Granite on Powered Subwoofer

Yeah, I had thought about covering the heatlon with the carpet cloth, but then the material attracts dust and lint, also my kantabhai would have brushed it with her wet mop every day and messed it up. It's easier to keep clean this way. And hey, I like the look of heatlon ;-)
I suggest that you put the sub on a thick carpet.Why put extra load on the cabinet?The carpet will also help in acoustic damping.No harm in trying.Experiment adds the fun to hi-fi.Happy listening.
in my experience with need to keep them as Stable as possible such that they are Coupled to the floor. I am sceptical about Rugs though..granite under should also be good. Granite over the sub increases the mass and hence couples it well to the floor as well.

last thing to put is a rubber mat under it ! you can put the rubber mat above the sub and sandwiched between the granite if you makes for a constrained layer damping whicn is very good

in the end positioning of the sub is far more important than damping it...if you can "Couple" it to the room acoustically you will get fantastic results...else it will end up being a boom box ;)

Rubber mat like the one used inside car is a bad idea at least for DSW Micropro. :) I kept this sub on such a rubber mat and it decreased the movement but later at high volume started introducing some strange sound.

In a closer examination I could see this rubber mat which flat on the floor getting sucked by passive radiator at the bottom of the sub and pushing it down to the tiles in the reverse movement :lol:. This created some strange noise similar to hitting a rubber mat on the floor.

I have tried various materials and now settled with a normal anti skid doormat that have thick cloth on upper part and thin layer of rubber material below it.

All vibrations disappeared and sub is performing well without placing any heavy materials above it.
+1 to the above, I placed my Jamo sub over a 50 bucks anti skid mat which has a very thin layer of rubber at the bottom portion. Mine is a down firing sub but with this setup I can feel very nice bass.

Adding Spikes are another alternate way to handle such problems professionally.
And one more advantage is it can minimize the vibration getting transmitted to the floor.
I have added double sided tape to the subs and the TV cabinet. That gave me good results.

Best of luck..!! and granite is really amazing idea dude...that too so much maintaince..:clapping:

May be Even i will try at least after six the subs are few months old.

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