From Floor Standers to Stand Mounts, real estate to blame..


New Member
Oct 28, 2012
Houston, TX
It is been a while I was experimenting with my Stereo setup. While I am quite satisfied with the capabilities of the Focals, I was always struggling to give the the breathing space they demand. My space is not big enough for these big floor standers with scale and power. On top, the NAD amp is bit dusky on lower volumes. They open up once I cross 9'0 clock position on the volume dial. By then, My room is at the acoustic limit :)

It really sad to to see these beautiful machines struggle for their rights!! I am planning of either moving them to my home at my native where they have plenty of breathing space at the listening room. Or I may put on the forum for exchange.

For now, I am considering the following models and will start auditioning over the week end.

1. Focal Aria 906
2. Proac Studio 115
3. Monitor Audio Gold GX50
4. ATC SCM 11

Expecting tips from fellow FMs.

Will the NAD 356 goes decent with these speakers ? I will anyway be taking the amp for auditions.
Traveled on the same route :)
Same reason I sold focal 816 and moved to 807V. Now I feel even that is bigger for my room.
Any idea on MRP of above listed speakers?
it may not be altogether a bad idea at all.

You may experience and like something different which the 2 way standmounts can provide.

The PSB Imagine series might be good too and even better the PSB synchrony.

The dealer in Mumbai Lakozy had a pair of nice PSB Platinum M2 for sale. Please look it up on the net. It is a handsome good sounding speaker with a front port to boot.

Might just be the one for you. He was offering with stands.

It is an older model but top of the line.

Traveled on the same route :)
Same reason I sold focal 816 and moved to 807V. Now I feel even that is bigger for my room.
Any idea on MRP of above listed speakers?

Proac 115 is around 150 K retail in Bangalore. GX 50 should be in the same range or less. SCM 11 could be on higher side. Aria 906 is still not in India, but Europe prices are very attractive, around 85000 converted in INR.
356 might not do justice to the ones named! You might need an amp change too! If you intend keeping the amp, then it might need pairing with maybe 'lesser' speakers. A decision which only you would be in a position to take.

1. Room dimensions 'here', might be of help.
2. Genre of music you listen to.
356 might not do justice to the ones named! You might need an amp change too! If you intend keeping the amp, then it might need pairing with maybe 'lesser' speakers. A decision which only you would be in a position to take.

1. Room dimensions 'here', might be of help.
2. Genre of music you listen to.

Yes, I am prepared to hear a bad news for 356 once I start audition. My new place will be of 150 - 170 usable Sqft as the listening space though the living room will be bit bigger. I used to listen all kinds of music from Indian Pop to Rock to trance, occasional metal as well. Lot of music with strings. And of course a lot of ARR.
Keep the 816. That is NOT at fault. I am beginning to understand what could be the culprit. Yes, it is the amp. The 356 has a very laid back, mellow or even muddy sound/bass characteristic. You should be looking for a neutral leaning to bright amp. I personally would have loved experimenting a tube amp (6C33C) here, or maybe a higher Marantz in SS, if on a budget.
Keep the 816. That is NOT at fault. I am beginning to understand what could be the culprit. Yes, it is the amp. The 356 has a very laid back, mellow or even muddy sound/bass characteristic. You should be looking for a neutral leaning to bright amp. I personally would have loved experimenting a tube amp (6C33C) here, or maybe a higher Marantz in SS, if on a budget.

You just underlined my Suspicion :)

I was also thinking that I will listen to 816 with CA 851 amp. Only problem will be to take those heavy speakers to the audition places.
You just underlined my Suspicion :)

I was also thinking that I will listen to 816 with CA 851 amp. Only problem will be to take those heavy speakers to the audition places.

I have CA 851A amp you can try it out. AMP too heavy :)
Borrowed Vijay's CA 851 today to check. It is running for few hours and the first impression is that speakers will stay, they are not at fault.

