execs of FK were having a conversation in an echoic tunnel. Someone asked the boss which of their competitors he was most worried about. He replied Letsbuy. The echo in the tunnel made it sound like letsbuy letsbuy.

OMG, what a sad attempt at humor.

lol :eek:hyeah:
Yeah, read the news in today's paper. Anyone know exactly how much the deal was worth. Neither Flipkart no Letsbuy are divulging the numbers, but industry watchers are guessing it between $20 - $25 million (yep, that US dollars).

I guess Flipkart either wants make itself attractive to Amazon by making sure it is the only player remaining in the field, OR it really wants to compete with Amazon and stay in it for the long-run.

Whatever, I wish them best of luck.
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