FYI Comprehensive graphics cards comparison charts

Afraid not. I spend too much time on computers at work, so I am glad to stay away from them when I can :)

I had the habit of building a new dream budget PC every month ( all imaginary of course!!) and would spend endless hours researching peripherals ... not anymore, but occasionally still do surf tech sites like today...

Do you enjoy gaming? I do want to try Silent life one day, perhaps soon!!

Afraid not. I spend too much time on computers at work, so I am glad to stay away from them when I can :)

I had the habit of building a new dream budget PC every month ( all imaginary of course!!) and would spend endless hours researching peripherals ... not anymore, but occasionally still do surf tech sites like today...

Do you enjoy gaming? I do want to try Silent life one day, perhaps soon!!


Yes I do enjoy gaming. I have been somewhat distracted in recent days. Blame it on newfound HT system interests.
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