How do the very best theatres manage 1. Their dispersion, 2. 'Centre channel' audio, 3. Their bass management, and 4. SPL?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Any reading material welcome.
Objective: to understand how things scale, considering that both in an auditorium and a room, there are actually only a handful of perfect seats.
Any reading material welcome.
Objective: to understand how things scale, considering that both in an auditorium and a room, there are actually only a handful of perfect seats.
You are right, in commercial theaters not all seats are calibrated. But systems like datasat and Trinnov has a very impressive features to manage. First most important thing is the amount of absorbing material present in the theater and many of the acoustical problems will automatically get eliminated as rooms become big and being perfect shapes. Second most important thing is the source content itself, it is completely a different mixing and sound track alone in the movie will be in GBs. If we play a normal available content in a theater it will just sound louder . Nothing more or less. I assume all the properties of sound you mentioned above are managed by equipment designed specifically for large venues like the LCR speaker array does a great job in dissipating the sound covering the entire hall.
You are right, in commercial theaters not all seats are calibrated. But systems like datasat and Trinnov has a very impressive features to manage.
Will look these up. Thanks.
First most important thing is the amount of absorbing material present in the theater and many of the acoustical problems will automatically get eliminated as rooms become big and being perfect shapes.
Yes, this is one of things I have noticed. The sidewalls of all modern theatres are full of fabric and panel.
As for shapes, most theatres I have experienced are broad behind and above and narrow front and below.
Would that be a trapezoid? Desirable?
Second most important thing is the source content itself, it is completely a different mixing and sound track alone in the movie will be in GBs.
This is true. I remember a time when indian exhibitors were moving to dvrs. The difference in pq and sq was quite noticeable.
If we play a normal available content in a theater it will just sound louder . Nothing more or less. I assume all the properties of sound you mentioned above are managed by equipment designed specifically for large venues like the LCR speaker array does a great job in dissipating the sound covering the entire hall.
Quite possible.
Thanks much. If you find some reading material, pls share?
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