First noticeable change is that I have a far better span of control now to adjust to the room size. Of course the bloated bass is not there, and nad sponsored veiled presentation is replaced with more open sound.

I am sure I have to replace the amp, but may not be 851 I am looking for. Nad was powerful and had lot of energy. Mids and vocals were more attractive with nad , while individual instruments had plenty of authority. 851 is a class by itself, but on a different league. I think I need a more open and deft nad. Might be a warmer amp than 851. May be the night effect, but 851 seems too clinical.

I have a full day tomorrow, and going to run all my collection. Sure to learn better of the 851:)


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Had a nice weekend with the new pairing. Thanks to vijay for facilitating this audition.

I have piece of mind now that room limitations can be compensated with right electronics. May be the higher power rating and digital volume control of 851 is allow ing me better control, far better control that I can even crank up the volume to the level it can fill the full house. I could not like the direct mode though.

Out of all the genres I tried, 851 seems to be the best suited for Bollywood and indipop. Of course the regional music will enjoy too. Vocals is bit behind the instruments , so to give an impression that the amp might be laid back type. Centering and stereo imaging is good, but NAD outperforms CA in this department. Over all, the music is enjoyable, focals are driven effortlessly by this amp.

With the music with high energy, 851 does not do the full justice. It plays a mellowed down version, but with it own sound signature. This one is not a transparent amp in my impression. What I miss was the vibrant and powerful guitar notes in eagles and my guitar Heros collection. With 851, strings were more softer and weak on energy while NAD does this quite well. But if I am not a migrant from Nad to CA, I might enjoy the CA house sound right upfront.

Overall, 851 class xd is the digital sound approach , which is on the colder side. But enjoyable and quite a good combination for focal floor standees. If I am not the one who can afford the likes of naim, 851 is the choice. I prefer Nad for larger rooms and western classical and soft rock, as well as trance.

Now need to check how the warmer tube amps sound with focals, I am sure if A warmer 851, that is the way to go.

Thank you very much vijay. It was a wonderful experience
nice to see 2 fellow members fromt he same city co-operating.

Kudos to both of you.

good luck in your search.

having owned a NAD C356 in the past, i can say that the amp is good - at its price point. As you delve deeper you will find the kind of sound you really like and a price tag attached.

That is not such a bad thing.

Maybe you may get lucky and find a pre loved amp you really like.

Great, you see the results of your experimentation. Now, before you contemplate that only the amp is at fault, I would suggest you try playing around with a few ICs ie. CD -> -> amp. You would be amazed at the kind of difference in sound clarity and signatures generated, with each IC giving out a different flavor.
I probably have a similarly sized room but it's the living room and is open to the dining area and kitchen on one side.
So, will it make sense to try and go with floor standing speakers or I should try something smaller.
I probably have a similarly sized room but it's the living room and is open to the dining area and kitchen on one side.
So, will it make sense to try and go with floor standing speakers or I should try something smaller.

Room size alone may not be your criteria. As I noted, it also depends on other factors like the speakers and electronics you choose, listening position to the placement of speakers, kind of sound you like (mid clarity, bass level etc). There are smaller FS and also there are BS which you may find louder than some FS. Decide based on audition.

Anyway, I don't think it is a bad idea to start with higher range BS than a start range FS. You can upgrade if not sufficient. That is where HFV helps :)
I was looking at the FS but now with budget cuts recommended by the high command(wifey), I will stick to BS.
Will try and listen to the Paradigm Mini Monitor & Monitor Audio Silver RX2.
Any other recommendations? Focus is purely music, will only plug it in for other purposes if it is not too much trouble.:D
whats the budget like ? maybe you will get better suggestions that way.

In the Creek family.. try to look at the 5350 or the Destiny. These are supposed to be really good and the dealer is in bangalore too.

Arcam - no idea.

Music hall - is an option.

try with Naim Nait 5i or even the Odyssey Cyclops ( if you use only 1 source ).

Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.